Norman Beall Gian Thakur , protons didn't even exist until after the planck epoch. so that scenario is impossible.
Margus Meigo just not have had a lot of chance for that.. but i know the recipe, concept
Norman Beall Margus Meigo , [nothing] is a void of non-existence, without direction nor dimension. without potential altogether. from ONLY [nothing] come ONLY [nothing]. your scenario is impossible
Margus Meigo You got a think outside a box a bit
Norman Beall Margus Meigo , nope. start with 0 and only 0, all you'll ever have is only 0.
Norman Beall Margus Meigo , nothing is nothing
Norman Beall Margus Meigo , to assert nothing isn't necessarily nothing is to not start with nothing at all.
nothing is nothing.
Managenothing is nothing.
Norman Beall Margus Meigo , you can't measure nothing. you have only nothing. no tool to even use to measure. ONLY NOTHING.
Margus Meigo yes, after 500 years, you got no idems to measure once lost sperm, you understand ?
Margus Meigo the literal nothing as You like to imagine, does not exist just for an hint
Norman Beall Margus Meigo , of course it does. it is a hole within the singularity of the higgs field itself. necessary for the laws of motion to hold true. what newton called the relative space of absolute space. the dictionary of his time space: void, without direction nor dimension, without potential altogether. it was removed from websters in the early 1800's. which is what caused the mach conjecture.
Norman Beall Margus Meigo , it is different size and configurations of these holes that is the boson to every massive particle.
Norman Beall Margus Meigo , krauss saying "nothing isn't necessarily nothing" is a violation of the law of identity. no human should accept it.
Margus Meigo ave You learn and used psychedelics or had contact with people who can "remote-travel", or the ones who see daily dead people, spirits and alien beings ?
All that will expand this simplistic but confusing science things a lot.. whiteout being in con...See moreManage
All that will expand this simplistic but confusing science things a lot.. whiteout being in con...See moreManage
Norman Beall Margus Meigo , not out of nothing. still in and of [thing]. nothing is nothing.
Margus Meigo i think the atomic bomb and accelerators destroy matter well, innit ?
Killed life is also destroyed matter
ManageKilled life is also destroyed matter
Margus Meigo yeah, can be changed form useful from life to death
Norman Beall Todd Noss , a human is a life form with an infinite ability to come to understand and properly separate things known from things unknown, which is an ability limited only by time and chance. an ability in which there is no greater way of thinking.
Norman Beall Todd Noss , i was answering to our infinite ability. i know the whole of all existence that is eternal and infinite in all directions just so happens to be the natural body of an eternal and infinite sentient self-aware being of certainty, a being of p...See more
Todd Noss Norman Beall we are finite, we are not infinite, our human brain is finite , but our spirit is infinite, to separate entities, what we learn here is , is left here, because in spirit we have no need for what we learn here on this earth, our bodies go into the ground and they are there to decay
Norman Beall Todd Noss , and there's the problem. it wouldn't be an opinion. it's either true or false, therefore either known or unknown. an opinion is a thing with no true nor false value at all, such as a waterfall is beautiful, or a car is awesome. the popular ...See moreManage
Heaven and Hell are real and eternal. But there is good news! "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9
ManageHeaven and Hell are real and eternal. But there is good news! "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9
Ed Wegorzewski Fuck off, spamming cunt
David Diaz If the edge if the universe was pulled back in then the compression in the center of the universe creates bang and universe starts over.
Sean Carroll Big Bang created by Tao
Norman Beall Sean Carroll , nope. tao caused the big bang
Sean Carroll That's what I said
Norman Beall Sean Carroll , oh yeah, duh sorry hehe , my mistake
Norman Beall God came to a realization, the realization that he was a life form and that the whole of ALL existence itself was his natural body. an event of thought of which God spoke his holy name, which is found in the record of the cmbr. the first realization ev...See more
Sarfo Emmanuel big bang is just an assumption
Norman Beall Sarfo Emmanuel , it is not. infinite series equations dictate the big bang, a change of state event of [thing] to [things], necessarily happened.
Josh Cramer The Big Bang was a heat build up?
Norman Beall Josh Cramer , a wave function collapse of the whole of the singularity infinite in all directions. the heat comes after.
Josh Cramer So the Big Bang wasn’t an explosion....... an explosion being heat...... and implosion being cold
Norman Beall Josh Cramer , it was a change of state event. from absolute zero to the heat generated by coming to be in it's infinite density state as particles came to be and collided.
Josh Cramer Yes your words “the heat generated by coming to be in it’s infinite density state as particles came to be and collided” means it grew hotter as it grew in density resulting in explosion
Josh Cramer What element is density
Norman Beall Josh Cramer , from it's pure wave matter perfect fluid state to it's infinite density state which brought the heat.
Josh Cramer Tell me what you’re speaking about waves for
Norman Beall Josh Cramer , prior to the big bang the whole of the singularity was pure wave matter. perfect fluid pure vacuum state throughout.
Angel Moreno Neil DeGrasse Tyson had a great explanation of it. The fact that our universe is so (three-dimensionally) flat is proof it came from nothing. Because to be perfectly flat, it must have zero net energy, meaning it didn’t take or give off energy to be created.
Kevin Skewes It is a nothing.conclusion.people berefte of conscioness Rumi.or Socrates .in that club.of myopjc interlects and
Emmanuel Olabiwonninu It'z just a theory
Margus Meigo first i read, You thought "it's just crazy"
but wrote instead, more explained apologetic nice answer, to think about, what it really is, at least,
if the con-Cept it self does not feel half way it self enough.
But yea, as so many believe it so already, would make sense, as truth is so big, to accept "their view" (as arguing with kids) and in time just build explanation
Managebut wrote instead, more explained apologetic nice answer, to think about, what it really is, at least,
if the con-Cept it self does not feel half way it self enough.
But yea, as so many believe it so already, would make sense, as truth is so big, to accept "their view" (as arguing with kids) and in time just build explanation
Margus Meigo uh, it come out a bit arrogant,
i thought, when something is so big and smart, then would make sense to be able in time to build world pieces all in a way that when them all fit together one time, time by time, then "their truth" will fit inside proper truth with ease, as there is so many departments with various versions of creation
(last part should be explained more thoroughly but probably will not now )
Managei thought, when something is so big and smart, then would make sense to be able in time to build world pieces all in a way that when them all fit together one time, time by time, then "their truth" will fit inside proper truth with ease, as there is so many departments with various versions of creation
(last part should be explained more thoroughly but probably will not now )
Margus Meigo also is useful, to connect with many other arias of life makers, so that the main truth would be kept proper way, when we focus only in truth in one aria, eg. in science (in some special part of that), then rest of arias to often clearly will get to little attention and understanding to regulate each other theory's in proper direction faster
Margus Meigo We should take "other people sciences " understanding also from their point of view
(inside our worldview - (time by time complementing idea about what if You are " in Their world "instead them in Yours ... /Unless You Knower Clearly if that is Your world with Your supreme Right to Demand Rightfulness or at least Your Crew invaded-robbed Aria/
or maybe in some half way... Yours and theirs bought surrendering to good and being in the Aria operated-owned by Good or in location-territory occupied by soviETs (4 example!!! can also be greek-roman "homos")))
Original ET's for sure something else, if You also want to take in to account BatlestarCalactica A.i. returning-army-of-lost-"children" theory + science proper + missingLink what is needed for them 2 to exist, at least,
and then what ever these 3 implement would also be or might be
am i near clear?
Manage(inside our worldview - (time by time complementing idea about what if You are " in Their world "instead them in Yours ... /Unless You Knower Clearly if that is Your world with Your supreme Right to Demand Rightfulness or at least Your Crew invaded-robbed Aria/
or maybe in some half way... Yours and theirs bought surrendering to good and being in the Aria operated-owned by Good or in location-territory occupied by soviETs (4 example!!! can also be greek-roman "homos")))
Original ET's for sure something else, if You also want to take in to account BatlestarCalactica A.i. returning-army-of-lost-"children" theory + science proper + missingLink what is needed for them 2 to exist, at least,
and then what ever these 3 implement would also be or might be
am i near clear?
Margus Meigo not in a sci-enTology way... but i guess is not nice to insult religions in a silence forum-group, even if they do clearly might be involved by pentagram magic or some other country army sleeper cell related at least, and compatible with Communism Futuristic when taking in to account, that members are from to to bottom re-trained and kept in 2 side, ones who know and others who know strongly another way as book say.
And the first one will keep control about if second one keeps hold strong in book - helps to keep scisofrenya (as 2 head eagle also implementes ) /excuse missspellings/
and Agents-administrators if needed can turn any clear Book believer in to co-operated act with task of agents to make any kind of infiltration and near any needed task, by most. Meaning: all tasks what is needed can be completed easy with no lack of agents, that it self is over 2-350 000 in resting time, in ex-soviet capital it self, on peace time, by 2012 last public information we saw.
Their Book is in their view more powerful as it is allowing greater freedom to accomplish what is needed inside current worlds and cultures. with combination of past powers, as league, or by other view looking (popular ordinary youth new age view) - as separate self of one self,
eg. belief that is promoted by last mentioned powers: that there is only you and you have been all.
Something like that... helps to make people accomplish a lot and keeps in prison same time, great theory.
ManageAnd the first one will keep control about if second one keeps hold strong in book - helps to keep scisofrenya (as 2 head eagle also implementes ) /excuse missspellings/
and Agents-administrators if needed can turn any clear Book believer in to co-operated act with task of agents to make any kind of infiltration and near any needed task, by most. Meaning: all tasks what is needed can be completed easy with no lack of agents, that it self is over 2-350 000 in resting time, in ex-soviet capital it self, on peace time, by 2012 last public information we saw.
Their Book is in their view more powerful as it is allowing greater freedom to accomplish what is needed inside current worlds and cultures. with combination of past powers, as league, or by other view looking (popular ordinary youth new age view) - as separate self of one self,
eg. belief that is promoted by last mentioned powers: that there is only you and you have been all.
Something like that... helps to make people accomplish a lot and keeps in prison same time, great theory.
Margus Meigo The point was, that just one random large important organization, have to be get interlinked by so many ways that is not linear in 180 degrees way but is more like rounded.
when we add dimensions with what is inside dimension and what it would mean what must be possible in between these 2 to be.
and when we took 2, then we should be in a way 3, to link these 2, and at large part, this 3'd (worldTheory) can be mostly product of one or another also ()
Managewhen we add dimensions with what is inside dimension and what it would mean what must be possible in between these 2 to be.
and when we took 2, then we should be in a way 3, to link these 2, and at large part, this 3'd (worldTheory) can be mostly product of one or another also ()
Margus Meigo And when we take master ideology then all what was mentioned before can fit inside it
as current world, the one of opponents potential ones, can truly in a way turn even them self to believing what they try others turn to, ... and also, have to be looked if connected Tops "followers" are directed to the same understanding as the Tops or are they kept to strongly away from equal knowledge.
also measurement for cults.
Manageas current world, the one of opponents potential ones, can truly in a way turn even them self to believing what they try others turn to, ... and also, have to be looked if connected Tops "followers" are directed to the same understanding as the Tops or are they kept to strongly away from equal knowledge.
also measurement for cults.
Margus Meigo sorry if my story went a bit larger then i thought it should be,
but i can but it shorter and clearer in some day
but i can but it shorter and clearer in some day
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