First half is something that in a way should be kind of "Pro West - Pro Estonia " and other side is combination of Half foot soviet and American own home grown liberals and communists in various level. To show diversity of major media where "We - the blues" are made to sing one song, in the border of the notes that was drafted with the opponents who play all the games, levels and same time ridicule the opponents (USA blue side) to be so trained, that they just say and do what is told not even asking who sets the borders of language and thinking allowance... (and if they would not just be so good at this also, they, the Blues, could have been explained easy, that they should obey to the same Roman Empire "gods" (yes, they can penetrate time and space, so what) that other pentagram parts do by using communist, dark "witch-craft-magic", or capitalist channels with same aims: to remove religious and magical thought and only think in amounts and for reasons that is prescribed. If they want to have farm for that: Fine, some can have that also, even thought it does waste slave mass production spaces-containers for family's called apartments where they return in predictable regular way, so we know where is someones wife when someone from parallel Greek-Roman world needs, or someones creative force is needed in continues production in creativity-factory's. Yes some can stay in country side as it seems to keep genes and mind in interesting levels that seem to have interesting military applications, so it is needed to keep some part of them, perhaps even not contaminated, but not to many as then they can posses great risk, even just some of them, and as long we not sure how they access worlds that human minds should not be able to long time ago.. as long extra carefulness is needed, also needed to not kill them all as then this would make study and discovery, reverse-engineering various mental skills really hard. )
So If You look in to the average reports scanned by the same keywords and just sperating pages to left and right in raw way, You can start to see more easily the mistakes the first group seems to be doing outside, that is, if that would be the only trick, this how You are tricked, you are allowed to be tricked back, including using Roman logic on to Your face + Hebrew one... but if one is Greek-Roman.. they can only use limited Greek-Roman that does seem to have strategic advance in short time, at first. As the other side, relay a lot on to belief also.
"Ambassador Lauri Lepik and the team working for a secure Estonia and Europe. *Retweets are not endorsements"
"The Estonian Air Force (Eesti Öhuvägi) is currently the smallest air force in Europe, but was previously much larger.
At the end of the First World War, the Russian Red Army invaded Estonia, marking the beginning of a 2-year war, which ended when the independent status of Estonia was established in 1920!
The air force was founded in November 1918 and grew rapidly during the Independence War against Russia. It started with a confiscated Russian Farman HF30 and by 1930, the Estonian Air Force comprised more than 130 modern aircraft, including fighters, bombers, training aircraft and even seaplanes. After WW II all Estonian armed forces were disbanded and compulsory service in the Soviet Red Army was installed"
Before the Red Army left Estonia, they damaged or destroyed nearly all military installations, and left no useful military equipment.
18 December 1991, the Estonian Air Force was officially re-established.
The New The Estonian Air Force includes approximately 200 persons.
The first aircraft for the Estonian Air Force were three Mi-2 helicopters and three An-2, all delivered in October 1994. Although they were obtained from civil sources, all had a Soviet military history.
In 2002 the Mil helicopters were replaced by four Robinson R-44’s donated by the USA. Two of these are specially equipped for police tasks; the other two can be equipped with floats for SAR operations off the coast. The old An-2 are believed to be replaced in 2015 by two Short SH-330 (C-23 Sherpa) transport aircraft which will be donated by the United States Army.
In 2007 and 2008 the Air Force temporarily leased civil L-39 Albatrosses for pilot training; during this period the aircraft carried Estonian roundels. In 2012, two other L-39C were leased for pilot training.
Estonia’s Fledgling Air Force
MILITARY TECHNOLOGY (MILTECH) is the world's leading international tri-service defence monthly magazine in the English language. MILITARY TECHNOLOGY is "Required Reading for Defence Professionals"
Set up with help from the US Regional Airspace Initiative (RAI) and under Danish and Norwegian mentorship, the Estonian Air Force is stationed at Amari AFB, its small aviation inventory including two aging Antonov An-2 biplane transports and four Robinson R-44 helicopters. The former will soon give way to two second hand Shorts C-23B+ SHERPA light transports that will be provided by the US
On 8-9 December, six strategic bombers were intercepted close to the borders of the Baltic States: four Tupolev Tu-95 BEAR and two Tupolev Tu-22M3 BACKFIRE bombers. During the week 30 Russian fighters including Su-27 FLANKERs, Su-24 FENCERs, Su-34 FULLBACKs, and MiG-31 FOXHOUNDs, as well as transport and Ilyushin Il-20 COOT reconnaissance aircraft were also identified near the Baltic States' borders. Tarien: “The Tu-95 BEAR is a step up in Russian air activity, the presence of these aircraft clearly is a show of force.
They had not been in the area for years. Normally, it is fighters and ISR aircraft that are being intercepted with BACKFIREs occasionally being observed. While the Russians often operate out of Kaliningrad, the Tu-95s came from their home base in central Russia and returned there.”
"Spain and Belgium take over NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission"
"The 40th rotation of the NATO Baltic Air Policing mission will take place on 7 January in Lithuania and Estonia as responsibility for the mission will be transferred from Hungary and Germany to Spain and Belgium."
four Eurofighter Typhoon jets based in Šiauliai, Lithuania. Four Belgian F-16 fighter jets will be based at the Ämari airbase in Estonia.
The Estonian Prime Minister, Taavi Rõivas, expressed hope that during the NATO Summit in Warsaw in 2016 a decision as to the permanent presence of Alliance troops in "Estonia and neighboring countries" will be made. An interview with the Estonian Prime Minister was published on Monday, January 12th, in the newspaper Postimees.
// why in world we need to "hope" for something they must and want to do?
And we have to pay for that top of that? What kind of ... is that
"A total of 12 F-15C Eagles and close to 350, along with the support equipment, have deployed from the 131st Fighther Squadron, from the Bames Air National Guard Base, in Massachusetts, and the 194th Fighter Squadron, from the Fresno Air National Guard Base, in California.
The form part of a Theatre Security Package that will support Operation Atlantic Resolve, for a period of six months. They will be carrying out surveillance missions and training exercises with the allies in the region. For that reason, they are expected to forward deploy to other parts of Europe, such as Bulgaria, Romania and Estonia.
Their main bases in Europe will be Keflavik in Iceland and Leeuwarden in the Netherlands. While at the latter, they will take part in Exercise Frisian Flag. It is an international exercise aimed at enhancing interoperability, planning and execution among allied partners.
These rotational deployments were first initiated in 2014, to reassure allied countries while deterring Russia. Iceland had been a strategic location for the US and NATO in the North Atlantic. A US base in the country had been operational until 2006. Since 2008, NATO has been responsible for the air control and policing of the area, although the Russian Air Force has increased its presence with long range flights of its strategic bombers.
NATO to scale back enhanced Baltic Air Policing Mission
"only the US and Estonia have passed the 2% of GDP threshold that every NATO nation pledged to have as their goal for military expenditure.
According to a new study from the European Leadership Network (ELN), six nations will increase their budgets in 2015 while six military budgets will shrink. France’s budget will remain flat. And the UK and Germany, two of the largest military powers in Europe, will be among those seeing their budgets shrink.
Likewise, Latvia is undertaking a gradual increase and aims at reaching the target goal by 2020. Lithuania, which is so concerned over potential Russian aggression that it will bring back military conscription starting in 2016, increased its defense budget from 0.78% to 1.11%.
NATO Intercepts 26 Russian Planes in 24 Hours (a lot of comments, story deleted)
Wasp Earthenware • a year ago
Because they are flying into our designated air space which is regarded as our territory, just as land and maritime areas are. Clearly, the Russians are testing our reaction times for reasons known only to themselves.
During the Cold War Years the Russians sent their 'Bear' bombers into our airspace at least once a month. This tailed off when we thought Communism collapsed (which it didn't, it only moved Westwards), but now they seem to be stepping up their intelligence gathering missions.
And, the Russians have been known to shoot down aircraft that 'stray' into their airspace, so, who knows, perhaps they are trying to provoke an international incident, though God knows why.
Earthenware conservativemind12 • a year ago
How do you know what their motivation is? The US flies planes all over the world. Are they testing everyone's military responses?
conservativemind12 Earthenware • a year ago
Because they fly along the fringe space of those nations until they are escorted away. This happens pretty much every time and if there is no response they just cross the border until there is one. Such as the case with Estonia last week.
Why are you being such an apologist? It's quite blatant what they're up to.
"Russian military airplanes caused 266 incidents this year, which jets from Ämari airbase have had to respond to."
"“An incident is one where a non-NATO military aircraft flies over the Gulf of Finland or the Baltic Sea in neutral airspace, lacking a flight plan, transponder or two-way radio contact with air traffic control, transponders switched off”"
Hardi Lämmergas said that when he began on air surveillance in 2003, there were such incidents in the dozens each year, while now it can happen 10 times a day."
"U.S. Air Force A-10 attack planes have arrived in Estonia"
"As a sign that the Baltic region is becoming increasingly important to counter the Russian threat, now the Thunderbolts have arrived in Estonia, one of the Baltic States whose airspace is defended by NATO through the Baltic Air Policing mission and where some 14 F-16s from Aviano Air Base have been stationed until mid April."
// Okey what is the point of telling how long you keep in them there and ... what is that?
What is that people business to know how long they will stay there or why?
"Why NATO's Military Might Is Focused On Estonia "
"And they can sleep anywhere at the drop of a hat. It's a skill I rather envy as we take off from RAF Akrotiri on route to Tallinn."
"Corunna Company are heading to Estonia to take part in the country's biggest exercise since the Cold War. A two hour coach journey from Tallinn brings us to an army barracks near the eastern town of Johvi. The Russian border is just 20 miles away. "
"Corunna Company, along with a small number of soldiers from eight other NATO nations, are here to test these various military forces; to play the bad guys and see how well these Estonian reservists can be mobilised to fight off a border incursion. "
"Alongside the NATO nations there's one other, perhaps suprising, country on the invite list: Russia. The size of the mobilisation contravenes a long-standing agreement between Estonia and Moscow. It means Russian observers will be here on the ground watching this exercise. "
// once more :
""Alongside the NATO nations there's one other, perhaps suprising, country on the invite list: Russia"
"This is a country of vast, endless woodland. Enter it and you can barely see more than a few metres in any direction. And underfoot there's a tangle of saplings ready to snap your ankles. Not the easiest soldiering terrain. The saving grace is the peaty earth - far more comfortable to sleep on than damp British soil the soldiers tell me. "
" ‘Joint Viking’: Norway buzzes Russian border with biggest military drill since Cold War "
"Unprecedented war games involving 5,000 Norwegian troops and 400 vehicles have started in Norway’s northernmost province, bordering Russia. The biggest exercises since Cold War days will last for a week, amid growing tensions between Russia and NATO"
‘Joint Viking’, Norway’s biggest military training exercise in nearly fifty years, is being held in the country’s far northeast Finnmark County, above the Arctic Circle. The region borders Russia’s Kola Peninsula. The last time a similar military exercise was conducted in Finnmark was in 1967.
“Today the army will transport their vehicles and crews to Finnmark and begin exercise Joint Viking. This is an operative exercise with all weapons and branches involved,” Norwegian Army spokesperson Lt. Col. Aleksander Jankov said. “To illustrate the magnitude of this, I can mention that if we put the vehicles one after another on the road it will stretch 6km.”
Norway is planning a large joint air force exercise for May, in which more than 100 planes from eight NATO member states are going to take part in the Arctic Challenge Exercise in the skies of the Barents Sea region. The joint task force will be performing training lights from airfields in Luleå (Sweden), Rovaniemi (Finland) and Bodø (Norway).
"Last October Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that in 2015 Russia will be ready to “meet unwelcome guests” coming from any direction, after completing a network of radar stations in the Arctic. ( / "
"In February 2015, Shoigu confirmed that Russia may consider protecting its national interests ( in the Arctic with military means if necessary, pointing to the increasing interest in the region’s resources by countries with no direct access to the Arctic. “The constant military presence in the Arctic and a possibility to protect the state’s interests by the military means are regarded as an integral part of the general policy to guarantee national security,” Shoigu said at a Ministry of Defense meeting."
//but same time:
"Just a couple of years ago Norway and Russia, which share a Barents Sea coastline and an almost-200km border, used to hold joint military trainings. The last one, named Pomor, was held in 2013 and involved visits by Norwegian battleships to Russia’s port of Severomorsk and the Russian Navy calling to the Norway’s port of Tromsø in the north."
"The Ilyushin IL-20 “intelligence collection aircraft”, which took off from the Russian Baltic coast enclave of Kaliningrad yesterday, was first intercepted by Danish F-16 jets when it approached Denmark"
"Portuguese F-16s spotted the Russian propeller plane and escorted it out of NATO airspace, the alliance said "
"The Swedish Navy meanwhile has been searching for a suspected Russian submarine off the coast of Stockholm for nearly a week"
// OKEY; WHY was it not shoot down?
// When you go in to China, Turkey and Russia or North Korea or any other self respecting airbase WHIT A SPY PLANE.. for sure not leasure trip, MILLITARY SPY PLANE... then they will just esccort you out? While one was collecting information for Your destruction ? Or perhaps some other reason, like how to grow better apple trees or measuring wheather information?
This planes MUST be damaged, in a way, they have to make forced landing, on our space, and thne they will have to pay FOR the anumission and FOR the airplane trasportation in to their land back with a pilot, after airplane will be completly reverge engieneerd.
As lng this kind of behavor is not on practice, then we can not take seriouslly one.
Yes, there is a danger, that airplane will crash on to living people house, yes, as there will be also sad when cluster bilogical bomb or somthing else will crash on Your schools later on.
There should be and is special air tools, to hijack a airplanes, to trap them and force to land, even if they are suecidal.
// millegi kartuses, on muidugi KÕIK järgmise postituse kommentaarid kustutatud. Oh meid oh meid... kuid eks nii parem ole, et robotid ei saaks profiilida.
"The US President pledged on Wednesday in a speech given in the Estonian capital Tallinn that NATO would defend its Baltic allies against possible Russian threat. US President's speech in full."
Estonia has used up all NATO flight hours
Estonia was this year allocated 35 flight hours, and all of those hours are used up, said defence ministry spokesman Artur Jugaste.
The flight hours were used to bring the Estonian infantry unit back from Afghanistan.
In the framework of the NATO Strategic Airlift Capability programme (SAC), the participating countries jointly sourced three Boeing C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft, the use of which is shared between the countries. The aircraft is located in Papa air base in Hungary.
For Estonia, participation in the SAC programme costs a total of 43.2 million euros, which will be paid over 26 years.
SAC programme includes Bulgaria, Estonia, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary and the United States, and NATO Partnership for Peace programme participating states Finland and Sweden. The program is estimated to last until 2035. "
// yea, this is how You deal with freinds uh? Strategically important friends? Make us eat mud, and let us pay for things that YOU need for YOUR peace of mind and domination ? This is so wrong in so many levels, that is hard to comperhand, bastard commies in USA army have to be eliminated and hanged with their ties
Serioussly, no good for One Nation under God!
""The Eastern Europeans have only been free of Soviet occupation for 25 years," said Christopher Harmer, a military analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, a nonpartisan public policy group in Washington. "That memory is still fresh.""
// What that suppose to mean ?
// You recon?
"President Toomas Hendrik Ilves: Estonia is firmly protected"
"A total of nearly 6000 servicemen, members of the Defence League, reservists and allied soldiers are participating in 'Spring Storm'. -"
"President Toomas Hendrik Ilves attended the 'Spring Storm' large-scale exercise of the Defence Forces today (which as of yesterday forms part of the NATO exercise 'Steadfast Javelin') and met with Prince Harry, who is visiting Estonia."
"NATO jets scrambled more than 400 times this year for Russian intercepts"
"UK Royal Air Force Typhoons, similar to this one seen in 2014, scrambled to intercept Russian bombers flying near British airspace, the British Defence Ministry said. It is one of the latest incidents in what NATO has said is an increase in Russian military flights near alliance members' territory."
"That's a 50% increase in Russian air activity over last year and the kind of activity that harkens back to the days of the Cold War, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said during a visit to NATO member Estonia on Thursday."
"In a report earlier this month, the European Leadership Network listed more than 40 "close military encounters between Russia and the West" that took place in the eight months from March to October of this year."
Stoltenberg said NATO had seen “more than 100 intercepts, which is three times more than last year” around the Baltic region alone, but reiterated that the alliance would protect its members.
“It is all for one and one for all,” he said.
He later traveled to Latvian capital Riga, where he reacted to Russia’s Wednesday call for Ukraine to stay out of the NATO alliance.
Requiring Kiev to give such a guarantee violates “the idea of respecting the independence, the sovereignty of Ukraine,” he said after talks with Latvian President Andris Berzins.
“Each and every country has the right to decide its own security arrangements.”
He said he expects Russia to “respect” the decision of Ukraine were it to apply for NATO membership “later on.”
Three of those, including a near collision between a Russian military plane and a Swedish passenger aircraft carrying 132 people, were classified as "high-risk" incidents that could have led to direct military confrontation between Russia and the West, according to the report, titled "Dangerous Brinksmanship." ( )
Russia also has said it will expand its military flights, with Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu saying this month that Russian military aircraft would be flying along U.S. coasts and even into the Gulf of Mexico. ( ) "We have to maintain (Russia's) military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico," including sending bombers "as part of the drills," Shoigu said.
"And we have also deployed more ships in the Baltic Sea. And since the start of this year, NATO allies have conducted over 200 exercises," Stoltenberg said
// How fking mental is that?? And trilla-lulla in TV same time ? We shold start shooting some medicine on air to the ones who keeps us @ aleep
"Though the public’s attention is shifting to the Middle East, the standoff with Russia remains no less serious as it slips off the front pages. Even though the ceasefire appears to be holding, more or less, in Ukraine, Russia’s provocations in the region continue apace. As the FT reminds us, Russian military aircraft continue to conduct frequent incursions into NATO airspace—particularly over the wary Baltic states:"
"The Western leaders’ biggest blunder during this crisis was talking a big game on Ukraine without being at all prepared to back up their promises with any concrete commitments. Putin has very successfully called their bluff. Does Putin now truly believe that NATO is in fact a paper tiger, and that it would stand idly by if armed Russian spetsnaz started showing up in restive areas of Latvia? Does NATO have contingency plans for dealing with the kind of slow-moving non-war disguised as an independence movement that has the full backing of Russia’s armed forces just beyond the border?"
Exelis wins $8M contract to provide radars to Estonia
The largest NATO exercise ever held in the Baltic region relied
on elements of the Maryland and Michigan Air National Guard
for critical air support.
Remember, these story come up with on this same search, same keywords, they just separated in two groups.
Some might feel, that them all is not "leftist" or "Liberal" or "communist" or "anti-west" or "Russian" or "soviet" or "Greek-Roman minded" or "devils" or "Satan's workers" or "anti religious" or "zombie-robot acting unknowingly as useful idiot" or "knowingly working on the side of they of the chaos " or "on the side of pure business before spirit value" or "anti Jewish" or just simply, not all they seem to be as opponents to NATO and UN true value.
But they are, mostly yes, if something strongly picked in to eye like this one website that should not be on the upper "right" side but down "wrong" side, but who i can not remember right now, red, news site i think.. with not a lot of text i think.. but can not think for a moment on it.. just so You know, slight mistakes is in, innit, upper part, mostly because they REALLY do not have difference when they will not wake up on time and start to move and say nature things out loud, for vegetarianism, Matriarchy and Shamanic Christian Regions (aka direct experience nature tools to access truths that we to retarded to access directly in normal world. )
For warmup, starters:
NATO Military Parade in Narva, Estonia, greeted by...Russian flag and Soviet national anthem
Nigel Farage "warned" about Russia Ukraine in 2008
2007: Putin:
2015: Putin: (more interesting one)
"Russia should not be concerned about NATO expansion, as they are not going to do anything rather than some symbolic financial gestures, Jeffrey F. Addicott, Director of Center for Terrorism Law at St. Mary's University School of Law in Texas told RIA Novosti."
“Putin understands that NATO is largely a paper tiger,” Addicott said, adding that the alliance is now more in a defensive mode.
“The Russian leader also realizes that their signals to send out some additional ships here and there, or do some additional flights really mean nothing.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke for almost four hours to his people Thursday, with the rest of the world listening in.
“Knowing that NATO is primarily composed of American muscle, Putin is correctly reading their signals not to do anything of great significance,” the professor said, noting that Germany, England and France will not use military force in any way either. “The situation is clearly in his favor now,” Addicott added.
Although NATO will continue to maintain a presence in countries that are already members, including new members like Poland and some satellite countries of the former Soviet Union, Addicott is certain that the alliance will not make any moves to expand. More, Addicott feels it is unrealistic for them to try to do so.
“Many countries in Europe don’t really have a military, they have not put any type of financial support into it,” the professor stated.
“Their weapons are antiquated, their training is ridiculous, they have no structure, and their officer corps depleted,” he explained.
Addicott stressed that NATO countries are not prepared to fight for anything or anyone.
“And Ukraine is not another country,” he asserted.
"Is Estonia Worth a War?"
"No one near the levers of power in Washington suggested that Ukraine’s territorial integrity was worth risking a war with Russia. That stark reality offers an opportunity to evaluate U.S. alliances. Which European countries should the United States be willing to go to war with Russia over?"
" commitment to a number of countries that are less strategically important than Ukraine. Since no one in Washington favored fighting for Ukrainian sovereignty, would they really threaten it over, say, Estonia?
"Georgia is still on track to NATO membership, despite two of its provinces being occupied by Russian troops, and claimed he is “100 percent sure” that NATO would invoke Article 5 if Estonia were attacked. As to what it would do after invoking Article 5, though, Rasmussen demurred:
" Actually, it’s part of our deterrence that you never know which decision we will take. Our potential adversary doesn’t know exactly how NATO will react… ambiguity strengthens the deterrence… ""
One wonders. In particular, it is difficult to see how, absent any alliance commitments, American elites would favor fighting for Talinn
but not for Kyiv. If anything, Crimea by itself is at least as strategically valuable as any of the Baltic states. So the argument that the same Washington in which no one suggested fighting Russia over Ukraine would fight it over Estonia seems to rely on the idea that the alliance commitment itself creates an interest worth fighting over."
"If deterrence were to fail, one could imagine two scenarios that would pull in the United States. The first is via concern over international credibility. A president, or a Congress, may worry about the impact of abandoning an ally on other U.S. commitments from Germany to Japan. This argument wonders, “Who will ever believe us again if we reneged on a commitment to a formal treaty ally?” While intuitively plausible, this theory has been tested and found wanting. "
But the fact that Washington would not have to fight for its credibility might not prevent it from doing so anyway.
"Justin Logan is director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute."
"To recapitulate, what’s libertarian about our foreign policy is a concern for those second- order implications. As to the first-order judgments about how dangerous the world really is, a political theory that prioritizes liberty is only so much help. Only in extreme circumstances — one example being the Iraq War — could we say that a foreign policy is blindingly anti-libertarian.
So what do libertarians (or conservatives or liberals) need to bring to the table in order to think about these first-order considerations? They need theories of international politics and foreign policy. They need an understanding of how states relate to one another, what causes conflicts, and how to judge those threats. With some exceptions, libertarian foreign policy scholars embrace a school of thought called realism. Realism is a pessimistic view of the world. It holds that states jealously compete with one another for power and position. It’s skeptical about how states use and in many cases abuse power against one another."
2014, April 4: "Estonia: NATO’s Gambit Against Russia"
/(She is His wife: )
" US officials and their mainstream media strumpets have been doing a great deal of querulous grousing over Russian troops said to be “massing” along Ukraine’s border. What they don’t mention is what precisely has been “massing” for a number of years outside Russia’s border—in the Baltic state of Estonia."
"Last month a leaked phone conversation of the EU’s Catherine Ashton brought forth strong evidence that people in Ukraine’s Maidan, both protesters and police alike, had been shot by snipers employed by the opposition. Alert readers may recall that the person speaking with Ashton on the other end of the phone line was Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet."
// OKey, phono call is available in internet, why did Youn not link it here?
Since 2004, when it officially became part of the NATO alliance, Estonia has increasingly become a key piece on the NATO global chessboard. Its capital, Talinn, is just 225 miles from St. Petersburg, Russia’s second largest city. Located a mere thirty minute drive out of Talinn is the Ämari Air Base, which in Soviet times hosted a military aerodrome, or landing/departure outpost, but in 2010 Estonia completed a three-year project, jointly funded with NATO, under which it upgraded, expanded and modernized the airbase to accommodate NATO war planes and transport aircraft.
" As of 2010, Ämari could accommodate 16 NATO fighter jets and up to 20 transport planes. Imagine if Russia were to build a military installation of this sort 225 miles from a major US city. Imagine the angst and hysteria we would hear. "
// right about chessboard, but about border, who asked them to get their borders so larrge, nextto us, who have been there ower 8000 years before ?
"In December of last year, as events in Ukraine were unfolding, Estonia signed a procurement agreement for an advanced military radar system to be supplied by a US company, ITT Exelis, and which will be installed at Ämari. According to the Estonian Ministry of Defense, the radar is an important step for airbases in the process of adapting to NATO standards.
On March 18, two days after the people of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, Vice President Joe Biden met with Estonian Prime Minister Toomas Hendrik Ilves in Warsaw, Poland, after which the two held a joint press conference. Both were on the same page as regards the events in Ukraine—each voicing objections to Russia’s “illegal” actions in Crimea and its putative violation of Ukraine’s “territorial integrity.”
“The Ukrainian crisis is something that causes concern for all people who believe in freedom and justice and rule of law, and also even in international law, where we see such blatant cases of aggression, of violations of international law, where, if the international community does not stand up, the international order will collapse because the kinds of behavior we’ve seen is dangerous for the world,” said Ilves.
Engaging in what could reasonably be viewed as warmongering, Ilves called for the “East-West relationship” to be “put on a new standing” in the world, while Biden, evoking “history,” exuded some belligerent rhetoric of his own.
“The Estonian people, like many of Russia’s neighbors, have a personal stake in what’s happening in Ukraine,” Biden said. “Your history reminds us of how vigilant you have to remain. And today, Mr. President, we’ve consulted on a path ahead
The full text of both Biden’s and Ilves’ remarks can be found here:
But then there is another side and turn to a website, to give it a taste (as we all know, actual enemy of Jewish peole is "liberals" the original dark Roman Empire forces behind Soviet Gov. who despice relgious look of life, as their programming is current "jew is bad and anyone who colobarates with them is bad, and top of that as we mentioned before USA supporter and Nazi.. how ever illogical that is without extra explenation (that explenation i margus will not provide, for them)") so they add:
"According to the website of the Estonian Foreign Ministry, the first Estonian film festival took place in Israel during April and May of 2010; Estonian artists and performers routinely tour to the Jewish state; and in the Israeli Knesset there is an “Estonian friendship group” that is chaired by Knesset member Rina Frenkel. Also it seems the holocaust is extensively taught in Estonian public schools, while even teachers, apparently, are required to undergo holocaust training as well.
“The project is funded by the Estonian government and Yad Vashem,” says the Foreign Ministry website. “The most recent course took place in July 2012. The programme includes an overview of Jewish culture, history, Zionism, Nazism, Judaism in past eras, the life of contemporary Jews before the Holocaust, the Holocaust in the Soviet Union and Europe, and tips for how to address the topic of the Holocaust in school lessons.”"
"Also Estonia has been given the kosher seal of approval from the World Jewish Restitution Organization insofar as it is “the only country in Eastern Europe to which the WJRO makes no demands,” boasts the Foreign Ministry website."
// so all that, just made us all look much more better and intelligent then one might think... thank You for that!
"Meanwhile the rhetoric relentlessly heats up. This past week, following the meetings in Brussels, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen accused Russia of “violating every principle and international commitment it has made, first and foremost the commitment not to invade other countries.”
But it isn’t only by air that NATO is encroaching upon Russia’s borders. Last November, just as the protests were getting underway in Ukraine, NATO carried out a major war game exercise called Operation Steadfast Jazz. The exercises were conducted principally in Latvia and Poland, but all 28 NATO members, plus Finland, Sweden, and Ukraine, participated. Air, ground, and maritime forces were all integrated into the games.
NATO’s mission in Afghanistan..."
// again, did You notice, the SAME battern that You will see in website on next comment?
You just comment in pure, what is whorstwhat someone has revealed about You, you say it as "they say so..." .. and then direct topic to some other place... and the statement and meaning behind it was neutralised on human subconsious who read it among undecided. Specially.
I just love the quality of these kind of sites and posts, it is clear tosee when a smarter persons have done writing. //
// What a theory:
"Who benefits if the world’s two most advanced military powers should clash? A war between the US and Russia, even if it doesn’t go nuclear, would largely consume their respective military resources and capabilities and financially ravage both countries. This would set up a situation whereby Israel would be well placed to become the dominant power in the West, while China would rule the East.
The US has no interests whatsoever in Ukraine. Russia, while it could be provoked and propelled into a war with the West, likewise obviously has no desire for such."
// 2015
(World Socialist Website)
"NATO scrambles jets against Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea"
"According to the British Ministry of Defense, the fighter pilots identified four Sukhoi jets, four MiG fighters, and two transport planes engaged in routine training exercises.
This was followed, on July 29, by the intercept of a dozen Russian aircraft in international airspace off the Latvian coast also engaged in routine activity"
"The 1991 dissolution of the USSR with the restoration of capitalism in Eastern Europe left the Russian-administered Kaliningrad region cut off from any land route to the rest of Russia. The territory is surrounded by Poland to the south and Latvia to the north and east, all of which have subsequently become members of NATO. As a result, any Russian military plane flying to and from Kaliningrad must fly past the airspace of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, making them targets for NATO intercepts."
Then comes this:
“In the last year, Russia’s air activity close to NATO borders has increased in quantity and complexity,” a NATO official told the Financial Times. “Russian aircraft often fly without their transponders switched on, without filing flights plans and without communicating with air traffic authorities.”
In fact, the confrontation that is now escalating in the Baltics is due above all to a provocative military escalation by the United States and the NATO powers in Eastern Europe since last year’s NATO-backed putsch in Kiev led to a proxy war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine.
Jumped to this..
Noticed that?
Just mentioning truth what US told in some NY newspaper about
"fly without their transponders switched on"
and then jumping to new topic as it would be continnuin talk...
What about telling, DO They why "fly without their transponders switched on" or not ?
What if they DO fly like that ? Why Can one say YES or NO about it ?
Becouse if they would, it would be lie, and socialist can not lie, in usual public media fact based lies, as then it would lower entire standard amopng these who know truth and would rspond with a strike.
But in here, You mention the "terrorist for sure was terrorist as it had the bomb and throw it" in the format, that is "they told so" (and let you wonder was it...) and when You now read it or notice from another websites the plain fact, that transporters WAS off, then this does not register in human mind as some kind of important fact as socialist them self told about it... (even tho.. we newer did find out.. was they of, what they are, and why they needed.. and why would ever anyone turn them off impurpose knowing what that indicates)
(they even not hiding their sides)
‘All about money’: NATO spending debate focuses on ‘Russian threat’
The ELN report reveals that Estonia is the only country after the US to meet the NATO target of spending 2 percent of GDP on the military. Lithuania meanwhile will see a sharp one-third rise in its defense budget.
All of the Baltic States have big contracts for purchasing weapons from their richer NATO allies.
Estonia recently negotiated acquisition of the $55 million Javelin anti-tank missile system. It has also signed what’s been described as “the largest procurement contract ever” for purchasing 44 infantry combat vehicles worth €138 million ($154 million) from the Netherlands.
Former MI6 chief, Sir John Sawers, called for a rise in defense spending, also mentioning the “threat” coming out of Russia “not necessarily directly to the UK, but to countries around its periphery.”
“The level of threat posed by Moscow has increased and we have to be prepared to take the defensive measures necessary to defend ourselves, defend our allies – which now extend as far as the Baltic States and Central Europe,” Sawers said, according to the Guardian.
Russia’s Defense Ministry has consistently denied all reports of its personnel or hardware being involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, calling NATO’s allegations “groundless.”
Among “proof” of the “Russian aggression” there have been fake photos of the Russian tanks, which eventually turned out to have been taken in a different place at a different time, a supposed Russian airplane in British airspace, that turned out to be Latvian, and mysterious “Russian submarines” in Swedish waters – which never were found.
“Demonizing” Russia plays well into the hands of the military, believes former NATO intelligence analyst, Lt Cdr Martin Packard.
“I think this is a period when everybody is trying to get more money out of their exchequers for upping the rearmament,” Packard told RT’s ‘In the Now’. “So that seems to be so in Britain, probably in America too. Military forces in a way need to have an enemy. It suits them to have an enemy.”
Germany does not feel like increasing the military budget at any cost.
2015: one more mixed conspiracy site with some colors what is told:
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Brave Vladimir Putin is determined to destroy the Illuminati, describing the destruction of the world’s most elusive organisation as the ‘most important legacy’ he could possibly leave behind, and according to Kremlin sources he understands the role of Islam in the Illuminati’s plan is to start World War 3.
In Russia there is an old saying that roughly translates to ‘If you don’t understand the past, you won’t be able to understand the present, or shape the future.’ Putin lives by this saying. According to sources he has been studying the history of the Illuminati so he can understand their plans and destroy the invasive organisation before its roots and branches spread too far and wide around the world and it becomes too late.
Albert Pike’s ‘sequence of three world wars prediction’ is of particular interest. Albert Pike was a top Illuminati Grand Wizard, a notorious Luciferian, and a General for the Confederacy in the American civil war. In the 1880s he openly stated that Islam will be the central component in World War 3, and that the Illuminati will lead Islam into direct confrontation with the West.
We have already seen what the New World Order has done with Islam. They have used it to foment a crisis, a clash of civilisations. Make no mistake, the Illuminati is using Islam to achieve its goals.
It is documented that Albert Pike wrote a letter to a friend in 1871 outlining the final and largest of the three world wars – World War III. According to close friends of Putin, he believes this letter is much more than simple correspondence between friends. He believes it serves as a blueprint that spells out exactly what will happen in the last war, and it is being followed by the Illuminati to this day.
In this notorious letter/blueprint, Albert Pike is recorded as saying his military program might take 100 years or a little longer to reach the day when those who direct the conspiracy at the top will crown their leader King-despot of the entire world, and impose a Luciferian totalitarian dictatorship upon what is left of the human race.
Pike seems to indicate a conspiracy to start a war so that the Antichrist can ascent to his position as world ruler.
Pike’s letter also details the specifics of the first two world wars – with chilling accuracy:
“World War I must be bought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Tsars in Russian and of making that country a fortress of atheistic communism.”
“The second World War will be fought for two reasons. To establish the State of Israel, and to expand communist control over Europe.”
“World War III must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world.”
According to Pike, Islam will be the central factor in the downfall of the West. Islam will then be decimated itself, allowing for the new religion of Luciferianism to spread on the earth. All Muslims will fall for this system. There isn’t a single Muslim on this earth who will not submit to the religion of the New World Order, according to Pike’s historical prophecies.
Islam is merely the Illuminati’s tool to destroy the West. They followed Pike’s blueprint when they destroyed the World Trade Centre in 2001 and blamed it on Muslims. The crisis that would come was a long awaited prophetic fulfilment. As Albert Pike had predicted, Islam was the religion used to foment a crisis.
And as we all know, from that point things only got worse. What is the common factor every time you see a crisis? Who is behind it?
And the Illuminati want you to believe it is inherently a problem with Islam. They want you to remain ignorant of the truth: that they are using the religion to achieve their ultimate goal – to destroy the West as we know it, and usher in a New World Order.
It has all been mapped out. We have seen what they are doing with the migrant crisis, and with terror attacks, and so on. They are using Islam to stir the pot. Only through understanding the history of the Illuminati can we possibly understand the present state of the world, and make sure the Illuminati does not shape our future.
Which brings us to Trump’s critique: that NATO is a “bad deal” because we bear a disproportionate share of the costs. He is quite correct on this score. As of today, the US and Estonia are the only two NATO members keeping to the “requirement” that their military spending equals two percent of GDP. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates pointed this out in a 2011 speech in which he predicted that NATO’s future was sure to be “dim if not dismal.” Our shiftless allies are all too “willing and eager for American taxpayers to assume the growing security burden left by reductions in European defense budgets,” he said.
Added to the direct costs of NATO is the expense of stationing over 60,000 troops in Europe, maintenance of our many bases, and the opportunity costs of money that could have been diverted to productive domestic uses. Taft, it seems, was right that the costs of NATO would turn out to be “incalculable.”
And then there is yet another cost – the price of risking World War III.
NATO expansion has led to Russian rearmament and the nullification of arms treaties negotiated as the cold war neared its endpoint. The Western powers have launched provocative military “exercises” that cannot be seen by the Russians as anything other than a dress rehearsal for war – and the Kremlin has reacted accordingly.
With his plan – or, rather, inclination – to abandon the old NATO and replace it with some sort of multilateral counterterrorist operation, and his insistence that our “allies” pay up, Trump is forcing an issue onto the stage that hasn’t been seen since the days of Bob Taft. And with the bogeyman of Communism absent, he is free to say he could get along with Vladimir Putin and only catch flak from committed neocons.
Russia is doubling the number of its strategic nuclear warheads on new missiles by deploying multiple reentry vehicles that have put Moscow over the limit set by the New START arms treaty, according to Pentagon officials.
A recent intelligence assessment of the Russian strategic warhead buildup shows that the increase is the result of the addition of multiple, independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs, on recently deployed road-mobile SS-27 and submarine-launched SS-N-32 missiles, said officials familiar with reports of the buildup.
“The Russians are doubling their warhead output,” said one official. “They will be exceeding the New START [arms treaty] levels because of MIRVing these new systems.”
The 2010 treaty requires the United States and Russia to reduce deployed warheads to 1,550 warheads by February 2018.
The United States has cut its warhead stockpiles significantly in recent years. Moscow, however, has increased its numbers of deployed warheads and new weapons.
The State Department revealed in January that Russia currently has exceeded the New START warhead limit by 98 warheads, deploying a total number of 1,648 warheads. The U.S. level currently is below the treaty level at 1,538 warheads.
(on comments much talk (comments on right wing website, it seems, kind of) :
" "Reading just how much Putin is in the head of every American without having actually done anything is nothing short of amazing. Now there's a man who knows how to play the game."
""I would get along" is not the basis of a foreign policy plan. It's a cop out for someone who doesn't actually understand the issues and has no idea how to respond to the question. Trump actually make's Obama's foreign policy almost look rational."
""Trust Me, it will be great. Putin will love me. The Russians love me. I rented to one. Lovely people. It will be great.""
Here's what Republican hero Bush said about the GOP messiah Putin:
"I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. I was able to get a sense of his soul. I wouldn't have invited him to my ranch if I didn't trust him."
And what did Bush do when Russia invaded Georgia?
Marco Rubio admits on Meet The Press that Bush did:
"Of course they would get along. They're both thugs, reprobates and sociopaths."
"What The Donald doesn't say is Putin respects no one, he didn't respect Bush, either one, he didn't respect Blair or Thatcher or even BIBI or any western leader, well he might have respected Reagan, after all he did sell Missiles to Iran, an open act of treason on the United States, Putin would have seen that as a very good thing. ")
Ower 750 videos.
"The alliance is currently in the final stages of preparations for Trident Juncture 2015, the alliance’s largest military exercises since 2002, which will involve 36,000 soldiers from more than 30 countries participating in drills in Spain, Italy and Portugal."
( )
Black Mohammed Lee Commented on it:
" Lithuania is to Kaliningrad's north and east. Latvia in no way borders Kaliningrad. If Russia is shaking in its totalitarian boots over the tiny, rotating U.S. forces in eastern Europe, it must be because its military forces are too inept to handle anything but a NATO exercise. Pansies. ""
SCI Comment:
"Yes, it appears, they are going to keep increasing the activity level. If and when, it happens its going to be---maybe not even enough time to figure out what happened and who did what. We will be lucky to even boot up the computer and read the days reports. At some point during the Ukraine problems, a statement by one of the Russians was directed at the US. "Do they think they are immune, do they think they can get by untouched. " After reading Charles Knause and the report. I do not think the Russian comment was just reactionary response to the moments heat. Roosevelt dropped two bombs , one for the Japanese and one to let Stalin know , lives mean nothing to the US maintaining its power. And the US will not think twice. And unlike the sheepish world population, these men think nothing of sacrificing their sheep , not the EU, US or Russians."
and "Comrades, let us not delude ourselves with the trappings of past performances and possibilities. History is full of 1st time conquer's . Any thing is possible, but could of, would of, should of, will not be words that will be spoken, EVER , once an incident happens. The only choice they are giving one another is mutually assured destruction with a first strike and you are out. At that point Einstein will have predicted the future
of WW4 being fought with sticks and stones. They will become more and more push and shove oriented. U can bet a hubris american pilot will be all it takes. I kid u not."
"Moscow: NATO plans deployment of aircraft carrying nuclear weapons near Russian borders"
he Russian Foreign Ministry has pointed to the possible deployment of NATO strike aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons near the Russian border.
U.S. Air Force exercises which began in Estonia after March 20 at the Baltic training ranges and above the Baltic Sea can be regarded as "a way to enhance the Air Force presence of the United States and some other NATO countries near the western borders of the Russian Federation," ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said at a press briefing on Thursday.
"It is our biggest concern that the Estonian Defense Ministry sees these exercises as the beginning of operations of a U.S. Air Force training center at the Amari base which, actually, may be proof of the intentions of certain alliance member countries to permanently deploy strike aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons near the Russian border," Lukashevich said.
"The ongoing growth of the U.S. combat potential near the Russian border in the context of plans bolstering NATO military presence and infrastructure on the so-called eastern flank… is not just escalating regional tensions. It is also fraught with long-term negative consequences for security of the entire Euro-Atlantic space," he said.
Moscow will not stay indifferent to U.S. decision on lethal arms supplies to Kiev>>> //
Russia will not stay indifferent to Washington's possible decision to begin supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine, Alexei Pushkov, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee in the State Duma, the lower chamber of Russia's parliament, has said
Estonia: Doomed Without Russia
Estonia is to suffer most as a result of this dubious policy. The damage to agricultural sector hit by Russia’s retaliatory measures is significant enough for this small country. Complying with instructions received from Washington and Brussels the Estonian economy has lost 38,7% of cheese and curds market or $ 36,1 million of profits, 16, 7% of milk and sour milk ($19, 3 million), 21, 9% of frozen fish ($17, 7 million). The Estonian producers have lost 40, 1% ($7, 3million) of yogurt, kefir and other milk and fermented milk products’ market. The demand for lactoserum fell by 18, 4%, as a result the Estonian budget was deprived of $2, 5 million. Estonia has lost 13% of pork market ($5, 1 million)…
All told Estonia has lost at least $100 million according to preliminary estimates. Before the «sanctions war» was unleashed Estonia was one of three major agricultural exporters to Russia after Lithuania and Finland and leaving behind Latvia, Norway and Poland. 13% of Estonian exports fall on Russia making it the third largest exporter after Sweden and Finland.
Russia consumes over 20% of Estonian agricultural production, with milk production accounting for a quarter of the whole export.
Here are the figures. Economic expert, entrepreneur and former Minister Raivo Vare predicts that sanctions can cost us the loss of up to 3% of GDP, more than half a billion euros. It’s not agriculture only. It will also strike on transit that brings in significant income to Estonian budget.
The Estonian Institute for Market Research has recently published a report saying the overall loss is may be 150 million euros. The direct loss is only 75 million euros, the sum of the banned products exported to Russia annually, while that figure doubles as many raw ingredients are exported to neighboring countries, which would have been processed and sent to Russia. Marje Josing, the head of the institute, said cheese manufacturers are suffering the most with their losses calculated at 27 million euros.
// so much truth in here another level, as we get hit by at least 3% of GDP compared to what should be and what would be with minds like us, and then we are forced to buy millitary stuff that world richest economy needs to secure THEIR position, no going to talk about culural value as thets another topic for another kind of people for now, nut we can ensure, whis is what we would provide here to the end is what USA needs to stay in history as positive force, after all. Not just in own mind as every regime and cult nad country, important is to see if everyone sees you as good. Or is there even a single good that sees you as no good?
What about evils, are they all hate you, why ? This can be solved, easy!
For sure, we not doomed, as we was here before and will be here after, after all, we from the family who made All, but.. do we need to suffer in a way that You also suffer with us ?
the real truth is anyway so hard in many ways and releaving, but do we?
In a ironic note, "they say it was serious, 600 meters in nato air space..lmao"
"Estonia has summoned Russia's ambassador over an airspace violation by a Russian military aircraft. Estonia's foreign ministry spokeswoman said violation was serious, adding that the Baltic country "demands an explanation" as to why a Russian Ilyushin-20 surveillance aircraft crossed into its airspace on October 21. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, meanwhile, NATO said in a statement fighter jets from Denmark, Portugal, as well as non-NATO member Sweden were involved in intercepting the Russian aircraft as it flew over the Baltic Sea. It said the aircraft strayed some 600 meters into NATO airspace."
"Estonia jails three men over spying for Russian security services - Business Insider
Tue Feb 23 EST 2016 | Business Insider
TALLINN (Reuters) - Three men have been jailed for spying for Russia, Estonia's state prosecutor's office said on Tuesday, an unusual case targeting low-level smugglers that comes amid heightened concern over muscular Russian foreign policy in eastern Europe. Relations between Estonia, a north-eastern Baltic country and a member of the EU and NATO since 2004, and Russia, its eastern neighbor and former ruler, are increasingly tense after Russian special forces occupied Ukraine's Crimea region a
"The parade, which also included US armored vehicles, passed at one point within 300 meters of the borders with Russia. Narva happens to be a predominantly Russian-speaking city. Considering the stepped up repression of the Russian-speaking minority in the Baltic states as a result of both the civil war in Ukraine and the economic crisis in these countries that has grown worse due to the EU policy of sanctions, one cannot rule out the possibility the governments of these countries will turn to their own neo-Nazis for help. The parade was likely intended to intimidate the local population, but usually such measures have the opposite effect, as both the flag-waver and the ironic commentary provided by the individual filming it suggest. "
The slow death of Nato
Without Cold War clarity, it's failing miserably to face up to Putin
The Cold War was won by 26 words contained within article five of the Treaty of Washington, which founded Nato in 1949: ‘The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all.’
There was no wriggling and no qualification. The message to Stalin was perfectly clear: you nibble at one inch of Western Europe and you won’t just get an ad hoc response from war-weary Europeans; you will have to face a nuclear-armed Uncle Sam. The last time Britain held a Nato summit, in 1990, the organisation was triumphant. Little wonder that the newly liberated nations of Eastern Europe flocked to join Nato in the years which followed; membership promised to end any threat of their falling under Russian influence again. A few years later, the Kosovo campaign showed Nato’s relevance after the Cold War.
But its relevance today is harder to ascertain. That Nato’s next summit will be held at a Welsh golf club seems to symbolise the problem. Nato has slipped into a middle-age comfort zone, reminiscing about its past achievements.
Article five remains unchanged in the Treaty of Washington, but it is becoming less and less credible by the day. Where Joseph Stalin had no reason to doubt that the founder members of Nato were serious, Vladimir Putin can be confident that if he causes mischief today, there will be no coherent or strategic response from an exhausted and indebted West. Putin has already helped himself to a chunk of the Ukraine without a single Nato tank being moved. It’s true that Ukraine is not a member of Nato, but common sense would dictate that, as Putin encroaches eastwards, the forces of Nato should not play dead.
Putin, keen to test these new boundaries, may reasonably wonder what the reaction would be were he to send an expeditionary force across the border of one of the Baltic states, which are Nato members. He can use the same pretext as he used in Ukraine — ethnic Russians need defending. Perhaps one of the Baltic mayors or local government officials whom Moscow has been carefully grooming could appeal for help. Or perhaps Putin could stir up some more trouble in Kosovo. The result would surely be more hand-wringing, followed by more inaction.
As a measure of how unprepared Nato is for the newly emerging threat from Putin’s Russia, the best it could muster for a rare exercise in the Baltic states last year was 6,000 troops. A joint Russian-Belorussian exercise at the same time involved 60,000 troops. As for air defence, the Nato mission in the Baltic states usually consists of a miserly four aircraft, modestly bolstered in recent months since the Ukraine crisis.
It is becoming painfully clear that if Putin were to send a tank over the border into Lithuania, the response from Nato countries would be exactly the same as it was when he annexed Crimea. Our leaders would wave their metaphorical eight-irons in Putin’s direction. But the only real weapons which Nato countries would have to offer would be rhetorical ones. That is not how the first Cold War was won, and it won’t win the second
Different type of hardcore reds, with stronger factPacks:
All these American boots on the ground in theory should be coordinating, soon, with a new, spectacularly surrealist 34-country "Islamic" coalition (Iran was not invited), set up to fight ISIS/ISIL/Daesh by no less than the ideological matrix of all strands of Salafi-jihadism: Wahhabi Saudi Arabia.
Syria is now Coalition Central. There are at least four; the "4+1" (Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq plus Hezbollah), which is actually fighting Daesh; the US-led coalition, a sort of mini NATO-GCC combo, but with the GCC doing nothing; the Russia-France direct military collaboration; and the new Saudi-led "Islamic" charade. They are pitted against an astonishing number of Salafi-jhadi coalitions and alliances of convenience that last from a few months to a few hours.
And then there's Turkey, which under Sultan Erdogan plays a vicious double game.
Sarajevo All Over Again?
"Tense" does not even begin to describe the current Russia-Turkey geopolitical tension, which shows no sign of abating. The Empire of Chaos lavishly profits from it as a privileged spectator; as long as the tension lasts, prospects of Eurasia integration are hampered.
Russian intel has certainly played all possible scenarios involving a NATO Turkish army on the Turkish-Syrian border as well as the possibility of Ankara closing the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles for the Russian "Syria Express." Erdogan may not be foolish enough to offer Russia yet another casus belli. But Moscow is taking no chances.
Russia has placed ships and submarines capable of launching nuclear missiles in case Turkey under the cover of NATO decides to strike out against the Russian position. President Putin has been clear; Russia will use nuclear weapons if necessary if conventional forces are threatened.
If Ankara opts for a suicide mission of knocking out yet another Su-24, or Su-34, Russia will simply clear the airspace all across the border via the S-400s. If Ankara under the cover of NATO responds by launching the Turkish Army on Russian positions, Russia will use nuclear missiles, drawing NATO into war not only in Syria but potentially also in Europe. And this would include using nuclear missiles to keep Russian strategic use of the Bosphorus open.
That's how we can draw a parallel of Syria today as the equivalent of Sarajevo 1914.
Since mid-2014 the Pentagon has run all manner of war games -- as many as 16 times, under different scenarios -- pitting NATO against Russia. All scenarios were favorable to NATO. All simulations yielded the same victor: Russia.
Zbigniew "Grand Chessboard" Brzezinski's 1997 opus to know US foreign policy revolves around one single overarching theme: prevent -- by all means necessary -- the emergence of a power, or powers, capable of constraining Washington's unilateral swagger, not only in Eurasia but across the world.
The Pentagon carries the same message embedded in newspeak: the Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine.
The Pentagon is now engaged in a Vietnam-style escalation of boots on the ground across "Syraq." Fifty commandos are already in northern Syria "advising" the YPG Syrian Kurds as well as a few "moderate" Sunnis. Translation: telling them what Washington wants them to do. The official White House spin is that these commandos "support local forces" (Obama's words) in cutting off supply lines leading to the fake "Caliphate" capital, Raqqa.
Ukraine -- once part of the Soviet Union -- has become a CIA theme park. Having orchestrated a coup in Kiev, Washington effectively controls a regime that is next door and hostile to Russia: a regime rotten with Nazis, literally. Prominent parliamentary figures in Ukraine are the political descendants of the notorious OUN and UPA fascists. They openly praise Hitler and call for the persecution and expulsion of the Russian speaking minority.
This is seldom news in the West, or it is inverted to suppress the truth. In Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia -- next door to Russia -- the US military is deploying combat troops, tanks, heavy weapons. This extreme provocation of the world's second nuclear power is met with silence in the West.
What makes the prospect of nuclear war even more dangerous is a parallel campaign against China. Seldom a day passes when China is not elevated to the status of a "threat." According to Admiral Harry Harris, the US Pacific commander, China is "building a great wall of sand in the South China Sea."
What he is referring to is China building airstrips in the Spratly Islands, which are the subject of a dispute with the Philippines -- a dispute without priority until Washington pressured and bribed the government in Manila and the Pentagon launched a propaganda campaign called "freedom of navigation."
What does this really mean? It means freedom for American warships to patrol and dominate the coastal waters of China. Try to imagine the American reaction if Chinese warships did the same off the coast of California.
I made a film called The War You Don't See, in which I interviewed distinguished journalists in America and Britain: reporters such as Dan Rather of CBS, Rageh Omar of the BBC, David Rose of the Observer.
3) Current US destabilizing shenanigans along Russia's huge borders (Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Belarus and more) are creating a pincer effect on Moscow. Putin's government knows they are on the take down list. The US-NATO are provoking Russia to militarily respond in order to justify further western moves toward regime change. A very dangerous game.
4) We know that Obama is the magician
"... It is reasonable to infer that Shklar would have taken a dim view of all this claptrap. “The consequences of political spirituality,” she wrote, “are far less elevating than it might seem. Politically it has usual served as an excuse for orgies of destruction.”
Nazi symbols on helmets worn by members of Ukraine's Azov battalion. (As filmed by a Norwegian film crew and shown on German TV)
Nazi symbols on helmets worn by members of Ukraine’s Azov battalion. (As filmed by a Norwegian film crew and shown on German TV)
How do we apply Shklar’s criteria to the situation in Ukraine as it obtains today? In Shklar’s vision of liberalism, there are absolute minimums which societies need to meet. From what I saw, Kiev is not meeting them.
The Ukraine crisis poses some very tough questions on the nature of statehood and nationality within the modern European nation-state. As the British political scientist Richard Sakwa has noted...""
"Lt. Gen. Frederick Ben Hodges, the commanding general of US Army forces in Europe, talked to ERR about the nationwide mobilization exercise Siil/Steadfast Javelin and Estonia's security situation.
“I was very impressed with what I saw of Estonian soldiers, from General Terras on down, the quality of the exercise, the ability to mobilize 10,000 reservists,”"
"Hodges also lauded Estonian soldiers' camouflage skills and their ability to move seamlessly through forest terrain."
Asked about the security situation, Hodges said that in his opinion, Estonia is doing exactly what it should be doing. “The political, civilian leadership here has made hard, smart choices to invest - Estonia is a leader in the Alliance in that regard,” he said, adding that Estonia has understood that “defense begins at home first.”
So If You look in to the average reports scanned by the same keywords and just sperating pages to left and right in raw way, You can start to see more easily the mistakes the first group seems to be doing outside, that is, if that would be the only trick, this how You are tricked, you are allowed to be tricked back, including using Roman logic on to Your face + Hebrew one... but if one is Greek-Roman.. they can only use limited Greek-Roman that does seem to have strategic advance in short time, at first. As the other side, relay a lot on to belief also.
"Ambassador Lauri Lepik and the team working for a secure Estonia and Europe. *Retweets are not endorsements"
"The Estonian Air Force (Eesti Öhuvägi) is currently the smallest air force in Europe, but was previously much larger.
At the end of the First World War, the Russian Red Army invaded Estonia, marking the beginning of a 2-year war, which ended when the independent status of Estonia was established in 1920!
The air force was founded in November 1918 and grew rapidly during the Independence War against Russia. It started with a confiscated Russian Farman HF30 and by 1930, the Estonian Air Force comprised more than 130 modern aircraft, including fighters, bombers, training aircraft and even seaplanes. After WW II all Estonian armed forces were disbanded and compulsory service in the Soviet Red Army was installed"
Before the Red Army left Estonia, they damaged or destroyed nearly all military installations, and left no useful military equipment.
18 December 1991, the Estonian Air Force was officially re-established.
The New The Estonian Air Force includes approximately 200 persons.
The first aircraft for the Estonian Air Force were three Mi-2 helicopters and three An-2, all delivered in October 1994. Although they were obtained from civil sources, all had a Soviet military history.
In 2002 the Mil helicopters were replaced by four Robinson R-44’s donated by the USA. Two of these are specially equipped for police tasks; the other two can be equipped with floats for SAR operations off the coast. The old An-2 are believed to be replaced in 2015 by two Short SH-330 (C-23 Sherpa) transport aircraft which will be donated by the United States Army.
In 2007 and 2008 the Air Force temporarily leased civil L-39 Albatrosses for pilot training; during this period the aircraft carried Estonian roundels. In 2012, two other L-39C were leased for pilot training.
Estonia’s Fledgling Air Force
MILITARY TECHNOLOGY (MILTECH) is the world's leading international tri-service defence monthly magazine in the English language. MILITARY TECHNOLOGY is "Required Reading for Defence Professionals"
Set up with help from the US Regional Airspace Initiative (RAI) and under Danish and Norwegian mentorship, the Estonian Air Force is stationed at Amari AFB, its small aviation inventory including two aging Antonov An-2 biplane transports and four Robinson R-44 helicopters. The former will soon give way to two second hand Shorts C-23B+ SHERPA light transports that will be provided by the US
On 8-9 December, six strategic bombers were intercepted close to the borders of the Baltic States: four Tupolev Tu-95 BEAR and two Tupolev Tu-22M3 BACKFIRE bombers. During the week 30 Russian fighters including Su-27 FLANKERs, Su-24 FENCERs, Su-34 FULLBACKs, and MiG-31 FOXHOUNDs, as well as transport and Ilyushin Il-20 COOT reconnaissance aircraft were also identified near the Baltic States' borders. Tarien: “The Tu-95 BEAR is a step up in Russian air activity, the presence of these aircraft clearly is a show of force.
They had not been in the area for years. Normally, it is fighters and ISR aircraft that are being intercepted with BACKFIREs occasionally being observed. While the Russians often operate out of Kaliningrad, the Tu-95s came from their home base in central Russia and returned there.”
"Spain and Belgium take over NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission"
"The 40th rotation of the NATO Baltic Air Policing mission will take place on 7 January in Lithuania and Estonia as responsibility for the mission will be transferred from Hungary and Germany to Spain and Belgium."
four Eurofighter Typhoon jets based in Šiauliai, Lithuania. Four Belgian F-16 fighter jets will be based at the Ämari airbase in Estonia.
The Estonian Prime Minister, Taavi Rõivas, expressed hope that during the NATO Summit in Warsaw in 2016 a decision as to the permanent presence of Alliance troops in "Estonia and neighboring countries" will be made. An interview with the Estonian Prime Minister was published on Monday, January 12th, in the newspaper Postimees.
// why in world we need to "hope" for something they must and want to do?
And we have to pay for that top of that? What kind of ... is that
"A total of 12 F-15C Eagles and close to 350, along with the support equipment, have deployed from the 131st Fighther Squadron, from the Bames Air National Guard Base, in Massachusetts, and the 194th Fighter Squadron, from the Fresno Air National Guard Base, in California.
The form part of a Theatre Security Package that will support Operation Atlantic Resolve, for a period of six months. They will be carrying out surveillance missions and training exercises with the allies in the region. For that reason, they are expected to forward deploy to other parts of Europe, such as Bulgaria, Romania and Estonia.
Their main bases in Europe will be Keflavik in Iceland and Leeuwarden in the Netherlands. While at the latter, they will take part in Exercise Frisian Flag. It is an international exercise aimed at enhancing interoperability, planning and execution among allied partners.
These rotational deployments were first initiated in 2014, to reassure allied countries while deterring Russia. Iceland had been a strategic location for the US and NATO in the North Atlantic. A US base in the country had been operational until 2006. Since 2008, NATO has been responsible for the air control and policing of the area, although the Russian Air Force has increased its presence with long range flights of its strategic bombers.
NATO to scale back enhanced Baltic Air Policing Mission
"only the US and Estonia have passed the 2% of GDP threshold that every NATO nation pledged to have as their goal for military expenditure.
According to a new study from the European Leadership Network (ELN), six nations will increase their budgets in 2015 while six military budgets will shrink. France’s budget will remain flat. And the UK and Germany, two of the largest military powers in Europe, will be among those seeing their budgets shrink.
Likewise, Latvia is undertaking a gradual increase and aims at reaching the target goal by 2020. Lithuania, which is so concerned over potential Russian aggression that it will bring back military conscription starting in 2016, increased its defense budget from 0.78% to 1.11%.
NATO Intercepts 26 Russian Planes in 24 Hours (a lot of comments, story deleted)
Wasp Earthenware • a year ago
Because they are flying into our designated air space which is regarded as our territory, just as land and maritime areas are. Clearly, the Russians are testing our reaction times for reasons known only to themselves.
During the Cold War Years the Russians sent their 'Bear' bombers into our airspace at least once a month. This tailed off when we thought Communism collapsed (which it didn't, it only moved Westwards), but now they seem to be stepping up their intelligence gathering missions.
And, the Russians have been known to shoot down aircraft that 'stray' into their airspace, so, who knows, perhaps they are trying to provoke an international incident, though God knows why.
Earthenware conservativemind12 • a year ago
How do you know what their motivation is? The US flies planes all over the world. Are they testing everyone's military responses?
conservativemind12 Earthenware • a year ago
Because they fly along the fringe space of those nations until they are escorted away. This happens pretty much every time and if there is no response they just cross the border until there is one. Such as the case with Estonia last week.
Why are you being such an apologist? It's quite blatant what they're up to.
"Russian military airplanes caused 266 incidents this year, which jets from Ämari airbase have had to respond to."
"“An incident is one where a non-NATO military aircraft flies over the Gulf of Finland or the Baltic Sea in neutral airspace, lacking a flight plan, transponder or two-way radio contact with air traffic control, transponders switched off”"
Hardi Lämmergas said that when he began on air surveillance in 2003, there were such incidents in the dozens each year, while now it can happen 10 times a day."
"U.S. Air Force A-10 attack planes have arrived in Estonia"
"As a sign that the Baltic region is becoming increasingly important to counter the Russian threat, now the Thunderbolts have arrived in Estonia, one of the Baltic States whose airspace is defended by NATO through the Baltic Air Policing mission and where some 14 F-16s from Aviano Air Base have been stationed until mid April."
// Okey what is the point of telling how long you keep in them there and ... what is that?
What is that people business to know how long they will stay there or why?
"Why NATO's Military Might Is Focused On Estonia "
"And they can sleep anywhere at the drop of a hat. It's a skill I rather envy as we take off from RAF Akrotiri on route to Tallinn."
"Corunna Company are heading to Estonia to take part in the country's biggest exercise since the Cold War. A two hour coach journey from Tallinn brings us to an army barracks near the eastern town of Johvi. The Russian border is just 20 miles away. "
"Corunna Company, along with a small number of soldiers from eight other NATO nations, are here to test these various military forces; to play the bad guys and see how well these Estonian reservists can be mobilised to fight off a border incursion. "
"Alongside the NATO nations there's one other, perhaps suprising, country on the invite list: Russia. The size of the mobilisation contravenes a long-standing agreement between Estonia and Moscow. It means Russian observers will be here on the ground watching this exercise. "
// once more :
""Alongside the NATO nations there's one other, perhaps suprising, country on the invite list: Russia"
"This is a country of vast, endless woodland. Enter it and you can barely see more than a few metres in any direction. And underfoot there's a tangle of saplings ready to snap your ankles. Not the easiest soldiering terrain. The saving grace is the peaty earth - far more comfortable to sleep on than damp British soil the soldiers tell me. "
" ‘Joint Viking’: Norway buzzes Russian border with biggest military drill since Cold War "
"Unprecedented war games involving 5,000 Norwegian troops and 400 vehicles have started in Norway’s northernmost province, bordering Russia. The biggest exercises since Cold War days will last for a week, amid growing tensions between Russia and NATO"
‘Joint Viking’, Norway’s biggest military training exercise in nearly fifty years, is being held in the country’s far northeast Finnmark County, above the Arctic Circle. The region borders Russia’s Kola Peninsula. The last time a similar military exercise was conducted in Finnmark was in 1967.
“Today the army will transport their vehicles and crews to Finnmark and begin exercise Joint Viking. This is an operative exercise with all weapons and branches involved,” Norwegian Army spokesperson Lt. Col. Aleksander Jankov said. “To illustrate the magnitude of this, I can mention that if we put the vehicles one after another on the road it will stretch 6km.”
Norway is planning a large joint air force exercise for May, in which more than 100 planes from eight NATO member states are going to take part in the Arctic Challenge Exercise in the skies of the Barents Sea region. The joint task force will be performing training lights from airfields in Luleå (Sweden), Rovaniemi (Finland) and Bodø (Norway).
"Last October Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that in 2015 Russia will be ready to “meet unwelcome guests” coming from any direction, after completing a network of radar stations in the Arctic. ( / "
"In February 2015, Shoigu confirmed that Russia may consider protecting its national interests ( in the Arctic with military means if necessary, pointing to the increasing interest in the region’s resources by countries with no direct access to the Arctic. “The constant military presence in the Arctic and a possibility to protect the state’s interests by the military means are regarded as an integral part of the general policy to guarantee national security,” Shoigu said at a Ministry of Defense meeting."
//but same time:
"Just a couple of years ago Norway and Russia, which share a Barents Sea coastline and an almost-200km border, used to hold joint military trainings. The last one, named Pomor, was held in 2013 and involved visits by Norwegian battleships to Russia’s port of Severomorsk and the Russian Navy calling to the Norway’s port of Tromsø in the north."
"The Ilyushin IL-20 “intelligence collection aircraft”, which took off from the Russian Baltic coast enclave of Kaliningrad yesterday, was first intercepted by Danish F-16 jets when it approached Denmark"
"Portuguese F-16s spotted the Russian propeller plane and escorted it out of NATO airspace, the alliance said "
"The Swedish Navy meanwhile has been searching for a suspected Russian submarine off the coast of Stockholm for nearly a week"
// OKEY; WHY was it not shoot down?
// When you go in to China, Turkey and Russia or North Korea or any other self respecting airbase WHIT A SPY PLANE.. for sure not leasure trip, MILLITARY SPY PLANE... then they will just esccort you out? While one was collecting information for Your destruction ? Or perhaps some other reason, like how to grow better apple trees or measuring wheather information?
This planes MUST be damaged, in a way, they have to make forced landing, on our space, and thne they will have to pay FOR the anumission and FOR the airplane trasportation in to their land back with a pilot, after airplane will be completly reverge engieneerd.
As lng this kind of behavor is not on practice, then we can not take seriouslly one.
Yes, there is a danger, that airplane will crash on to living people house, yes, as there will be also sad when cluster bilogical bomb or somthing else will crash on Your schools later on.
There should be and is special air tools, to hijack a airplanes, to trap them and force to land, even if they are suecidal.
// millegi kartuses, on muidugi KÕIK järgmise postituse kommentaarid kustutatud. Oh meid oh meid... kuid eks nii parem ole, et robotid ei saaks profiilida.
"The US President pledged on Wednesday in a speech given in the Estonian capital Tallinn that NATO would defend its Baltic allies against possible Russian threat. US President's speech in full."
Estonia has used up all NATO flight hours
Estonia was this year allocated 35 flight hours, and all of those hours are used up, said defence ministry spokesman Artur Jugaste.
The flight hours were used to bring the Estonian infantry unit back from Afghanistan.
In the framework of the NATO Strategic Airlift Capability programme (SAC), the participating countries jointly sourced three Boeing C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft, the use of which is shared between the countries. The aircraft is located in Papa air base in Hungary.
For Estonia, participation in the SAC programme costs a total of 43.2 million euros, which will be paid over 26 years.
SAC programme includes Bulgaria, Estonia, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary and the United States, and NATO Partnership for Peace programme participating states Finland and Sweden. The program is estimated to last until 2035. "
// yea, this is how You deal with freinds uh? Strategically important friends? Make us eat mud, and let us pay for things that YOU need for YOUR peace of mind and domination ? This is so wrong in so many levels, that is hard to comperhand, bastard commies in USA army have to be eliminated and hanged with their ties
Serioussly, no good for One Nation under God!
""The Eastern Europeans have only been free of Soviet occupation for 25 years," said Christopher Harmer, a military analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, a nonpartisan public policy group in Washington. "That memory is still fresh.""
// What that suppose to mean ?
// You recon?
"President Toomas Hendrik Ilves: Estonia is firmly protected"
"A total of nearly 6000 servicemen, members of the Defence League, reservists and allied soldiers are participating in 'Spring Storm'. -"
"President Toomas Hendrik Ilves attended the 'Spring Storm' large-scale exercise of the Defence Forces today (which as of yesterday forms part of the NATO exercise 'Steadfast Javelin') and met with Prince Harry, who is visiting Estonia."
"NATO jets scrambled more than 400 times this year for Russian intercepts"
"UK Royal Air Force Typhoons, similar to this one seen in 2014, scrambled to intercept Russian bombers flying near British airspace, the British Defence Ministry said. It is one of the latest incidents in what NATO has said is an increase in Russian military flights near alliance members' territory."
"That's a 50% increase in Russian air activity over last year and the kind of activity that harkens back to the days of the Cold War, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said during a visit to NATO member Estonia on Thursday."
"In a report earlier this month, the European Leadership Network listed more than 40 "close military encounters between Russia and the West" that took place in the eight months from March to October of this year."
Stoltenberg said NATO had seen “more than 100 intercepts, which is three times more than last year” around the Baltic region alone, but reiterated that the alliance would protect its members.
“It is all for one and one for all,” he said.
He later traveled to Latvian capital Riga, where he reacted to Russia’s Wednesday call for Ukraine to stay out of the NATO alliance.
Requiring Kiev to give such a guarantee violates “the idea of respecting the independence, the sovereignty of Ukraine,” he said after talks with Latvian President Andris Berzins.
“Each and every country has the right to decide its own security arrangements.”
He said he expects Russia to “respect” the decision of Ukraine were it to apply for NATO membership “later on.”
Three of those, including a near collision between a Russian military plane and a Swedish passenger aircraft carrying 132 people, were classified as "high-risk" incidents that could have led to direct military confrontation between Russia and the West, according to the report, titled "Dangerous Brinksmanship." ( )
Russia also has said it will expand its military flights, with Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu saying this month that Russian military aircraft would be flying along U.S. coasts and even into the Gulf of Mexico. ( ) "We have to maintain (Russia's) military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico," including sending bombers "as part of the drills," Shoigu said.
"And we have also deployed more ships in the Baltic Sea. And since the start of this year, NATO allies have conducted over 200 exercises," Stoltenberg said
// How fking mental is that?? And trilla-lulla in TV same time ? We shold start shooting some medicine on air to the ones who keeps us @ aleep
"Though the public’s attention is shifting to the Middle East, the standoff with Russia remains no less serious as it slips off the front pages. Even though the ceasefire appears to be holding, more or less, in Ukraine, Russia’s provocations in the region continue apace. As the FT reminds us, Russian military aircraft continue to conduct frequent incursions into NATO airspace—particularly over the wary Baltic states:"
"The Western leaders’ biggest blunder during this crisis was talking a big game on Ukraine without being at all prepared to back up their promises with any concrete commitments. Putin has very successfully called their bluff. Does Putin now truly believe that NATO is in fact a paper tiger, and that it would stand idly by if armed Russian spetsnaz started showing up in restive areas of Latvia? Does NATO have contingency plans for dealing with the kind of slow-moving non-war disguised as an independence movement that has the full backing of Russia’s armed forces just beyond the border?"
Exelis wins $8M contract to provide radars to Estonia
The largest NATO exercise ever held in the Baltic region relied
on elements of the Maryland and Michigan Air National Guard
for critical air support.
As You can see, most of the story is the same thing over and over again.. with a little exotic information and something that would make people feel and think more then just in one emotion scale. Perhaps in 1-2 strongly, but this is the ones who was before already mostly.. but larger group more and more... have greater amount of facts, better lies and reasons and story.. that they can piece by piece throw at the ones who complain about the silly intersection story's .
These kind of story is only point to say when You shoot down some or when You shoot and miss. Just reporting that they was... does nothing more in peoples mind then "whatever" .
Remember, these story come up with on this same search, same keywords, they just separated in two groups.
Some might feel, that them all is not "leftist" or "Liberal" or "communist" or "anti-west" or "Russian" or "soviet" or "Greek-Roman minded" or "devils" or "Satan's workers" or "anti religious" or "zombie-robot acting unknowingly as useful idiot" or "knowingly working on the side of they of the chaos " or "on the side of pure business before spirit value" or "anti Jewish" or just simply, not all they seem to be as opponents to NATO and UN true value.
But they are, mostly yes, if something strongly picked in to eye like this one website that should not be on the upper "right" side but down "wrong" side, but who i can not remember right now, red, news site i think.. with not a lot of text i think.. but can not think for a moment on it.. just so You know, slight mistakes is in, innit, upper part, mostly because they REALLY do not have difference when they will not wake up on time and start to move and say nature things out loud, for vegetarianism, Matriarchy and Shamanic Christian Regions (aka direct experience nature tools to access truths that we to retarded to access directly in normal world. )
For warmup, starters:
NATO Military Parade in Narva, Estonia, greeted by...Russian flag and Soviet national anthem
Nigel Farage "warned" about Russia Ukraine in 2008
2007: Putin:
2015: Putin: (more interesting one)
"Russia should not be concerned about NATO expansion, as they are not going to do anything rather than some symbolic financial gestures, Jeffrey F. Addicott, Director of Center for Terrorism Law at St. Mary's University School of Law in Texas told RIA Novosti."
“Putin understands that NATO is largely a paper tiger,” Addicott said, adding that the alliance is now more in a defensive mode.
“The Russian leader also realizes that their signals to send out some additional ships here and there, or do some additional flights really mean nothing.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke for almost four hours to his people Thursday, with the rest of the world listening in.
“Knowing that NATO is primarily composed of American muscle, Putin is correctly reading their signals not to do anything of great significance,” the professor said, noting that Germany, England and France will not use military force in any way either. “The situation is clearly in his favor now,” Addicott added.
Although NATO will continue to maintain a presence in countries that are already members, including new members like Poland and some satellite countries of the former Soviet Union, Addicott is certain that the alliance will not make any moves to expand. More, Addicott feels it is unrealistic for them to try to do so.
“Many countries in Europe don’t really have a military, they have not put any type of financial support into it,” the professor stated.
“Their weapons are antiquated, their training is ridiculous, they have no structure, and their officer corps depleted,” he explained.
Addicott stressed that NATO countries are not prepared to fight for anything or anyone.
“And Ukraine is not another country,” he asserted.
"Is Estonia Worth a War?"
"No one near the levers of power in Washington suggested that Ukraine’s territorial integrity was worth risking a war with Russia. That stark reality offers an opportunity to evaluate U.S. alliances. Which European countries should the United States be willing to go to war with Russia over?"
" commitment to a number of countries that are less strategically important than Ukraine. Since no one in Washington favored fighting for Ukrainian sovereignty, would they really threaten it over, say, Estonia?
"Georgia is still on track to NATO membership, despite two of its provinces being occupied by Russian troops, and claimed he is “100 percent sure” that NATO would invoke Article 5 if Estonia were attacked. As to what it would do after invoking Article 5, though, Rasmussen demurred:
" Actually, it’s part of our deterrence that you never know which decision we will take. Our potential adversary doesn’t know exactly how NATO will react… ambiguity strengthens the deterrence… ""
One wonders. In particular, it is difficult to see how, absent any alliance commitments, American elites would favor fighting for Talinn
but not for Kyiv. If anything, Crimea by itself is at least as strategically valuable as any of the Baltic states. So the argument that the same Washington in which no one suggested fighting Russia over Ukraine would fight it over Estonia seems to rely on the idea that the alliance commitment itself creates an interest worth fighting over."
"If deterrence were to fail, one could imagine two scenarios that would pull in the United States. The first is via concern over international credibility. A president, or a Congress, may worry about the impact of abandoning an ally on other U.S. commitments from Germany to Japan. This argument wonders, “Who will ever believe us again if we reneged on a commitment to a formal treaty ally?” While intuitively plausible, this theory has been tested and found wanting. "
But the fact that Washington would not have to fight for its credibility might not prevent it from doing so anyway.
"Justin Logan is director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute."
"To recapitulate, what’s libertarian about our foreign policy is a concern for those second- order implications. As to the first-order judgments about how dangerous the world really is, a political theory that prioritizes liberty is only so much help. Only in extreme circumstances — one example being the Iraq War — could we say that a foreign policy is blindingly anti-libertarian.
So what do libertarians (or conservatives or liberals) need to bring to the table in order to think about these first-order considerations? They need theories of international politics and foreign policy. They need an understanding of how states relate to one another, what causes conflicts, and how to judge those threats. With some exceptions, libertarian foreign policy scholars embrace a school of thought called realism. Realism is a pessimistic view of the world. It holds that states jealously compete with one another for power and position. It’s skeptical about how states use and in many cases abuse power against one another."
2014, April 4: "Estonia: NATO’s Gambit Against Russia"
/(She is His wife: )
" US officials and their mainstream media strumpets have been doing a great deal of querulous grousing over Russian troops said to be “massing” along Ukraine’s border. What they don’t mention is what precisely has been “massing” for a number of years outside Russia’s border—in the Baltic state of Estonia."
"Last month a leaked phone conversation of the EU’s Catherine Ashton brought forth strong evidence that people in Ukraine’s Maidan, both protesters and police alike, had been shot by snipers employed by the opposition. Alert readers may recall that the person speaking with Ashton on the other end of the phone line was Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet."
// OKey, phono call is available in internet, why did Youn not link it here?
Since 2004, when it officially became part of the NATO alliance, Estonia has increasingly become a key piece on the NATO global chessboard. Its capital, Talinn, is just 225 miles from St. Petersburg, Russia’s second largest city. Located a mere thirty minute drive out of Talinn is the Ämari Air Base, which in Soviet times hosted a military aerodrome, or landing/departure outpost, but in 2010 Estonia completed a three-year project, jointly funded with NATO, under which it upgraded, expanded and modernized the airbase to accommodate NATO war planes and transport aircraft.
" As of 2010, Ämari could accommodate 16 NATO fighter jets and up to 20 transport planes. Imagine if Russia were to build a military installation of this sort 225 miles from a major US city. Imagine the angst and hysteria we would hear. "
// right about chessboard, but about border, who asked them to get their borders so larrge, nextto us, who have been there ower 8000 years before ?
"In December of last year, as events in Ukraine were unfolding, Estonia signed a procurement agreement for an advanced military radar system to be supplied by a US company, ITT Exelis, and which will be installed at Ämari. According to the Estonian Ministry of Defense, the radar is an important step for airbases in the process of adapting to NATO standards.
On March 18, two days after the people of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, Vice President Joe Biden met with Estonian Prime Minister Toomas Hendrik Ilves in Warsaw, Poland, after which the two held a joint press conference. Both were on the same page as regards the events in Ukraine—each voicing objections to Russia’s “illegal” actions in Crimea and its putative violation of Ukraine’s “territorial integrity.”
“The Ukrainian crisis is something that causes concern for all people who believe in freedom and justice and rule of law, and also even in international law, where we see such blatant cases of aggression, of violations of international law, where, if the international community does not stand up, the international order will collapse because the kinds of behavior we’ve seen is dangerous for the world,” said Ilves.
Engaging in what could reasonably be viewed as warmongering, Ilves called for the “East-West relationship” to be “put on a new standing” in the world, while Biden, evoking “history,” exuded some belligerent rhetoric of his own.
“The Estonian people, like many of Russia’s neighbors, have a personal stake in what’s happening in Ukraine,” Biden said. “Your history reminds us of how vigilant you have to remain. And today, Mr. President, we’ve consulted on a path ahead
The full text of both Biden’s and Ilves’ remarks can be found here:
But then there is another side and turn to a website, to give it a taste (as we all know, actual enemy of Jewish peole is "liberals" the original dark Roman Empire forces behind Soviet Gov. who despice relgious look of life, as their programming is current "jew is bad and anyone who colobarates with them is bad, and top of that as we mentioned before USA supporter and Nazi.. how ever illogical that is without extra explenation (that explenation i margus will not provide, for them)") so they add:
"According to the website of the Estonian Foreign Ministry, the first Estonian film festival took place in Israel during April and May of 2010; Estonian artists and performers routinely tour to the Jewish state; and in the Israeli Knesset there is an “Estonian friendship group” that is chaired by Knesset member Rina Frenkel. Also it seems the holocaust is extensively taught in Estonian public schools, while even teachers, apparently, are required to undergo holocaust training as well.
“The project is funded by the Estonian government and Yad Vashem,” says the Foreign Ministry website. “The most recent course took place in July 2012. The programme includes an overview of Jewish culture, history, Zionism, Nazism, Judaism in past eras, the life of contemporary Jews before the Holocaust, the Holocaust in the Soviet Union and Europe, and tips for how to address the topic of the Holocaust in school lessons.”"
"Also Estonia has been given the kosher seal of approval from the World Jewish Restitution Organization insofar as it is “the only country in Eastern Europe to which the WJRO makes no demands,” boasts the Foreign Ministry website."
// so all that, just made us all look much more better and intelligent then one might think... thank You for that!
"Meanwhile the rhetoric relentlessly heats up. This past week, following the meetings in Brussels, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen accused Russia of “violating every principle and international commitment it has made, first and foremost the commitment not to invade other countries.”
But it isn’t only by air that NATO is encroaching upon Russia’s borders. Last November, just as the protests were getting underway in Ukraine, NATO carried out a major war game exercise called Operation Steadfast Jazz. The exercises were conducted principally in Latvia and Poland, but all 28 NATO members, plus Finland, Sweden, and Ukraine, participated. Air, ground, and maritime forces were all integrated into the games.
NATO’s mission in Afghanistan..."
// again, did You notice, the SAME battern that You will see in website on next comment?
You just comment in pure, what is whorstwhat someone has revealed about You, you say it as "they say so..." .. and then direct topic to some other place... and the statement and meaning behind it was neutralised on human subconsious who read it among undecided. Specially.
I just love the quality of these kind of sites and posts, it is clear tosee when a smarter persons have done writing. //
// What a theory:
"Who benefits if the world’s two most advanced military powers should clash? A war between the US and Russia, even if it doesn’t go nuclear, would largely consume their respective military resources and capabilities and financially ravage both countries. This would set up a situation whereby Israel would be well placed to become the dominant power in the West, while China would rule the East.
The US has no interests whatsoever in Ukraine. Russia, while it could be provoked and propelled into a war with the West, likewise obviously has no desire for such."
// 2015
(World Socialist Website)
"NATO scrambles jets against Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea"
"According to the British Ministry of Defense, the fighter pilots identified four Sukhoi jets, four MiG fighters, and two transport planes engaged in routine training exercises.
This was followed, on July 29, by the intercept of a dozen Russian aircraft in international airspace off the Latvian coast also engaged in routine activity"
"The 1991 dissolution of the USSR with the restoration of capitalism in Eastern Europe left the Russian-administered Kaliningrad region cut off from any land route to the rest of Russia. The territory is surrounded by Poland to the south and Latvia to the north and east, all of which have subsequently become members of NATO. As a result, any Russian military plane flying to and from Kaliningrad must fly past the airspace of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, making them targets for NATO intercepts."
Then comes this:
“In the last year, Russia’s air activity close to NATO borders has increased in quantity and complexity,” a NATO official told the Financial Times. “Russian aircraft often fly without their transponders switched on, without filing flights plans and without communicating with air traffic authorities.”
In fact, the confrontation that is now escalating in the Baltics is due above all to a provocative military escalation by the United States and the NATO powers in Eastern Europe since last year’s NATO-backed putsch in Kiev led to a proxy war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine.
Jumped to this..
Noticed that?
Just mentioning truth what US told in some NY newspaper about
"fly without their transponders switched on"
and then jumping to new topic as it would be continnuin talk...
What about telling, DO They why "fly without their transponders switched on" or not ?
What if they DO fly like that ? Why Can one say YES or NO about it ?
Becouse if they would, it would be lie, and socialist can not lie, in usual public media fact based lies, as then it would lower entire standard amopng these who know truth and would rspond with a strike.
But in here, You mention the "terrorist for sure was terrorist as it had the bomb and throw it" in the format, that is "they told so" (and let you wonder was it...) and when You now read it or notice from another websites the plain fact, that transporters WAS off, then this does not register in human mind as some kind of important fact as socialist them self told about it... (even tho.. we newer did find out.. was they of, what they are, and why they needed.. and why would ever anyone turn them off impurpose knowing what that indicates)
(they even not hiding their sides)
‘All about money’: NATO spending debate focuses on ‘Russian threat’
The ELN report reveals that Estonia is the only country after the US to meet the NATO target of spending 2 percent of GDP on the military. Lithuania meanwhile will see a sharp one-third rise in its defense budget.
All of the Baltic States have big contracts for purchasing weapons from their richer NATO allies.
Estonia recently negotiated acquisition of the $55 million Javelin anti-tank missile system. It has also signed what’s been described as “the largest procurement contract ever” for purchasing 44 infantry combat vehicles worth €138 million ($154 million) from the Netherlands.
Former MI6 chief, Sir John Sawers, called for a rise in defense spending, also mentioning the “threat” coming out of Russia “not necessarily directly to the UK, but to countries around its periphery.”
“The level of threat posed by Moscow has increased and we have to be prepared to take the defensive measures necessary to defend ourselves, defend our allies – which now extend as far as the Baltic States and Central Europe,” Sawers said, according to the Guardian.
Russia’s Defense Ministry has consistently denied all reports of its personnel or hardware being involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, calling NATO’s allegations “groundless.”
Among “proof” of the “Russian aggression” there have been fake photos of the Russian tanks, which eventually turned out to have been taken in a different place at a different time, a supposed Russian airplane in British airspace, that turned out to be Latvian, and mysterious “Russian submarines” in Swedish waters – which never were found.
“Demonizing” Russia plays well into the hands of the military, believes former NATO intelligence analyst, Lt Cdr Martin Packard.
“I think this is a period when everybody is trying to get more money out of their exchequers for upping the rearmament,” Packard told RT’s ‘In the Now’. “So that seems to be so in Britain, probably in America too. Military forces in a way need to have an enemy. It suits them to have an enemy.”
Germany does not feel like increasing the military budget at any cost.
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Brave Vladimir Putin is determined to destroy the Illuminati, describing the destruction of the world’s most elusive organisation as the ‘most important legacy’ he could possibly leave behind, and according to Kremlin sources he understands the role of Islam in the Illuminati’s plan is to start World War 3.
In Russia there is an old saying that roughly translates to ‘If you don’t understand the past, you won’t be able to understand the present, or shape the future.’ Putin lives by this saying. According to sources he has been studying the history of the Illuminati so he can understand their plans and destroy the invasive organisation before its roots and branches spread too far and wide around the world and it becomes too late.
Albert Pike’s ‘sequence of three world wars prediction’ is of particular interest. Albert Pike was a top Illuminati Grand Wizard, a notorious Luciferian, and a General for the Confederacy in the American civil war. In the 1880s he openly stated that Islam will be the central component in World War 3, and that the Illuminati will lead Islam into direct confrontation with the West.
We have already seen what the New World Order has done with Islam. They have used it to foment a crisis, a clash of civilisations. Make no mistake, the Illuminati is using Islam to achieve its goals.
It is documented that Albert Pike wrote a letter to a friend in 1871 outlining the final and largest of the three world wars – World War III. According to close friends of Putin, he believes this letter is much more than simple correspondence between friends. He believes it serves as a blueprint that spells out exactly what will happen in the last war, and it is being followed by the Illuminati to this day.
In this notorious letter/blueprint, Albert Pike is recorded as saying his military program might take 100 years or a little longer to reach the day when those who direct the conspiracy at the top will crown their leader King-despot of the entire world, and impose a Luciferian totalitarian dictatorship upon what is left of the human race.
Pike seems to indicate a conspiracy to start a war so that the Antichrist can ascent to his position as world ruler.
Pike’s letter also details the specifics of the first two world wars – with chilling accuracy:
“World War I must be bought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Tsars in Russian and of making that country a fortress of atheistic communism.”
“The second World War will be fought for two reasons. To establish the State of Israel, and to expand communist control over Europe.”
“World War III must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world.”
According to Pike, Islam will be the central factor in the downfall of the West. Islam will then be decimated itself, allowing for the new religion of Luciferianism to spread on the earth. All Muslims will fall for this system. There isn’t a single Muslim on this earth who will not submit to the religion of the New World Order, according to Pike’s historical prophecies.
Islam is merely the Illuminati’s tool to destroy the West. They followed Pike’s blueprint when they destroyed the World Trade Centre in 2001 and blamed it on Muslims. The crisis that would come was a long awaited prophetic fulfilment. As Albert Pike had predicted, Islam was the religion used to foment a crisis.
And as we all know, from that point things only got worse. What is the common factor every time you see a crisis? Who is behind it?
And the Illuminati want you to believe it is inherently a problem with Islam. They want you to remain ignorant of the truth: that they are using the religion to achieve their ultimate goal – to destroy the West as we know it, and usher in a New World Order.
It has all been mapped out. We have seen what they are doing with the migrant crisis, and with terror attacks, and so on. They are using Islam to stir the pot. Only through understanding the history of the Illuminati can we possibly understand the present state of the world, and make sure the Illuminati does not shape our future.
Which brings us to Trump’s critique: that NATO is a “bad deal” because we bear a disproportionate share of the costs. He is quite correct on this score. As of today, the US and Estonia are the only two NATO members keeping to the “requirement” that their military spending equals two percent of GDP. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates pointed this out in a 2011 speech in which he predicted that NATO’s future was sure to be “dim if not dismal.” Our shiftless allies are all too “willing and eager for American taxpayers to assume the growing security burden left by reductions in European defense budgets,” he said.
Added to the direct costs of NATO is the expense of stationing over 60,000 troops in Europe, maintenance of our many bases, and the opportunity costs of money that could have been diverted to productive domestic uses. Taft, it seems, was right that the costs of NATO would turn out to be “incalculable.”
And then there is yet another cost – the price of risking World War III.
NATO expansion has led to Russian rearmament and the nullification of arms treaties negotiated as the cold war neared its endpoint. The Western powers have launched provocative military “exercises” that cannot be seen by the Russians as anything other than a dress rehearsal for war – and the Kremlin has reacted accordingly.
With his plan – or, rather, inclination – to abandon the old NATO and replace it with some sort of multilateral counterterrorist operation, and his insistence that our “allies” pay up, Trump is forcing an issue onto the stage that hasn’t been seen since the days of Bob Taft. And with the bogeyman of Communism absent, he is free to say he could get along with Vladimir Putin and only catch flak from committed neocons.
Russia is doubling the number of its strategic nuclear warheads on new missiles by deploying multiple reentry vehicles that have put Moscow over the limit set by the New START arms treaty, according to Pentagon officials.
A recent intelligence assessment of the Russian strategic warhead buildup shows that the increase is the result of the addition of multiple, independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs, on recently deployed road-mobile SS-27 and submarine-launched SS-N-32 missiles, said officials familiar with reports of the buildup.
“The Russians are doubling their warhead output,” said one official. “They will be exceeding the New START [arms treaty] levels because of MIRVing these new systems.”
The 2010 treaty requires the United States and Russia to reduce deployed warheads to 1,550 warheads by February 2018.
The United States has cut its warhead stockpiles significantly in recent years. Moscow, however, has increased its numbers of deployed warheads and new weapons.
The State Department revealed in January that Russia currently has exceeded the New START warhead limit by 98 warheads, deploying a total number of 1,648 warheads. The U.S. level currently is below the treaty level at 1,538 warheads.
(on comments much talk (comments on right wing website, it seems, kind of) :
" "Reading just how much Putin is in the head of every American without having actually done anything is nothing short of amazing. Now there's a man who knows how to play the game."
""I would get along" is not the basis of a foreign policy plan. It's a cop out for someone who doesn't actually understand the issues and has no idea how to respond to the question. Trump actually make's Obama's foreign policy almost look rational."
""Trust Me, it will be great. Putin will love me. The Russians love me. I rented to one. Lovely people. It will be great.""
Here's what Republican hero Bush said about the GOP messiah Putin:
"I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. I was able to get a sense of his soul. I wouldn't have invited him to my ranch if I didn't trust him."
And what did Bush do when Russia invaded Georgia?
Marco Rubio admits on Meet The Press that Bush did:
"Of course they would get along. They're both thugs, reprobates and sociopaths."
"What The Donald doesn't say is Putin respects no one, he didn't respect Bush, either one, he didn't respect Blair or Thatcher or even BIBI or any western leader, well he might have respected Reagan, after all he did sell Missiles to Iran, an open act of treason on the United States, Putin would have seen that as a very good thing. ")
Ower 750 videos.
"The alliance is currently in the final stages of preparations for Trident Juncture 2015, the alliance’s largest military exercises since 2002, which will involve 36,000 soldiers from more than 30 countries participating in drills in Spain, Italy and Portugal."
( )
Black Mohammed Lee Commented on it:
" Lithuania is to Kaliningrad's north and east. Latvia in no way borders Kaliningrad. If Russia is shaking in its totalitarian boots over the tiny, rotating U.S. forces in eastern Europe, it must be because its military forces are too inept to handle anything but a NATO exercise. Pansies. ""
SCI Comment:
"Yes, it appears, they are going to keep increasing the activity level. If and when, it happens its going to be---maybe not even enough time to figure out what happened and who did what. We will be lucky to even boot up the computer and read the days reports. At some point during the Ukraine problems, a statement by one of the Russians was directed at the US. "Do they think they are immune, do they think they can get by untouched. " After reading Charles Knause and the report. I do not think the Russian comment was just reactionary response to the moments heat. Roosevelt dropped two bombs , one for the Japanese and one to let Stalin know , lives mean nothing to the US maintaining its power. And the US will not think twice. And unlike the sheepish world population, these men think nothing of sacrificing their sheep , not the EU, US or Russians."
and "Comrades, let us not delude ourselves with the trappings of past performances and possibilities. History is full of 1st time conquer's . Any thing is possible, but could of, would of, should of, will not be words that will be spoken, EVER , once an incident happens. The only choice they are giving one another is mutually assured destruction with a first strike and you are out. At that point Einstein will have predicted the future
of WW4 being fought with sticks and stones. They will become more and more push and shove oriented. U can bet a hubris american pilot will be all it takes. I kid u not."
"Moscow: NATO plans deployment of aircraft carrying nuclear weapons near Russian borders"
he Russian Foreign Ministry has pointed to the possible deployment of NATO strike aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons near the Russian border.
U.S. Air Force exercises which began in Estonia after March 20 at the Baltic training ranges and above the Baltic Sea can be regarded as "a way to enhance the Air Force presence of the United States and some other NATO countries near the western borders of the Russian Federation," ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said at a press briefing on Thursday.
"It is our biggest concern that the Estonian Defense Ministry sees these exercises as the beginning of operations of a U.S. Air Force training center at the Amari base which, actually, may be proof of the intentions of certain alliance member countries to permanently deploy strike aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons near the Russian border," Lukashevich said.
"The ongoing growth of the U.S. combat potential near the Russian border in the context of plans bolstering NATO military presence and infrastructure on the so-called eastern flank… is not just escalating regional tensions. It is also fraught with long-term negative consequences for security of the entire Euro-Atlantic space," he said.
Moscow will not stay indifferent to U.S. decision on lethal arms supplies to Kiev>>> //
Russia will not stay indifferent to Washington's possible decision to begin supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine, Alexei Pushkov, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee in the State Duma, the lower chamber of Russia's parliament, has said
Estonia: Doomed Without Russia
Estonia is to suffer most as a result of this dubious policy. The damage to agricultural sector hit by Russia’s retaliatory measures is significant enough for this small country. Complying with instructions received from Washington and Brussels the Estonian economy has lost 38,7% of cheese and curds market or $ 36,1 million of profits, 16, 7% of milk and sour milk ($19, 3 million), 21, 9% of frozen fish ($17, 7 million). The Estonian producers have lost 40, 1% ($7, 3million) of yogurt, kefir and other milk and fermented milk products’ market. The demand for lactoserum fell by 18, 4%, as a result the Estonian budget was deprived of $2, 5 million. Estonia has lost 13% of pork market ($5, 1 million)…
All told Estonia has lost at least $100 million according to preliminary estimates. Before the «sanctions war» was unleashed Estonia was one of three major agricultural exporters to Russia after Lithuania and Finland and leaving behind Latvia, Norway and Poland. 13% of Estonian exports fall on Russia making it the third largest exporter after Sweden and Finland.
Russia consumes over 20% of Estonian agricultural production, with milk production accounting for a quarter of the whole export.
Here are the figures. Economic expert, entrepreneur and former Minister Raivo Vare predicts that sanctions can cost us the loss of up to 3% of GDP, more than half a billion euros. It’s not agriculture only. It will also strike on transit that brings in significant income to Estonian budget.
The Estonian Institute for Market Research has recently published a report saying the overall loss is may be 150 million euros. The direct loss is only 75 million euros, the sum of the banned products exported to Russia annually, while that figure doubles as many raw ingredients are exported to neighboring countries, which would have been processed and sent to Russia. Marje Josing, the head of the institute, said cheese manufacturers are suffering the most with their losses calculated at 27 million euros.
// so much truth in here another level, as we get hit by at least 3% of GDP compared to what should be and what would be with minds like us, and then we are forced to buy millitary stuff that world richest economy needs to secure THEIR position, no going to talk about culural value as thets another topic for another kind of people for now, nut we can ensure, whis is what we would provide here to the end is what USA needs to stay in history as positive force, after all. Not just in own mind as every regime and cult nad country, important is to see if everyone sees you as good. Or is there even a single good that sees you as no good?
What about evils, are they all hate you, why ? This can be solved, easy!
For sure, we not doomed, as we was here before and will be here after, after all, we from the family who made All, but.. do we need to suffer in a way that You also suffer with us ?
the real truth is anyway so hard in many ways and releaving, but do we?
In a ironic note, "they say it was serious, 600 meters in nato air space..lmao"
"Estonia has summoned Russia's ambassador over an airspace violation by a Russian military aircraft. Estonia's foreign ministry spokeswoman said violation was serious, adding that the Baltic country "demands an explanation" as to why a Russian Ilyushin-20 surveillance aircraft crossed into its airspace on October 21. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, meanwhile, NATO said in a statement fighter jets from Denmark, Portugal, as well as non-NATO member Sweden were involved in intercepting the Russian aircraft as it flew over the Baltic Sea. It said the aircraft strayed some 600 meters into NATO airspace."
"Estonia jails three men over spying for Russian security services - Business Insider
Tue Feb 23 EST 2016 | Business Insider
TALLINN (Reuters) - Three men have been jailed for spying for Russia, Estonia's state prosecutor's office said on Tuesday, an unusual case targeting low-level smugglers that comes amid heightened concern over muscular Russian foreign policy in eastern Europe. Relations between Estonia, a north-eastern Baltic country and a member of the EU and NATO since 2004, and Russia, its eastern neighbor and former ruler, are increasingly tense after Russian special forces occupied Ukraine's Crimea region a
"The parade, which also included US armored vehicles, passed at one point within 300 meters of the borders with Russia. Narva happens to be a predominantly Russian-speaking city. Considering the stepped up repression of the Russian-speaking minority in the Baltic states as a result of both the civil war in Ukraine and the economic crisis in these countries that has grown worse due to the EU policy of sanctions, one cannot rule out the possibility the governments of these countries will turn to their own neo-Nazis for help. The parade was likely intended to intimidate the local population, but usually such measures have the opposite effect, as both the flag-waver and the ironic commentary provided by the individual filming it suggest. "
The slow death of Nato
Without Cold War clarity, it's failing miserably to face up to Putin
The Cold War was won by 26 words contained within article five of the Treaty of Washington, which founded Nato in 1949: ‘The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all.’
There was no wriggling and no qualification. The message to Stalin was perfectly clear: you nibble at one inch of Western Europe and you won’t just get an ad hoc response from war-weary Europeans; you will have to face a nuclear-armed Uncle Sam. The last time Britain held a Nato summit, in 1990, the organisation was triumphant. Little wonder that the newly liberated nations of Eastern Europe flocked to join Nato in the years which followed; membership promised to end any threat of their falling under Russian influence again. A few years later, the Kosovo campaign showed Nato’s relevance after the Cold War.
But its relevance today is harder to ascertain. That Nato’s next summit will be held at a Welsh golf club seems to symbolise the problem. Nato has slipped into a middle-age comfort zone, reminiscing about its past achievements.
Article five remains unchanged in the Treaty of Washington, but it is becoming less and less credible by the day. Where Joseph Stalin had no reason to doubt that the founder members of Nato were serious, Vladimir Putin can be confident that if he causes mischief today, there will be no coherent or strategic response from an exhausted and indebted West. Putin has already helped himself to a chunk of the Ukraine without a single Nato tank being moved. It’s true that Ukraine is not a member of Nato, but common sense would dictate that, as Putin encroaches eastwards, the forces of Nato should not play dead.
Putin, keen to test these new boundaries, may reasonably wonder what the reaction would be were he to send an expeditionary force across the border of one of the Baltic states, which are Nato members. He can use the same pretext as he used in Ukraine — ethnic Russians need defending. Perhaps one of the Baltic mayors or local government officials whom Moscow has been carefully grooming could appeal for help. Or perhaps Putin could stir up some more trouble in Kosovo. The result would surely be more hand-wringing, followed by more inaction.
As a measure of how unprepared Nato is for the newly emerging threat from Putin’s Russia, the best it could muster for a rare exercise in the Baltic states last year was 6,000 troops. A joint Russian-Belorussian exercise at the same time involved 60,000 troops. As for air defence, the Nato mission in the Baltic states usually consists of a miserly four aircraft, modestly bolstered in recent months since the Ukraine crisis.
It is becoming painfully clear that if Putin were to send a tank over the border into Lithuania, the response from Nato countries would be exactly the same as it was when he annexed Crimea. Our leaders would wave their metaphorical eight-irons in Putin’s direction. But the only real weapons which Nato countries would have to offer would be rhetorical ones. That is not how the first Cold War was won, and it won’t win the second
Different type of hardcore reds, with stronger factPacks:
All these American boots on the ground in theory should be coordinating, soon, with a new, spectacularly surrealist 34-country "Islamic" coalition (Iran was not invited), set up to fight ISIS/ISIL/Daesh by no less than the ideological matrix of all strands of Salafi-jihadism: Wahhabi Saudi Arabia.
Syria is now Coalition Central. There are at least four; the "4+1" (Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq plus Hezbollah), which is actually fighting Daesh; the US-led coalition, a sort of mini NATO-GCC combo, but with the GCC doing nothing; the Russia-France direct military collaboration; and the new Saudi-led "Islamic" charade. They are pitted against an astonishing number of Salafi-jhadi coalitions and alliances of convenience that last from a few months to a few hours.
And then there's Turkey, which under Sultan Erdogan plays a vicious double game.
Sarajevo All Over Again?
"Tense" does not even begin to describe the current Russia-Turkey geopolitical tension, which shows no sign of abating. The Empire of Chaos lavishly profits from it as a privileged spectator; as long as the tension lasts, prospects of Eurasia integration are hampered.
Russian intel has certainly played all possible scenarios involving a NATO Turkish army on the Turkish-Syrian border as well as the possibility of Ankara closing the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles for the Russian "Syria Express." Erdogan may not be foolish enough to offer Russia yet another casus belli. But Moscow is taking no chances.
Russia has placed ships and submarines capable of launching nuclear missiles in case Turkey under the cover of NATO decides to strike out against the Russian position. President Putin has been clear; Russia will use nuclear weapons if necessary if conventional forces are threatened.
If Ankara opts for a suicide mission of knocking out yet another Su-24, or Su-34, Russia will simply clear the airspace all across the border via the S-400s. If Ankara under the cover of NATO responds by launching the Turkish Army on Russian positions, Russia will use nuclear missiles, drawing NATO into war not only in Syria but potentially also in Europe. And this would include using nuclear missiles to keep Russian strategic use of the Bosphorus open.
That's how we can draw a parallel of Syria today as the equivalent of Sarajevo 1914.
Since mid-2014 the Pentagon has run all manner of war games -- as many as 16 times, under different scenarios -- pitting NATO against Russia. All scenarios were favorable to NATO. All simulations yielded the same victor: Russia.
Zbigniew "Grand Chessboard" Brzezinski's 1997 opus to know US foreign policy revolves around one single overarching theme: prevent -- by all means necessary -- the emergence of a power, or powers, capable of constraining Washington's unilateral swagger, not only in Eurasia but across the world.
The Pentagon carries the same message embedded in newspeak: the Full Spectrum Dominance doctrine.
The Pentagon is now engaged in a Vietnam-style escalation of boots on the ground across "Syraq." Fifty commandos are already in northern Syria "advising" the YPG Syrian Kurds as well as a few "moderate" Sunnis. Translation: telling them what Washington wants them to do. The official White House spin is that these commandos "support local forces" (Obama's words) in cutting off supply lines leading to the fake "Caliphate" capital, Raqqa.
Ukraine -- once part of the Soviet Union -- has become a CIA theme park. Having orchestrated a coup in Kiev, Washington effectively controls a regime that is next door and hostile to Russia: a regime rotten with Nazis, literally. Prominent parliamentary figures in Ukraine are the political descendants of the notorious OUN and UPA fascists. They openly praise Hitler and call for the persecution and expulsion of the Russian speaking minority.
This is seldom news in the West, or it is inverted to suppress the truth. In Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia -- next door to Russia -- the US military is deploying combat troops, tanks, heavy weapons. This extreme provocation of the world's second nuclear power is met with silence in the West.
What makes the prospect of nuclear war even more dangerous is a parallel campaign against China. Seldom a day passes when China is not elevated to the status of a "threat." According to Admiral Harry Harris, the US Pacific commander, China is "building a great wall of sand in the South China Sea."
What he is referring to is China building airstrips in the Spratly Islands, which are the subject of a dispute with the Philippines -- a dispute without priority until Washington pressured and bribed the government in Manila and the Pentagon launched a propaganda campaign called "freedom of navigation."
What does this really mean? It means freedom for American warships to patrol and dominate the coastal waters of China. Try to imagine the American reaction if Chinese warships did the same off the coast of California.
I made a film called The War You Don't See, in which I interviewed distinguished journalists in America and Britain: reporters such as Dan Rather of CBS, Rageh Omar of the BBC, David Rose of the Observer.
3) Current US destabilizing shenanigans along Russia's huge borders (Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Belarus and more) are creating a pincer effect on Moscow. Putin's government knows they are on the take down list. The US-NATO are provoking Russia to militarily respond in order to justify further western moves toward regime change. A very dangerous game.
4) We know that Obama is the magician
"... It is reasonable to infer that Shklar would have taken a dim view of all this claptrap. “The consequences of political spirituality,” she wrote, “are far less elevating than it might seem. Politically it has usual served as an excuse for orgies of destruction.”
Nazi symbols on helmets worn by members of Ukraine's Azov battalion. (As filmed by a Norwegian film crew and shown on German TV)
Nazi symbols on helmets worn by members of Ukraine’s Azov battalion. (As filmed by a Norwegian film crew and shown on German TV)
How do we apply Shklar’s criteria to the situation in Ukraine as it obtains today? In Shklar’s vision of liberalism, there are absolute minimums which societies need to meet. From what I saw, Kiev is not meeting them.
The Ukraine crisis poses some very tough questions on the nature of statehood and nationality within the modern European nation-state. As the British political scientist Richard Sakwa has noted...""
"Lt. Gen. Frederick Ben Hodges, the commanding general of US Army forces in Europe, talked to ERR about the nationwide mobilization exercise Siil/Steadfast Javelin and Estonia's security situation.
“I was very impressed with what I saw of Estonian soldiers, from General Terras on down, the quality of the exercise, the ability to mobilize 10,000 reservists,”"
"Hodges also lauded Estonian soldiers' camouflage skills and their ability to move seamlessly through forest terrain."
Asked about the security situation, Hodges said that in his opinion, Estonia is doing exactly what it should be doing. “The political, civilian leadership here has made hard, smart choices to invest - Estonia is a leader in the Alliance in that regard,” he said, adding that Estonia has understood that “defense begins at home first.”
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