Veidruste Otsing

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

ette öeldud et blokib ja blokkiski ka kohe, nagu ette öeldud mitmele tiesele..

seekord aga sai lnti ka :D

ja küsimus siin polnud.. selle suure mahu asjas.. asi selles, et viimane komm, lühike, ja KOHE peale seda blokeeris, sekunditega, et ei jõuaks vastata, mis väga titalik, teismelise, nõrga kasvatamtu hinge käitumine

"It's better to be #dictator then a #gay" - #Lukashenko
This made my today's laugh:
Not even know if that's real quote at first...but just so many levels .. and in today's world.. priceless!
Update: OMG, story is even more serious then i thought:…/better-to-be-a-dictator-than-gay-ge…
"Berlin has reacted with disgust to an insult by the Belarus president about Germany's homosexual foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle. In response to criticism of his country's human rights record, Alexander Lukashenko said it is "better to be a dictator than gay." Westerwelle said the remark "speaks for itself."
yes it does, this man
J Alexander Portby When one has a reduced number of brain sells one has the same mental ‘modus operandi’ as trump and alike..
Vasta4 t
Margus Meigo strong words, 
You talking about the anti-nature behaviours 

Trump does not need any "Cells", more then is needed to acting (for reality TV actor), he got Entire new version of strongest Soviet Party system behind him, for thinking, and that is a lot. 

But as Donald J. Trump is kind of man, who will NEWER say anything bad about perversions - compared to the scale he is telling bad things about that has nothing to do with bad.. then it should help people to make more clear, for who He is really working and what values, he has, 
Well, ... true liberals, who can act as Conservatives, as it is "good for great cause.." (to eliminate true conservatives) .. they do not need to have values, as they do not think, lie exist, it is just programming for them and linguistic manipulations
Vasta3 tMuudetud
Margus Meigo i just wait when TRUE opposite comes to Trump and exposes hes TRUE not just liberal core, but communist project, that he is part of. 

(but as communism is also in a way conservative, ... they just USING and breeding all kind of perversions, to distrac
t and weaken their enemy... then people might confuse 
"trump conservatism" that is fusion of communism with mainstream fascist layers, from true slave keepers, 
sympathisers of Greek-roman ideology but not even liked by them... 
and Real conservatism - that is country man, Hasidic Jews, proper Christians & value based region people, native people, Earth natives, Matriarchyic people, Finno-Ugri people etc )
Vasta3 t
Margus Meigo imho, but will word it better some day
Vasta3 t
J Alexander Portby Margus, there one reason for my remark on this post: a very Russian approach to convincing statement by controversial, rude and surprising comparisons.. try to linguistically analyze trump’s self denial tweets, primitive boorish, rather vulgar speech patterns, compare to the one above by Belorussian leader, you’ll see what I mean about a similarity of brain cells numbers.. simplicity of neural connectedness very much depends on this data..
Vasta1 t
Margus Meigo J Alexander Portby interesting. 
But at least Belorussian leader dares to say truths that Trump dares not.
Vasta55 min
J Alexander Portby Margus, truth? It’s not truth, it’s an easy digestive bullshit by primitive minds.. and trump does it all the time..
Vasta51 min
Margus Meigo J Alexander Portby But even, if it would not be obvious truth,
then just as You mentioned, the incredible good mix in this time of makeup - just great provocation in so many levels, respecting that. 

Trump also have had some good provocations, that we can not be so sure he is inventor of but worth to use 

just when people newer figure out, that Trump is Communist party puppet, then for sure, a lot of this great potential will be lost.
Vasta51 min
J Alexander Portby trump’s speech writers were studying linguistic psychology in KGB academy, his dictating mechanism is connected to that operating system..
Vasta47 min
Margus Meigo J Alexander Portby do You Handle truth or are You the kind who will block off people if they say, what is Truth in their world view, 

and my world is pretty well constructed based on values, 

that have proven to be lasting, over time, 

The nature of word dictator has NOTHING bad in it, 
but nature of gay has spiritually Core bad in it. 

Ye,s for sure, most gay's by their citizen actions in world, virtually most, have been better at first look then any dictator we can recall, 
but it has nothing to do with the truth who is gay in essence (unearthly/satanic) and who is dictator (law/orderer), 

yes, the Law and orders can be REALLY bad, well, specially if Gay's happen to be dictators..starting from Alexander The Great whose "great" education system under, we are still slaved, 
and anyone who is slaved under it, is essentially slaved under KGB as well, 
who figured pout well, the main power-lines and "gods" and beings whit who to co-operate and how possessions work. Manipulating dreams, time etc. 

// satanic can also be, if not direct Dark usage, be as angelic and robotic and alienic.. but in core essence, relation to human beings, it's always satanic. No hatred separate about it, it is just one of the tools, war tools for these crew, (surprising revelations Lady Gaga dared to make in video Alejandro ...he also leaked in online talks, autobiography where She told, that She is ever strange that seems, Also Katy Perry actually is Conservative in my Book, and yes, Trump is Liberal - worry, not many who would get my point of view on it.. i base my views mostly on soul activity. perhaps. )

As my English is below basic, i am thankful You actually took time to understand and reply to my comments, 

Pretty intelligent Profile You got Yourself, in FB
Vasta40 min
Margus Meigo And remember, soviets 
Collected their best parts from FInno-Ugry, Greek-Roman, France etc... 
So all the batterns the KGB using, is usually best of the best, tuned for current time and points what is wanted to get, then is turned... tuned... but all t
hey say and do is by far not wrong, just not suitable in combination of other things they plan and in reasons WHY they do it.. compared to other solutions that would be possible to do..also... 

Well, France is another pretty dark reed one, perhaps one of the most communist governments in my view, there is.

For me anything is lined in direction to commies, if it relates to cutting down intelligence and handling "mass of people" 

solution is also not a fake liberal approach of " mass individual" - where to a mass, is given same labels, about what kind of individual they can be and what they are, 
great part of these self help and "censored news" and fake conspiracy sites are all there, ... where they offer some simple witchcraft as some solution for self exploration, 
and trick humans in to self search in to traps that will tie them in to one great big slave mass 

as core issues and core solutions are Newer seriously talked about and separated from hypnosis 
oh, now in circle i end up as KGB sympathiser just by understanding some levels of their intelligence and reach, and size of the mission ..and how many ways. (even if that is myth in the still..). really spectacular! :D
Vasta30 minMuudetud
Margus Meigo and as they need in the end ... inject some understandings in to human minds... 

and in the end make NOT usa the one who would look smart in the end... then they most likely do best what they do

But it is really interesting, there is Trump aware people in FB, who is not in a box imagining, that he is some kind of nationalist or far right fascist .... oh... if he only would be... (i guess is correct to say here, compared to plans... from USA point of view... but in heart, i still hope, usa has layers of intelligence, and plants.. herbs.. to come out from it.. and in the end, Trumps planned harm, will end up to be useful ... would not be surprised... as just only the tools i am able to vision and bring to Earth, if resources offered, with no obligation besides basic intelligence service protection (inside my tools would be Intel services serving anyway) ) ...just these tools, would turn entire global order in to direction of normality strongly enough that outer-human forces would have to fallow, or take a knee

some forces that do not need so big protection and power, got it, and it can be reversed with point of no return . 

inshallah :)
Vasta23 min
J Alexander Portby yes, it is now obvious to me that you are probably low educated, easy falling into a demagogic trap person. All you say has no logical neither historical basis.. in other words nonsense.. I am not trying to insult but making evaluation of everything you've said. You definitely can not understand me or even close agree with my comments.. we both are talking different languages.. this conversation has no meaning..
Vasta18 min
Margus Meigo Be careful, You end uo Yourself blocking : )
Vasta18 min
Margus Meigo My Info is ABOVE education,
Vasta17 min
Margus Meigo You in another hand, behaved like liberal person, are You a liberal ?
Vasta17 min
J Alexander Portby says who? your info is an induced pattern ..
Vasta16 min
Margus Meigo My info is based on truth in essence. 

What part You are struggling with ?

Just because You did not understand, is not my lack, is the person lack who is not able to crasp these batters. 

Usually 100% liberals soon after expanding these batters, they fail to keep up and end up blocking, to escape, 
excusing them self, "OPPONENT not understand.." .. and running away, 

please try not to do that.
Vasta13 min
Margus Meigo (just in case i told, so You would not escape jet :D )
Vasta13 min
Margus Meigo Do You know ONE intelligent person who is not working for satanism/communism/roman-ideology, who say's Gays are normal humans with good internal soul ?
Vasta10 min
Margus Meigo (i am thankful for that conversation, for sure)
Vasta8 min
J Alexander Portby nonsense.. you are one of those demagogues waitting when russia invades your country under the excuse to protect you from 'western atrocities' same way they do in Eastern Ukraine..

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