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kuid muidugi eeldates, et on üldse olemas mõõdetavad väljad neid selliseid mida tuntakse,
Post: 26.10.2006 11:32 AM Title of the topic: CONTROLUL MINTII UMANE Reply with quote
Mind control with silent and supercomputer sounds
The mechanism of modification of the human mind is based on the technology of the subliminal carrier: Spectrum of Silent Sound Diffusion (SDST) - in English SSSS, sometimes called S-quad or Squad. It was developed by Dr. Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia (USA) and is described in US Pat. 5159703, entitled "Silent Subliminal Submission System", dated October 27, 1992. In the written introduction to this patent, we find:
"A silent communication system in which non-aural (inaudible - nn) carriers from the very low or very high spectrum of audio frequencies or from the adjacent ultrasound spectrum (ultrasound) are modulated in amplitude or frequency with the desired information. and propagated acoustically or vibratory, to reach the brain, traditionally using loudspeakers, headphones or piezoelectric transducers.The modulated carriers can be transmitted directly, in real time, or can be recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for scheduled and repeated transmissions to the listener. "
According to Silent Sounds Inc., it is now possible, using supercomputers, to analyze the emotional pattern found in the human electroencephalogram (EEG) and to replicate ("clone") these patterns, true "emotional signatures." on another computer, and, at will, "to induce or change the emotional state of the human being, silently."
Silent Sounds Inc. states that it is only interested in positive emotions, but the US military cartel is not so limited in purpose. It is therefore clear that this is a project of the US Department of Defense.
Edward Tilton, president of Silent Sounds, himself stated these things about the S-quad in a letter dated December 13, 1996:
"All signatures and schemes (related to emotional states - nn) have been declared state secrets by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact details ... We make recorded cassettes and CDs for the German Government and even for the countries of the former Soviet Union! Everything is obviously done with the permission of the US State Department ... The system has been used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) with great success. "
The graphic illustration that appears in the patent, called "The evolution of emotional signature by inducing alpha-theta waves" is identified with AB 116-394-95 UNCLASSIFIED and is obtained from "the most sensitive and versatile electro-encephalograph in the world". It has an amplification ratio of 200,000, compared to other regular EEGs that have only 50,000. It is programmatically controlled by the "fastest computers" using a noise cancellation technology similar to that used by nuclear submarines to detect very small objects in water, at very long distances.
The purpose of this whole "cream" of advanced technologies is to obtain a "map" of human emotional signatures and modify them by signals to the brain. The illustration shows the EEG screen from a human subject, both the left and right hemispheres, simultaneously.
Cloning emotions
Using these computer-assisted EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate very small-amplitude electrical "emotional signatures" in the brain, synthesize them, and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle patterns of brain waves that occur when a human subject experiences a certain emotion, scientists have identified these patterns of brain waves and can now duplicate them at any time at will. "These signatures are then transmitted using frequent Silent Sound carriers and they will cause exactly the same type of emotion in any other human subject who receives them!"
System and applications
This is more than just a subliminal signal control system. There are extremely many patented technologies that can be added to this carrier system in order to achieve all kinds of effects.
There are two transmission methods with this system. One is the direct induction of microwaves in the subject's brain, being limited to nearby operations. The other, as described above, uses the carrier frequencies of radio and television, which are present everywhere.
We do not believe that the system is used to control a single person, but it can have many positive applications. However, the fact that the information is transmitted subliminally, makes it virtually impossible to detect and, therefore, dangerous for the public.
In conventional use, the S-quad can use voice commands as an aid in safety systems. But behind the pleasant song you hear in stores and supermarkets can be a secret message, absolutely undetectable in m
od usual, which forbids you to steal from the shelves, or urges you to buy as much merchandise as possible. And even if the simple voice command is quite efficient, when the subliminal presentation system transmits emotional signatures, the result is much stronger.
This technology is used on the free market for self-education audio tapes through positive affirmations, relaxation and meditation, as well as methods to increase learning availability (especially for students and pupils).
In the medical context, these systems can be used to solve many serious psychiatric and psychosomatic problems. It is said to be the most effective way to treat deafness. But these are only promises, because the deaf are still deaf even though the method has been used for 30 years. Instead, the military cartel and the world elite now have a weapon they use against the average person who hears normally.
Officials do not recognize anything
In fact, the US government has not acknowledged anything and has declined to comment on the existence of mind control weapons for years. Just last year, US News & World Report published an article entitled "Miracle Weapons," which is just a simple review of so-called "non-killing" weapons. Not a word about the S-quad, though the technology had been in use for six years.
Excerpts from the article:
"Charles Bernard, former director of projects for US Navy weapons research: We have never seen such a weapon work."
"DARPA (Agency for Advanced Defense Research Projects) came to us annually to see if there are ways to suspend the functioning of the central nervous system remotely," says Dr. F. Terry Hambrecht, head of the Neural Prosthesis Program. Nothing has appeared so far. Everything seems too science fiction. "
It may seem like a SF domain, but it's not like that at all. Anyway, that's just what they want us to believe, to leave them alone to follow their plan ...
The idea behind these "non-killing" weapons is to cause the enemy to lose the ability to reason without killing him, to take them hostage, to thwart any form of resistance without hurting them (physically). preferred even without realizing it. All electromagnetic mind state technologies are all in this category, but since they are not officially recognized they can be used anywhere and anytime, at the discretion of those who decide to do so.
And why have some companies in the entertainment industry acknowledged that they have access to these technologies when their very existence is denied to the general public?
Even in February 1998, the "monolithic" approach in denying the existence of these technologies and the total silence on this subject was maintained even before the committees of the American Congress!
The United Economic Committee, chaired by Jim Saxton, met on February 25 on "Hearing on Radio Frequency Weapons and Their Proliferation: The Impact on the Economy." Numerous military personalities were invited as witnesses:
Dr. Alan Kehs, of the US Military Laboratories, spoke about the threat of Radio Frequencies in general.
James O'Bryon, Director of Operational Testing and Director of Fire Testing at the Pentagon's Office of the Secretary of Defense, discussed the role of fire tests and the implications of these tests for radio frequency weapons.
David Schriner, chief engineer at Directional Energy Studies at Electronic Warfare Associates and recently retired as a naval weapons testing engineer, spoke about the difficulty of building radio frequency weapons and the terrorist threat.
Dr. Ira Meritt, head of the Concepts Identification and Application Analysis Division of the Advanced Technology Directorate at the Center for Defensive Rockets and Space Technology in Huntsville, Alabama, spoke about the proliferation of radio frequency weapons, especially from the former Soviet Union.
Although this information of technical interest is important, much more important is the lack of any information about the existence of radio frequency weapons that directly affect the human brain and nervous system.
Psychotic from the KGB
These technologies did not appear overnight. There is a long history of developing and hiding them by the US Government and probably half of the other governments in the world.
We know that the former Soviet Union was actively engaged in this type of research. During the 1970s the Soviet KGB developed a Psychotronic Influence System that was used to transform soldiers into true programmable "human robots." The system is based on a combination of hypnosis and radio frequency. The project was launched in response to a similar training scheme launched in the United States by President Jimmy Carter, said Yuri Malin, a former security adviser to the United States.
USSR meeting, Mikhail Gorbachev.
In the book "History of Electromagnetic Weapons" it was shown that for over 60 years numerous researches have been carried out in this field, and in the article on synthetic telepathy we have shown that the first researches in the "voice from the brain" program were carried out in 1961. , using references from the public scientific literature.
The power of the military-industrial complex (or world elite)
Jan Wiesemann wrote a remarkable description of the current situation in the United States, about "law enforcement" and how it came about: "During the Cold War, the United States not only engaged in an open race of arming with nuclear technology against the Soviet Union, but also in a secret race to develop unconventional weapons, as intelligence agencies continued to increase their power of influence and control - from where until World War II they had only a role in supporting and serving governments - as well as supplementing funds spent on developing techniques designed to outperform other competitors. "
"And as the American espionage group grew, a secret culture spread, which allowed those in espionage to apply the many techniques they developed to treacherously circumvent democratic processes and institutions ..."
"Like many other democracies, the U.S. government is made up of two major parties: those who have been voted on, namely governors, judges, those in Congress and the President, and the second part - bureaucracy perpetuated over time, those who are numerous federal agencies. "
"In a well-balanced and well-functioning democracy, the publicly voted part controls the bureaucratic part, ensuring the people real representation in the government plan."
"While a significant part of the US government undoubtedly follows this principle, another part operates in complete secrecy and follows its own hidden plan, without the knowledge of many, a plan that is often completely different from the public one. "
In his farewell message to the American nation in 1961, President Eisenhower said: "... we have been forced to build a permanent arms industry, which has reached vast proportions. In addition, three and a half million people are directly involved in "Every year, we spend more on military security than the net profit of all American corporations."
"This reunion of the huge military establishment with the great arms industry is new to the Americans. The total influence (economic, political, even spiritual) is felt in every city, in every house, in every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development "However, we must not overlook its serious implications. Our work, resources and even our lives are fully involved, as is the structure of our society."
"In government councils, we must guard against unwanted influences, willy-nilly, of the military-industrial complex. The potential for a disastrous increase in its power already exists and will persist. We must not let its pressures jeopardize freedoms or processes. our democracies. "
International unrest over new weapons
The United Nations was established in 1945 to "save future generations from the danger of war." In 1975 the UN General Assembly considered a first draft proposal of the Soviet Union: "Prohibition of the development and production of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of this kind."
In 1979 the USSR added to the list of these systems of mass destruction:
1. Radiological weapons (with radioactive materials) that could produce effects similar to those of a nuclear explosion;
2. Weapons with subatomic particle beams (neutrinos, positrons, etc.) that affect biological targets;
3. Weapons with infrasound acoustic radiation
4. Electromagnetic weapons that operate through certain radio-frequency radiation that have negative effects on the functioning of organs in the human body.
In response, the United States and other Western governments ignored the move.
In the article "Non-lethal weapons do not respect treaties", the author notes that the so-called Convention on Conventional Weapons covers many of the non-conventional weapons; "those that use infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including lasers, microwaves, or radio frequency, or visible light pulsing at frequencies specific to the brain - brain waves)."
Harlan Gerard, executive director of the International Committee against Microwave Weapons, told me that the government's strategy behind promoting non-lethal weapons is a subterfuge. An election is now underway for the public approval of these weapons. Mental control technologies are not mentioned at all, but they will be "brought to light" later, and integrated into
b generous umbrella of "non-lethal weapons".
These weapons were recently transferred from the Department of Defense to the Department of Justice. Why? Because there are many international treaties that specifically limit or even exclude the use of such weapons in war.
In other words, weapons that are banned in a war against the enemies of the American nation (although they were used in the Iraq war!) Can now be used against their own citizens by local police, against groups of peaceful Protestants against nuclear policy. Americans.
Towards mental control on a planetary scale
The secret in the development of mind control technology reflects the enormous power that lies within it. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology controls the population. The whole population.
There is evidence that the US Government has plans to expand the applications of this mind control technology to include all people in all countries. This is possible and is currently being done using the famous HAARP project for the outer areas and the GWEN network for the inner areas of the USA. The US government does not recognize anything. (We also know others who did not recognize anything ... - nn)
Dr. Michael Persinger is a professor of psychology and neural science at Laurentian University in Ontario, Canada. He also talked about the profoundly harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human brain.
"Stimulation of the temporal lobe of the brain can evoke in the patient the feeling of a strange presence, disorientation and perceptual disorders. It can activate images in the subject's memory, including nightmares and monsters, which are normally hidden in the subconscious."
Dr. Persinger wrote an article a few years ago, entitled "On the possibility of direct access to the brain of every human being by electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms." We quote from the article:
"Contemporary neural science suggests the existence of fundamental algorithms by which all sensory signals are translated into a kind of brain-specific code. Direct stimulation (synthesis) of these codes in the temporal or cortical lobes by applying electromagnetic models requires energy levels that are already present in the environment: the natural geomagnetic activity of the planet and the contemporary communication networks (radio, television, mobile telephony, etc). "
"In the last two decades, many things have been achieved that in the past were only at the stage of possibility. It is about the technical possibility of directly influencing the approximately six billion human brains, without intermediation, by generating neural information in an all-encompassing physical environment ( planet Earth - nn) ".
"The emergence and historical development of these possibilities, starting with gunpowder and continuing with nuclear fission, have led to major changes in the social evolution that followed extraordinarily quickly after their use began. Reducing the risk of misuse of these technologies requires open discussion. regarding their implications both in the scientific field and in the public sphere. "
It can't be clearer than that! But there can be no question of open discussions as long as the US Government does not recognize the existence of this technology.
Article taken from Resonance (Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group), written by Judy Wall.
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Date of registration: 13 / Jul / 2005
Messages: 264
MessageSubmitted: 11/03/2007 13:18 Subject Title: PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS - A Monstrous War Invention Reply with quote
Psychotronic weapons act on the human psyche, altering its state of normalcy. This category can include both inventions - technical devices that affect other living organisms, not just humans and that damage materials.
These "weapons" are closely related to the psychic abilities of the "transmitter". Whether he is the one who influences the mental state of a person / party in the population or who determines the operation of a machine that produces these changes.
A conclusive example of double acting on both the viewer's psyche and objects - the image of television: phenomenal Kaspirovski - when he appears on television to speak and treat various diseases - the perception of images changes from black and white to a white-purple tint and it creates in the public a state similar to an anxiety that is difficult to explain. Both phenomena ceased when the show ended.
Another case of psychotronic action is registered in the fighting zones in the districts across the Dniester of the Republic of Moldova in 1992.
In these areas, Radio Moscota was received daily, broadcasting Alan Ciumak's show on the longwave band. His radio therapy is limited to a short verbal presentation, followed by the transmission of songs, without further comment.
doctors in the Republic of Moldova banned this broadcast because they correlated the bombing with electromagnetic emissions resulting from these radio transmissions with the installation of a collective state of abulia (lack of will, indecision) among the population, during the attacks of Russian-speaking guards. after their completion to install a state of collective irritation, characterized by a mass hysteria syndrome.
It seems that in this field who invested and investigated from the beginning were the Russians. This is demonstrated by the station in Semipalatinsk. Here, experiments were made to capture the energy of high-intensity explosions and transmit them by psychotronic means, reconverting them into a real detonation on the target desired for several decades: see the sinking of the atomic submarine "Thresher" - April 10, 1963, or the earthquake catastrophic in Iran - 1970.
The whole mechanism could be produced using the principles of radionics, making an "agreement" between the transmitter and the target based on a photograph of it.
Also based on radionics is the "apparatus for detecting, recording and measuring radiation emitted by metals and other materials" of Thomas Galenus Hieronymus patented in 1946 by the American Patent Officer, with no. 2482773.
The inventor is based on the work of De la War and Albert Abrahams, on the research of I.T.Fisher and J.W.Campbell on Mesmer's animal magnetism, and makes various devices in which they direct the radiation produced and emitted by various biological structures.
Thus, only after a week its use in an apple plantation infested with nematodes led to their disappearance.
Also in Germany - Rosenheim in 1969, termites disappeared, remotely and without the use of pesticides.
This device was also used to monitor from the ground the physical condition of the cosmonauts of the Apollo 8 and Apollo 11 programs.
After these few eloquent examples, one can notice the aggressiveness and gravity of the use of these "weapons", as well as the fact that a peaceful and constructive destination is not sought in civilian life. (Only a few isolated cases).
Who also has weapons, which require years of investigation and experience, not to mention the money spent ?! The governments of economically powerful countries, militarily, with "warrior" ideologies, secret services, inter-international trusts with aggressive campaigns to intimidate the competition!
And since the general public is too little informed and too unaware of the action they have on them, it is no wonder that little by little we will turn into "robots" programmed to react as the "master" of the weapon asks us.
If through the Echelon satellite network our privacy was stolen, our freedom of expression and information was stolen and intimidated, this weapon will steal our freedom of thought and action according to our own beliefs. We will not even know if it is our beliefs or we were convinced that it is so.
How can we regain control over ourselves and the certainty that this is how we are and not the product of any experiment ?!
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Date of registration: 13 / Jul / 2005
Messages: 264
MessageSubmitted: 11/03/2007 13:39 Subject title: article in ZIUA newspaper Reply with quote
Article in the newspaper ZIUA
November 14, 2005
Psychological operations
"Certain structures, such as the secret services, can use, to influence" some state actors and even some people with very important positions in the state ", techniques that fall within the series of psychological operations" gray "or even" black ", he said. the deputy head of the PSYOPS within the Ministry of National Defense, Colonel Eugen Lungu. "From the information we have, apart from the allied doctrine, all NATO members also have national doctrines, which, by virtue of interests of greater or lesser power, are implement. There is talk of a "gray PSYOPS" or even a "black PSYOPS". In the gray PSYOPS - the truths are mixed with the untruths, and in the black PSYOPS the source of the information is not known ", said Lungu, quoted by Rompres. He does not exclude that this type of influence can also use methods from hidden, extrasensory area. (Rompres) "
What can I say, very interesting. Extremely interesting!
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