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Religion Discussion

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Is there a reason for homosexuality being wrong outside of what the Bible says?
104 Answers

729 kommentaari

I'm here for the tea.
What does the Bible say exactly?
Absolutely not
Honestly, I don't think its really wrong in the bible cuz Jesus 'abrogated' the old testament...which is the same argument a lot of people use for why shellfish and clothes of 'mixed cotton and linen' described as sin in deutoronomy isn't a sin.

Velu Tel'Raen
- That only works for Christians.
Well it’s illogical as far as reproduction goes.
Anthony Larson
i dont think anybody having homosexual intercourse is expecting to get pregnant... lol
Calvin Smith
I would hope not for their sake. Just a waste of time
Anthony Larson
reproduction is technically illogical. There is no 'need' to reproduce.
Matthew D Prosser
that makes no sense
Matthew D Prosser
we are built to reproduce. Our drives are mainly driven by reproduction. How is reproduction illogical?
Anthony Larson
we weren't built for anything. It just so happens that the organisms that enjoyed reproducing, reproduced more than the others. There is no need to reproduce, just a want.
Matthew D Prosser
I disagree. But neither of us have definitive proof that cannot be argued against by any other explanation. Either way, it is logical given that it serves a purpose other than merely pleasure
Anthony Larson
its only logical within context. Within a universe that has no purpose. It is not technically logical. It is just a thing that happens.
Matthew D Prosser
well that view is based on your belief of a universe having no purpose. But even then, reproduction still serves a purpose even if a universe didn’t will for it.
Anthony Larson
yes. But that is context. If you want to have children, it would be logical to reproduce. If you don't want children it would be illogical to reproduce. Which happens all the time.
Matthew D Prosser
either way it is still illogical as far as reproduction goes
Anthony Larson
yes. A homosexual act would be illogical if you were trying to reproduce.
Matthew D Prosser
thank you for agreeing with my point.
Anthony Larson
thats fine. I didn't disagree with your point. I was just adding to it.
Anthony Larson
- I can agree in the sense that it branches off from heterosexuality, but let me ask you this: is there no evolutionary benefit to homosexuality/homosexual relationship?
Anthony Larson
I think the point is, evolutionary speaking, animals that reproduce sexually are driven to do it because it feels good, not because they consciously want to have babies. And a percentage of over 500 species have been observed to exhibit …
Vaata veel
Anthony Larson
because everyone reproduces eh? There's an argument to be had for over-reproduction. Plenty of children that aren't being cared for ...
Anthony Larson
we're not "built" to reproduce it's merely a side effect. Few parents I know actually planned to be parents. . . so there's that reality.
, is it illogical for infertile or sterile people to have sex? They can’t have children so by your logic, it’s illogical for them to have sex.
Sai Jai
I don’t believe in over reproduction for humans. And reproduction is promoted by sexual urges. So even unintentionally having children means it still fulfills its purpose
Justin McGovney
yes for having children it’s illogical for those people. For pleasure then it’s logical.
Mitch Szymel
I don’t believe there is.
Jolene Ulrich Garrettson
actually I think only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure. I might be wrong. Correct me if I am please. But if I’m right, then it means having homosexual sex is an illogical move to have babies.
Anthony Larson
- so just to be clear - according to your understanding, there are absolutely no evolutionary benefits to same-sex coupling. Is this correct?
Mitch Szymel
I do not believe there are.
Anthony Larson
- understood. And would you be open to changing your mind at all on that or are you pretty dead set in thinking that?
Anthony Larson
I mean I guess they have other reasons like establishing dominance. But I doubt they are consciously aware they are making babies when they do it.
Anthony Larson
- Fantastic, I’m glad to hear that. Hopefully we can have a fruitful dialogue. I would consider not being able to have children is an evolutionary benefit in its own right. By not having children, those individuals aren’t contributing t…
Vaata veel
Mitch Szymel
I'm want to bring up another set of sexual practices that people get disgusted to get compared to, BUT, your logic can be used in their favor as well. What makes one good and the other not?
Anthony Larson
- we’re not talking about morality at the moment, just evolutionary benefit. The same reasoning can be applied to someone who just wants to be celibate as well.
Anthony Larson
- so would you agree then that this could be an evolutionary benefit of homosexuality and same-sex coupling?
Mitch Szymel
Hmm. I just want to go over what you said and want to make sure that you understand what I mean by your logic being used to defend sexual deviations in the same way:
"By not having children, those individuals aren’t contributing to extra resources that would have to be used which puts stress on the population; this leaves them open to help the population in other ways. The first example that comes to mind is the adoption of otherwise unwanted offspring, as has been documented in some primate species if I’m remembering correctly."
I know you are referring to homosexuals. You also mentioned that this could apply to celibates. But it could also apply to anyone whose sexual desires are aimed at those they cannot have children with such as animals, children, the elderly (in some cases), the dead, inanimate objects, and whatever else I may have forgotten. Do you agree that your argument can be used to support all those sexual practices as well?
Also, evolution is not some deity or animal that tries to find balance or which knows the difference between good and bad. Evolution is simply a process of change across a species. There's no entity saying, "Wow, there's too many people, let's make some homosexuals or some necrophiliacs!" Just want to make sure we agree on that. There's no end goal for evolution.
Anthony Larson
- once again, that doesn’t matter at this point. My only question was to evolutionary benefit of homosexuality and same-sex coupling. Anything outside that scope is irrelevant at this point in time. You claimed there are absolutely no e…
Vaata veel
Mitch Szymel
I don’t see the benefit. Evolution tends to throw as much as it can to the wall and whatever sticks is what sticks. Whatever doesn’t, goes away. There is no reason to believe that benefiting an individual or group of individuals would cause for genetics to randomly pop in like a plot twist to save the day for said individual or individuals or to make their lives “easier”. So from an evolutionary perspective, I say no. From a situational perspective at the individual level, sure it helps of Cousin Larry doesn’t have kids and is willing to help around the house.
Anthony Larson
- I can at least somewhat agree with your second and third sentences - and you seemed to have made my point for me with it. Homosexuality has been around for time immemorial, so why? The “phenomena” has not died out, so the question is …
Vaata veel
Anthony Larson
- and let’s just dissect what you’re saying real quick... “there’s no reason to believe that benefitting an individual or group of individuals would cause for genetics (to change).” But hang on...isn’t that literally all evolution is?
Mitch Szymel
I'm using the save the day analogy as a way of demonstrating why homosexuality being an evolutionary benefit would require an agent acting on behalf of evolution (a deity maybe?).
I do want to address another thing you are bringing up - how it's a "benefit". In science (social and biological), do they consider inheritances or random mutations which result in behaviors/practices that reduce reproduction and likely even survival (via disease, social stigmatization, etc.) as evolutionarily beneficial?
Perhaps, if evolution were to play a role, it could be considered a trait that randomly appears like, I don't know, some mental diseases that may not be entirely harmful but not helpful either? In other words, why are we thinking it must be a benefit and not an illness or at best just a random mutation like being born with one less limb or something? Or maybe like blindness? What makes homosexuality very tricky is that if it is indeed exclusively or primarily biological, then it implies it is a negative mutation given that it reduces the individual's ability to reproduce and puts them in a social disadvantage. What do you think?
Mitch Szymel
By the way, I bring up the illness comparison up because that would explain why the frequency did not decrease and why we might find it in other animals. And note that it is only a comparison. I am not explicitly calling it an illness and don't have any real negative views about someone else's sexuality. I'm merely speculating given the available evidence.
Sai Jai
- I pity their children. I was wanted and planned for, and my arrival anticipated with joy. So was my husband.
And absolutely so was our son. And I think that knowing he was wished for long before he was born helped give him the confidence he needed to grow into the remarkably capable and compassionate man that he's become.
Anthony Larson
- right, as I said, your “save the day” analogy implies evolution as an agent. Which it doesn’t seem to be the case, as you yourself had already stated.
We seem to keep getting away from the original point: are the examples I gave evol…
Vaata veel
The random appearance of this trait doesn't seem to have a positive impact on the species as a whole.
Further, when given the context of evolution, it is the trait of an individual that is favorable to increased fitness which gets passed on. However, being unable to pass on homosexuality to the next generation (without having straight relations which in turn would nullify your argument), implies that evolution would have some kind of intentional desire to keep pushing it - which we agree isn't the case. As you referred to the non-declining frequency, this would instead imply that an illness or non-beneficial trait appears in the species every so often like any other random occurrence like dwarfism, acromegaly, PKU and so on. In other words, there is no evolutionary benefit to being gay. And it clearly does more harm than good in terms of the individual's fitness. (maybe not in 21st century England or USA, but that's a speck of time in history)
Anthony Larson
I think what you're trying to say is human beings may want children -to procreate- which is NOT BASED AROUND ORIENTATION. Even hetero- couples may need to seek options for childbirth. Please stop being so closed minded and ignorant! shee…
Vaata veel
Anthony Larson
there is clear evidence that genetic inheritance plays a part in a persons sexual identity. This would suggest that there is benefit to having a “gay gene”. There are several theories. Perhaps it benefits a family to have a gay uncle or aunt. Perhaps the “gene” confers other benefits.
The difficulty when discussing this is that we perceive homosexuality as 21st century European people. How differently we would see it if we were Pre-Colombian native Americans, or ancient Greeks etc etc. Our society has defined what a homosexual is. Sexuality is believed to be on a sliding scale. Perhaps in pre-historic times same sex attraction was freely expressed by the majority of people - possibly as a way of cementing social groups, as is seen In bonobos. We will probably never know.
We weren’t built for being on FB or watching TV, but here we are.
Not everything we do is for reproductive purposes.
Why apply that thinking to sexuality and love?
Andrew Sandilands
the leaps you make are not justified. Your own argument could therefore be used to say something like schizophrenia is beneficial since it runs in the family. Inheritance is not always good, and genetic is not always inherited. And evolution doesn’t seek out to provide babysitters for a random group of nomads every so often. It might be a side effect (I don’t know any gay babysitters despite knowing a ton of gay people, so it’s a very unreliable side effect, one that wouldn’t promote anyone’s fitness on a regular basis).
But I do notice that this topic has become way too personal for many and I just want to restate what I initially said: it’s illogical for procreation. That’s my point.
we were built to have children. You can use the means of having children however you wish, but the natural configuration seems to serve the purpose of reproduction first and foremost. What’s so vague about that?
Anthony Larson
it’s true that there are genetic traits that persist that are patently not a good thing for the person who expresses them. I can’t speak for schizophrenia. I know very little about these genetic “disorders”, and, of course, it is true that they could persist in the genetic code purely by chance, but over the long term you would expect traits that reduce the production of offspring to fade away. However, my point was that sometimes, as in Sickle Cell Anaemia, an apparently harmful mutation may have have unexpected side effects. Similarly, perhaps the segment of genetic material that confers a predisposition to same sex attraction also confers some other benefit. We don’t know yet, it’s obviously not as straightforward as some other traits.
Naturally homosexuality is gravely untoward.

Vho-Mmbwa Mutangwa Maliga
No, you just personally find it icky.
Vho-Mmbwa Mutangwa Maliga
- Sounds like a personal problem of yours to me.
I am completely heterosexual and I don't find it 'untoward'. It's just not my thing, is all.
Vho-Mmbwa Mutangwa Maliga
It's a shame that you've been taught lies about people in order to make you make you hate them. It's worse that you believe the lies and spread them. You may want to thoroughly rethink your position.
Its a perversion.
Its a sickness.
Its unnatural.
Its sinful
Its spreading corruption upon the earth.
Ohiku Adisa
1. No. 2. Nope. 3. Found in every animal species on earth. 4. There's no such thing as sin. 5. How is it corrupt to be with someone you love?
Ohiku Adisa
not a single one of your claims is supported by science or philosophy
film shot GIF
Walter Mitty
perversion and sickness might be. Sinful obviously is. The last one I agree is very arguable.
Ohiku Adisa
outside of your bigotry, none. You have to wonder why some people are so obsessed with where other consenting adults decide to put their genitals. Do you secretly fancy a big dick yourself? Is that what this is all about?
Darlean Murphy
its rebellion to cross the limit allowed by God.
Walter Mitty
science or philosophy does not have authority over the soul of any person.
Mark Banners
when God created us He did not let us lose like animals. Even animals are guided by instincts what guide man?
Ohiku Adisa
Perversion is when a man is having sex with a child for example 9 year old Aisha and I would argue having 4 or even 9 wives is sick. It's not unnatural in fact it's very common. Why is it sinful and why is it spreading corruption?
Anthony Larson
Why is is perversion and sickness? And why is it obviously sinful?
Anders Kargo Schmidt
perversion is based on culture or social standards. In some societies it may be considered perverse behavior. Further, it was once in the west even considered an illness/sickness and I’m sure there are still doctors in the world who would consider it as such. And obviously sinful because such behavior goes against religious commandments, which is by definition a sin.
Firstly, there is no evidence God created us, secondly evidence would suggest that homosexuality is common in the animal kingdom which would suggest it's a naturally occurring thing. People don't choose their sexuality, they are born that way, again su…
Vaata veel
Ohiku Adisa
there is no limit. There is no evidence that your god exists
Mark Banners
may God save us from ourselves the traps and whispering of Satan.
God created Adam and Eve. Humanity is the offsprings of Adam and Eve. To live according to God's command is wisdom. To rebel against God's command is Devilish. Devil is first to rebel and refuse to repent.
We all shall give account. Death will come if you are good or bad.The use of our FREEWILL has consequence to be paid in the Hereafter.
Anthony Larson
OK but that does not make it right. We live in 2021 and we should be past this outdated childish thinking
Ohiku Adisa
actually your god created Adam and his clone that would have also have been a man
Ohiku Adisa
there is no Satan. There was no Adam and Eve. If you want to base your whole understanding of the universe on a book written by bronze age tribes in the middle east, bully for you but the rest of us don't. Religion reflects a primitive and childish stage in human development. We need to grow up as a species.
Rule 5. No hate speech. We're using the Facebook definition, which is
NB: DO NOT comment upon moderator action in this thread: use the 'contact us' feature on the Religion Discussion Admins page.
Ohiku Adisa
- Don't try any more preaching on here, please.
- Moderator
Mark Banners
- I understand you're disgusted - so am I - but your own comment speculating on what another poster might fancy is verging on a personal attack (Rule 4 violation)
I am not logging that remark as a violation only because you are very new here. PLEASE read our rules so you can avoid violating them, thanks!
- Moderator
Nancy Dills
thank you Nancy. I'll try and keep my comments non personal. Just sometimes the bigotry masquerading as piety rather annoys me.
Nancy Dills
am smiling in Greek.I dare you.
If you call it preaching so be it.To me,is explaining where my faith stands and why I followed..." Its the eyes of a child that fears a painted devil."- William Shakespeare.
Nancy Dills
you err. " hate speech "?
My mind is rent free of such. Why should I ruin my few good deeds via hate?
Ohiku Adisa
Why all the hate speech? What are you so afraid of?
No offence but you’re an idiot!
Ohiku Adisa
you are one evil hateful ignorant individual with no education and no knowledge of reality. Go back to your cave where you belong!!!
Ohiku Adisa
you are the epitomy of hate!!!!
Ohiku Adisa
You are zero for five. It's a shame that you've been taught lies about people in order to make you make you hate them. It's worse that you believe the lies and spread them. You may want to thoroughly rethink your position.
Erin Steacy
Ohiku Adisa is never afraid.
You see,its forbidden in Islam to HATE a person.when you hate a person, you burn out your good deeds. So why should I burn my few good deeds? Its self love.
When a person err,you do NOT hate the person.You either correct or dislike the extent of such error.All human beings are same in God's eye. The best is who fear God most and only God Knows such a person. Telling Ohiku Adisa that his post amounts to " hate speech " is a slap on my face.

Ohiku Adisa
clearly you are since you feel the need to LIE to justify your ideas.
Erin Steacy.
Dario Bezzine.
Alex Favros.
Joseph N Cappitelli II
Speech mirror the content of the mind.
Our world of today is full of human beings with shapes only.
Ohiku Adisa's prayers is to worship God alone and never offends any human being. I however forgives all those who offends me.
I have seen educated human beings that is ignorant and foolish in believe.
Thank you for airing the content of your mind.
In that case you’ve proved our point through your bigoted views.
Ohiku Adisa - IF you are explaining how your religion sees things, in English you say 'The religious view is that....' and then continue.
Absent any such qualification, per the rules of the English language, the writer is claiming what is written to be FACT. Especially when it gets it statements about a Deity, etc
Before we go any further - I AM a theist myself.
This board has rules, and I am here as a moderator to help people follow them. When you DARE ME after I have explained your contravention of a rule - that is disruption. It is the kind of action your religion, I believe, would describe as 'making mischief in the land'.
This board is a very tiny bit of the Internet, the world, etc - but it has its rules.
And if everyone who gets 'dinged' - and yours was just a warning at first! - is going to interrupt a thread to complain, etc, then the people trying to discuss the topic will not be able to.
NOW, if what you want to do is complain - that's fine, just NOT HERE. We have a 'Religion Discussion Admins' page with a 'Contact us' box - you click on that and you can chat with whoever is 'on duty' then.
It should not matter who answers which comment - because we work as a team and try to be very consistent. If you can't accept that we ALSO try to be impartial, I don't know how to advise you.
- Moderator
Rule 4. Insults, personal attacks, suggestions or implying a person has mental health issues will be not tolerated. You can criticise and attack ideas, religions, Gods and historical figures, but not members of this group.
I am truly sorry to have to log this violation, as you have a year plus record of contributions with no violations at all.
But 'No offense, but you're an idiot' is a clear violation of Rule 4.
This IS just a warning, and shouldn't affect your ability to post.
- Moderator
Alex Favros
- Same thing I said to Dario above:
Rule 4. Insults, personal attacks, suggestions or implying a person has mental health issues will be not tolerated. You can criticise and attack ideas, religions, Gods and historical figures, but not members of this group.
I am truly sorry to have to log this violation, as you have a year plus record of contributions with no violations at all.
This is also just a warning.
- Moderator
Erin Steacy
- No, you didn't get a warning.
It's not your problem if you hit one of my 'pet peeve' buttons with the assumption that the other member is 'afraid' and that's why they've been so negative about homosexuality..... I just hate it when someone translates my feelings for me.
And even though he's no pal of mine - it hit the button anyway. NOT your problem
- NOT Moderator
(Didn't want you to be left out here......)
Erin Steacy
- Nothing of any importance : )) Just some of my FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELINGS there.
It is an unproductive, unreasonable and crazy act and most of all those who practice it have one STDs or the other and are addicted to harmful drugs.
Chukwudi Afrika
nothing that you have said is remotely true
Darlean Murphy
its my truth not yours
Chukwudi Afrika
you have been lied to.
Chukwudi Afrika
That is entirely false.
Chukwudi Afrika
Who told you that crap?
Chukwudi Afrika
your truth is not truth at all
Chukwudi Afrika
you need to get your facts straight
Chukwudi Afrika:
Rule 5. No hate speech. We're using the Facebook definition, which is
Please read the rules which you agreed to abide by and have failed to follow.
Chukwudi Afrika
- There is your OPINION, which was hate speech and slander.
And then there are facts.
Chukwudi Afrika
and straight people get stds too, whats your point ?
That's a very long winded way of saying "I have been taught false information leading me to 'support and defend a bigoted view"
Chukwudi Afrika
Chasse Court
- And that comment didn't quit escape violating rule 4.
Note that Rule 4 doesn't include the word 'falsely' about asserting that someone has , ah 'limitations' - so yes, you can run afoul of the rules for being completely factual.
Usually those few who are so extreme in their bigotry that they let it erupt here will not change. But we still give them a second and a third chance to change.
- Moderator.
Nancy Dills
Slightly confused and just realized my comment is missing a word it should say "I have been taught" , my comment or Chuks?
Chasse Court
- It's the 'bigoted asshole' part that's problematic....
If it were, say, 'writing comments that sound like they came from.....' I think it would be indirect enough.
Not a single one
In the contrary
Modern science tells us that it is a perfectly natural and unproblematic variety of sexuality of humans and animals
Walter Mitty
no, it doesn't. Obviously there's a reason why there's 2 genders, because scientifically a man can't reproduce with another man. We need to reproduce to keep the species going, so therefore obviously homosexuality is problematic in that se…
Vaata veel
Reggie Cameron
We're not talking about sunday school science, this is adult science.
Steve Jones
I'm talking biological science.
Can two men reproduce? Can two women?…
Vaata veel
Reggie Cameron
So a woman marrying an infertile man is problematic?
I have dug deep into this topic, I can recommend you some literature
What do 2 genders have to do with the fact that roughly 10% of all humans prefer the same sex? I don't get that argument…
Vaata veel
Steve Jones
nope, because obviously there's plenty of men who aren't.
What's problematic is suggesting that despite one of our basic instincts, scientifically proven, is to fuck and reproduce, that this guy is saying "well science says ..." To justify…
Vaata veel
Reggie Cameron
You think people only have sex to reproduce? What fucking century are you stuck in?
Reggie Cameron
don't get me wrong
I myself am as straight as can be
But I don't like it that so many people have opinions that are in no ways supported by human sciences
Reggie Cameron
Homosexuality has always existed. Why are we suffering from overpopulation rather than dying out?
Reggie Cameron
life is much more than reproduction!
Did you hear that one of the biggest global problems of our time is that we humans reproduce too much!?
I have no qualms with homosexuality on a personal, moral level, but I don't see how "science" could ever "say" anything about what is good or bad,
Walter Mitty
literally there's nothing more important than reproduction. I'm done with this.
Steve Jones
if you enjoy getting dicked, go for it 👍
Reggie Cameron
Go on then run off to your YouPorn account and watch them reproducing.....LOL
Steve Jones
I'm not running. I'm just not entertaining a silly conversation like "science says homosexuality isn't problematic" just so some people can justify their lifestyle choices.
If you don't understand why heterosexuality is needed, I'm not going to sit here and try to educate you.
Reggie Cameron
Who said heterosexuality wasn't needed?
Reggie Cameron
- hello! Ik someone asked something similar, but what if a couple is infertile? Both individuals. Or what if they just don’t want to procreate? Or elderly people that want to marry, but are past reproductive age? Is there something against those people being in relationships? In your understanding, obviously
Or if we’re going with a scientific/biological argument, let me ask you this: is there no evolutionary benefit to homosexuality?
Steve Jones
you have, repeatedly.
Reggie Cameron
Show me. Screenshot
Reggie Cameron
So your form of 'debate' is to throw out a bunch of nonsense and then run away.
Reggie Cameron
There's the nonsense. Waiting for you to run away.
Anissa Keyes
it must eat you up inside that I'll always be right, by default.
Laughing At You GIF by memecandy
Nobody is saying we should all be gay. 🙄
Gay genes boost fertility
Gay genes boost fertility
GIF may contain Donald Trump ja Fake News
It's always disturbing to see homophobia in the 21st century
Reggie Cameron
Well that explains a lot.
Dazza Madge
It's always disturbing when people actually take trolls seriously, in the 21st century
Reggie Cameron
yes exactly
Everyone who has a different opinion than you is a troll
Walter Mitty
trolling you people stopped being fun, and the aftermath of the troll reveal is obviously going to be less fun
Cant argue with stupid
I've come to the conclusion and I have seen statements from others as well to this same effect that people on the internet claim to be "trolling" others when they are losing face in an conversation and do it as a face saving measure to end debate witho…
Vaata veel
I never actually said I was referring to you.
Reggie Cameron
For someone so clueless, you use "obviously" a lot.
Chasse Court
or, I never took the debate seriously ... Because it's Facebook
Erin Steacy
Pipe down peanut gallery.
Reggie Cameron
translation, you habe nothing intelligent to say. Yes, we know.
Reggie Cameron
Clearly you aren't old enough to be on facebook. The minimum age is 13. Come back when you grow up.
Erin Steacy
It's Facebook .. none of this is serious and none of it matters.
Reggie Cameron
So you admit to trolling. Got it.
Erin Steacy
"so you admit to it troll"
Kinda like how I admitted to being a troll posts and hours ago
Reggie Cameron
Reggie Cameron Rule 6. Trolling (posting solely with intent to upset or offend others) is not allowed. Excessive trolling in comments is not allowed.
Reggie Cameron
Reggie Cameron Rule 4. Insults, personal attacks, suggestions or implying a person has mental health issues will be not tolerated. You can criticise and attack ideas, religions, Gods and historical figures, but not members of this group.…
Vaata veel
Reggie Cameron
- It seems to me that YOU are the 'peanut gallery' here.
Because you cannot fulfill the 1st commandment from God.
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and ove…
Vaata veel

You may have missed the bit about "outside of what the Bible says"
Skye Woods
The same God that instructed his people to rape wives and daughters, babies to be killed and mix race couple to be killed?
Anders Kargo Schmidt
right? The same god that's is obsessed with watching two men having sex. The same God who in the form of Jesus, got nailed and took longinus rod? Overall seems like the God of the Bible on top of being one of the most vile characte…
Vaata veel
I guess that you don’t wear mixed fabrics or eat shrimp right?
Dario Bezzina
no i don't live the law of moses. Which is what u r quoting from.
Look at all u guys trying to change the subject when i shut u up. Was not the question about gays? Did i not answer it?
Just homophobic bullshit
It goes against nature.
If nature had wanted it,it would have given that guy penis and pussy and for the ladies pussy and penis.So since it is man for penis and woman for pussy that's how we poles repel while unlike poles attract.
Mpama Okenwa
I recommend to just read one single scientific paper about this topic
That would prevent you from writing comments like this one
Walter Mitty
Do you need scientific paper to know that when you put your hand on a burning fire you are gonna get hurt?
Mpama Okenwa
are you kidding?
have you ever heard that homosexuality hurts?
Mpama Okenwa
Homosexuality occurs throughout nature, proving it IS according to nature.
Which fucked-up religion tells you something different?
Mpama Okenwa
I don't think you understand how nature works.
How can something that occurs in nature go against nature?
Mpama Okenwa
actually lots of animals in nature have same sex coupling. In fact, no other animal has ever been shown to be bothered by other animals having gay sex and/or relationships. Homosexuality is part of nature, homophobia is what goes against …
Vaata veel
Trevor Brown
I don't talk religion.
Maybe until you get impregnanted through anal sex you ain't gonna convince me.Besides from Africa where I come from homosexuality is against nature and you can't convince me against that.
Sorry, nature is the same in africa as everywhere else 😉.
"It goes against nature."…
Vaata veel
Mpama Okenwa
Homosexuality occurs throughout nature, proving it IS according to nature. Epic fail.
"you can't convince me against that"
- So your mind is made up, and you don't care about the facts. Got it.
You know what else goes against nature?…
Vaata veel
Again, homosexuality happens in nature, so how can it be against nature?
We can take something even closer to the body. How about long hair on men?
A lot of people think men should not have long hair, but nothing could be MORE natural. The hair grows, and cutting it is unnatural. Cutting it is interfering with the way of n…
Vaata veel
Nope, none at all.
No, nothing wrong with it at all. A lot of Christian churches are even coming around on the idea and accepting homosexuality.

Mitchell Barney
its still a sin and shall be punished by God.
Ohiku Adisa
That's your opinion. I disagree.
Ohiku Adisa
A god that has no problem with rape?
Ohiku Adisa
, let's be clear: you're talking about homosexual acts, right? Not homosexual orientation itself. Because a lot of people get confused about that.
I'm not necessarily defending the view even that homosexual acts are sinful, but from my pe…
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Edwin Woodruff Tait
whatsoever OUTSIDE the life allowed us by God to live is crossing the limit allowed.
Have we as human pass the TEST?
This is not human logic but divine grace that,as humans ,we must obey and never allowed our freewill do rob us of e…
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Mitchell Barney
that is beauty of Islam. One is very free as to what is right or what is wrong.
May be an image of Tekst, mis ütleb 'Ohiku Adisa Mitchell Barney that is beauty of Islam. One is very free as to what is right or what is wrong.'
Dario Bezzina
smiling in Latin or Chinese?
You’re ridiculous in any language.
Ohiku Adisa - NO, you *believe* that it's a sin, etc, etc.
There is a difference between what you or I or anyone may believe and consider sacred/sinful - and some objective fact.…
Vaata veel
I don’t care what a magic book says
Even Animals have hermaphrodites, nothing wrong unless you are a Muslim or a catholic.

Eduardo J. Berenguer
God,the Lord of all Creation forbids it.
Catholic? You can say that again.Recorded history is full of gay Pope.
Ohiku Adisa
You cannot even demonstrate that your alleged god exists.
Ohiku Adisa
Bible also forbids wearing blended cloths or working on the Sabbath and such but plenty of religious types ignore that. . .
Ohiku Adisa - Oh, OK there were never any gay imams or sheikhs.....
As wrong as heterosexuality.

Frank Xavier
what’s wrong with heterosexuality?
Anthony Larson
Nothing, that’s my point.
God invented homosexuality!

Dave Baker
pretty sure by the biblical standard God is obsessed with watching dudes fuck each other. Then there's Jesus... Hung around a bunch of dudes, didn't have a wife, he got nailed, and definitely took a rod from longinus... I mean... Just callin…
Vaata veel
...and to add to that, god seems to be a violent closet gay.
Like Colonel Fitts in American Beauty 😂
Dario Bezzina
yeeeessssss exactly!
Only for bigots
Its said that ,some countries have allowed sex with animals. Its also an act of war against God. Its the height of foolishness to think one can win a war against God.
Ohiku Adisa
why do you think that?
Ohiku Adisa
Animals cannot meaningfully consent to sex with humans.
People do not chose their orientations. If someone is gay, they did not choose that. Meaning your god meant for them to be that way. What an evil, spiteful go then to claim that bein…
Vaata veel
No one created to be gay, it's socially constructed
God does not made one a gay and will punish that person .God is never UNJUST.
Man is created with FREEWILL to either obey or rebel. And via the agency of human prophets and Divine Scriptures came what we can do and what we should NOT do.Its an invented…
Vaata veel
Yeah but... There's almost certainly no god so 🤷
William Duke
well,God is NOT same as " god".
As a believer,my faith teaches me that,God is Ever-Living, the First,the Last and Knower of all things.
Ohiku Adisa
sorry, faith based positions are demonstrably moronic to hold. I don't respect your god (notice the tiny "G" on purpose there.) nor your beliefs, nor your faith. Provide absolute empirical proof of your god existing in reality, or deal with…
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Mwakigali Kape Bandegenie
People don't choose their orientation. We are attracted to who we are attracted to, and sometimes those are people of the same sex.
Ohiku Adisa
People do not choose who they feel attracted to. You don't, and neither does anyone else. We do choose our actions so no, those two things are not the same. Also, being gay hurts no one while robbery causes demonstrable harm.
Ohiku Adisa - So now you're reduced to repeating gossip?
Please explain how that fits in with all the 'virtue-signalling' you've been doing?…
Vaata veel
Gods! These bigoted theists are as exhausting as they are unimaginative.
No reason at all. People who wrote the Bible were homophobic which is a mental disturb, Homophobia "has been defined as contempt, prejudice, aversion, hatred or antipathy, may be based on irrational fear and ignorance, and is often related to religiou…
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Anabela Queiros
but the Bible is a corrupt divine scripture of Guidance. Human beings have always rebel against what is BEST for its soul.
Anabela Queiros
I think many of the laws written into the bible were intended to distance Jews from everyone else. At the time homosexual behaviour was common in other societies.
No, and even the Bible is largely misunderstood on this. It’s still an argument I have with fellow Christians.

Aidan James Kiely
- hello! I’d love to hear your argument and point of view on this! Please message me if you’re interested! Thanks in advance ✌🏼
Mitch Szymel
- Moderator here. We prefer that discussion should take place ON the board here.
So, if you want to, feel free to quote Aidan's post as part of an OP and invite others to discuss it. …
Vaata veel
Because sheep herding desert nomads didn’t have much to work with in the area of sanitation, so it was a bad time to get sh*t on your d*ck. My guess is they figured out that sodomy lead to infections and thought it was divine retribution.

Just saw a post where some theists complained about us atheists and the lack of intelligent discussion but pls look at the comments from theists in this post, it makes me sick. You can take your petty childish vindictive homophobic God and stick him up…
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Anders Kargo Schmidt
- No but since I am a theist and arguing AGAINST the homophobic bigotry and claiming being homosexual is a 'lifestyle choice' - I would have suggested that you add 'SOME' before 'theists'...... and I think
Erin Steacy
and some othe…
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Nancy Dills
I did write 'some'... I actually don't care too much about what people think about me and if they think I m theists-hating bigot, then so be it. I also have criticised atheists that are homophobic, racist etc. I m very pleased you have a 'm…
Vaata veel
The taste? Neigh, cunt be
I mean who cares about the whereabouts of your sexual organs where being?
Yes ! When they adopt a child, they ruin his life. No matter what you say, who is daddy 1 daddy 2 ? Mum 1 ? Mum 2 ? Eurk !

Ibtissem Teyeb
how do they ruin the child's life?
Ibtissem Teyeb
how is that a problem? I'm sure children know who their parents are if they have communication 🤷🏼‍♀️
Ibtissem Teyeb
there are many children out there with gay parents that are loved far more by those parents than some with straight parents
Ibtissem Teyeb
- My personal experience says that you're wrong and have no idea what you're talking about.
I have a gay relative who was married to the same same-sex person for over 20 years. I don't like either of them, but they were awesome as pare…
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Ibtissem Teyeb
On average, families with two same-sex parents turn out a bit BETTER than families with opposite sex parents. Look it up.
Trevor Brown
I'm sure it's not because 'gays are better parents' - but because the gays who have children usually adopted them or otherwise deliberately set out to become parents.
The point is, stop worrying that same-sex parents aren't as good enough as opposite-sex parents. They are.
GIF may contain Bunnies, What, Confused ja Meh
Yeah, because it doesn't empower the religious force with more offspring
Homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom.
Nope. There is no logical reason for homosexuality to be villainized the way it is.
For me , I don't even believe in the bible but I find homosexuality disgusting.
I can't reconcile the fact that a full fledged man will attract a full fledged man sexually, I don't just get it. Where is the attraction?
That's probably because you're not gay. I can't reconcile how grown men can be excited about watching others kicking around a ball. Yet I have the common sense to realize that just because I don't like something doesn't mean others can't like it.
Aberagi Scope Dee
you don't have to 'get it'. I don't understand what you see in the opposite sex. If you asked me to do what you do in the bedroom, I would find it gross too. But I accept the fact that you are heterosexual. And know that there's nothi…
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Aberagi Scope Dee
Each to their own. I think two guys together are 🔥
Matthew D Prosser
Matthew D Prosser
wow 😲😲😲, what a wonderful world we lived in, ideas involve and life changes.
I now understand that many abnormals will be considered normal in a long run.
Aberagi Scope Dee
that wonderful world allows you to choose your seat now on the bus in the US despite of being black. Don't you love progress?
Ádám Szőllősy
I am confused pls what do you mean choosing a seat in the usa bus despite being back?
Aberagi Scope Dee
Prior to 1956 the first bus seats were reserved for white people. You could only sit there until a white person came and needed your seat. Because being white was considered "normal". Would you like to be called abnormal if you're not…
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Ádám Szőllősy
pls for your information you can not detect to me what I deem normal/abnormal.
Aberagi Scope Dee
would you like to be called abnormal?
Ádám Szőllősy
if I behave in a way that deviate from the normal yes I can be called abnormal being
Aberagi Scope Dee
in the USA, black people are a minority. Are they abnormal?
Ádám Szőllősy
not really, certainly it's does not sound reasonable comparing minority in race and minority in sexual stance.
I did not abhore it for not having many subscribers to it but for fact it's a deviation from norms taught in my community.
Aberagi Scope Dee
homosexuality occurs in the animal kingdom, and is more common in some types of animals. Some bird species actually benefit from the brooding behavior increasing their survivability. Its been observed in mammals, even insects like fru…
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Aberagi Scope Dee
it ia totally comparable. Being born black and born gay are both something you don't choose. Also, people don't "subscribe" to it. You don't pick Your sexuality.
Norm is a matter of majority. If you're a minority, you're abnormal acc…
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Terry Leatherbury
Terry Leatherbury
I know what pains you is that I call homosexuality abnormal but , as you say the world does not centered on my view point thankfully. Certainly you should not expect everybody in the whole corners of the earth to bel…
Vaata veel
Aberagi Scope Dee
i dont expect everyone to agree on everything. You can be disgusted by whatever, i dont care. But it has nothing to do with you what other people do so why do you care? And as i mentioned its natural occurring in nature so no, its de…
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Ádám Szőllősy
Ádám Szőllősy
you are not correct, stop concluding on my behalf, I never say majority is always right.
There are many popular beliefs with majority followers that I can never subscribe to.
Aberagi Scope Dee
you said the minority is abnormal. That makes you abnormal too.
Aberagi Scope Dee
hes is right though. Anything different from the norm is abnormal, so a minority of any kind is abnormal. Abnormal just means not normal.
Terry Leatherbury
it's kinda negative word though and apparently he's not fond of it when he's the one called abnormal.
Ádám Szőllősy
yes it does have negative connotations, which are ugly, and makes his assertions mildly offensive. I dont understand why people care how other people live their lives? His way of thinking is hard for me to understand too but i dont go out…
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Ádám Szőllősy
you see a lot of this kind of thinking from poorer, rural, and tribal places rife with ignorance.
Ádám Szőllősy
which is why I tried to emphasize that it's entirely natural, occurring in nature. He has a 'regional' point of view though that is common in his community as he claims so it's no suprise he cowers to conformity. Think about it though, t…
Vaata veel
It is simple. eyes to see. Ears to hear
Lips and tongue to speak and taste
Hands to hold,. Legs to walk…
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S. Naveed
Sex is not only used for procreation bro. We are a social species that uses sex for bonding, social status and many other reasons... I've never had sex with the direct intention of procreation.... And as the last guy said. Homosexuality occur…
Vaata veel
Um. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU. So who cares why 2 men would be attracted to one another? It's none of your business. …
Vaata veel
Excuse me. Are you referring to tribal people, rural people or impoverished people as "ignorant"? FU. You're the ignorant one. That was a horribly bigot ignorant remark.
Aberagi Scope Dee
your squick factor doesn't make anothers existance "wrong". Get over yourself.
Aberagi Scope Dee
- LOL, why is it that so many males seem only to be able to notice male homosexuality?
I happen to be completely heterosexual - but I also know that some males don't seem to object to female homosexuality. In fact, some seem to be t…
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Aberagi Scope Dee
- Calling other people 'abnormals' is insulting and degrading.
STOP using that language.…
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Terry Leatherbury
- Would you call someone with an IQ over 150 'abnormal' ? I don't think so.
I know what the word means by etymology - but that's clearly NOT how the other member used it.
Aberagi Scope Dee
- Then maybe it's your community's 'norms' which are really the problem?
Since cultures are not 'divine', they can certainly be erroneous in some ways.…
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Giovanna L. Sforza
no it wasnt, everyone is ignorant including me, but statistically impoverished people and people with less means such as rural and tribal populations have less access to information so their amount of ignorance is greater just becaus…
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Nancy Dills
yes i know i acknowledged the negative connotations, i was being a little facetious with my reply.
Giovanna L. Sforza
tell me will you of populations in Amazonia that have studied advanced sociology and know the statistics for demographic groups and have informed opinions about why certain behaviors exist. There's scarce little through no fault of t…
Vaata veel

Interestingly the Bible only forbids it for men. It says next to nothing about lesbians.
The Bible doesn't say it is wrong. You have to learn how to interpret it properly. Not "proof texting" like many do.

The bible outright calls it sinful and unnatural and leviticus even dishes out death sentence for it. If you can interpret "kill them" as "don't kill them" you can reinterpret anything you want.
I always thought it was about playing in septic tanks... butt stuff... is dirty and gross... playing in sewer
Shawn Hartgrove
I think you have a warped view on homosexuality
Shawn Hartgrove
what does anal sex have to do with same-sex attraction?
Jolene Ulrich Garrettson
well it mentions two dudes together more than two women. Not my beliefs but what I understand of bible.. homosexuality is mentioned 6 times 4 about dude on dude and 2 about both...
Shawn Hartgrove
yeah. But straight people have butts too. Gay people doesn't equal butt sex lol
Shawn Hartgrove
Some gay men don’t like anal sex, some people who are not gay men do like it.
Jolene Ulrich Garrettson
yes I agrer... Both do butt stuff... it wasn't that is what I think homosexuals do it was more so a thought on how religion views it... I don't care what they do... either straight or not...
Matthew D Prosser
yes they do... it is gross anyway...
Shawn Hartgrove
so whats the issue with gay people?
Shawn Hartgrove
ok. Just going by the op...
Matthew D Prosser
I have issue with the entire species...
Not any small chunk of the population. The species...
Matthew D Prosser
just observation no attached feelings to the concept...
Shawn Hartgrove
so kink shaming is why you think its wrong. Tsk tsk.
Erin Steacy
no I didn't say it was wrong... I personally think it is gross... if you like that kind of thing then that is all you...
My opinion isn't law...
Shawn Hartgrove
so you are saying you DIDN'T read/understand the OP. I see.
Erin Steacy
lol... wow... can one not express an opinion contrary to their belief... yall taking it way to serious...
....soooo...the verse should be about anal sex, not homosexuality.
Also what do you mean "yall taking it way too seriously"…
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Shawn Hartgrove
Another one admitting that they are trolling.
Erin Steacy
not trolling. Question was asked i answered as best I could with info I have...
If I was trolling I would have continued to let y'all believe whatever assumptions you made...
Shawn Hartgrove
No you didn't. You didn't answer the question at all. Just carried on about what YOU don't like. Not WHY it was wrong.
Shawn Hartgrove
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Your posts tell the tale.
Erin Steacy
beside playing in septic tank, or stretching the exit door. Nah... all personal just like everything in life...
Yet not as bad as eating shrimps, only two "don't be a puff", yet more than half a dozen "don't eat shrimp".
Something fishy about this religion shit 🤑🤑🤑
Homosexuality exist when there is no heterosexuality at all.

The term homosexual exists. Accepted language. Is there a problem here?
Only when it's not with a consenting adult. Other than that, no
I'm heterosexual but lm not going to shove it down your throat about it.
Yeah natural. Out side of is a threat to others. Like disease. We all have a mum and dad involvement in our being. So why is that no longer good enough for some ? Sex is not love. Or rape and a one night stand is. And they are not. Humans are born male…
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Geoff Green
it's hard to tell what your objection to homosexuality is in what you said...
Geoff Green
oh wait, after re-reading what you said. I think you are saying homosexuality is a threat, through disease?
What disease can homosexual people get that heterosexual people can't?
Geoff Green
- NOT a fact: there are people who are 'intersex' physically. And then there are people whose genetic coding is other than 'XX' or 'XY'.
In a 'perfect' world, people would be 'male' or 'female' in body and personality - but the world is …
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Nancy Dills
yes it is regardless of birth defects. Sadly they do happen. We all are born via a mum and dad involvement . And are all born male or female.
Geoff Green
What does that have to do with same-sex attraction (homosexuality)?
Jolene Ulrich Garrettson
what all born of a mum and dad involvement ? People wanting to get their rocks off ? What. The human race has a natural. Male and female. You yourself are because of. So political BS aside. Disease comes otherwise. It's a fact.…
Vaata veel
Geoff Green
That isn’t how disease works at all. You get disease from having unprotected sex regardless if your partner is male or female. The idea that homosexuality “causes” disease is a myth, and a very damaging one.
Jolene Ulrich Garrettson
Rubbish. Don't talk rubbish.
I can’t think of any
No, and "it's gross" or "I don't understand it" isn't a reason either
No. I have gay family members and I love them and protect fiercely from bigots

Kristi Lipinski
may you be able to " protect" them from the anger of God for their rebellion. And you also, for aiding sins.amin
Ohiku Adisa
oh get a clue already. I care about their happiness. You only want to push your ideals or a god you think is there. If there is a god, he would only want his children happy.
Ohiku Adisa
haha you think god is real. 🤣
Kristi Lipinski
God,the Lord of all Creation told us that,He love us more than a mother's love of her child.
His Grace upon us is unlimited.
However,He told us NOT to cross some limit and to seek pardon when we sin or err.Its not for God to punish thos…
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William Duke
Its beyond my thinking. Its an open truth.
Ohiku Adisa
Yes, God being not real is almost assuredly an open truth. Glad you agree.
Quite a lot seems to be beyond your thinking quite frankly 😒
Ohiku Adisa
your Bible also says not to mix fabrics. Get a clue already
Ohiku Adisa - IF that's how Deity made a person, then they are NOT!!!!! 'in rebellion'.
When other functioning adults WANT your advice, they will surely ask for it.…
Vaata veel
When you release the sperms into a man's anus, what do you expect the sperms to go and do in there??
Naro Yaro Busquets
Homosexuality isn't exclusive to males.
Why are you only focusing on male homosexuality?…
Vaata veel
Naro Yaro Busquets
When you release the sperms into a infertile woman's body, what do you expect the sperms to go and do in there??
Homosexuality is too worse to men, the anus is not created to receive sperms.
when straight couples have anal (and loads do) what do the sperm do? when the sperm is released into a condom what does it do? when it is released into a woman on birth control what does it do? when it is released into a sock what does it do?
Just because you’ve had ONE bad experience shouldn’t mean you should hate on it
Jen Na Boneiru
Okay, let all the males have males, let all the females have females, humans go extinct in 100 years..
Y'all gay people happy now?
Erin Steacy
At least you know it's inside a pussy.. Where it's supposed to be.
Naro Yaro Busquets
That's just unrealistic nonsense.
Jen Na Boneiru
It's not nonsense, it's a fact
Naro Yaro Busquets
No, it's unrealistic.
Homosexuality is nothing new, and it's unrealistic to think that there's a risk of all of humanity being homosexual.
So, your scenario is simply unrealistic nonsense.…
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Naro Yaro Busquets
so you choose to be vulgar AND deliberately miss the point. Figures.
Naro Yaro Busquets
why does EVERYONE have to be gay just so some people can be gay? WHY DO YOU NEED EVERYONE TO BE GAY? closeted motherfucker
Harpo Barx
I don't want anyone to be gay
I don’t want anyone to be black. …
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Naro Yaro Busquets
it isn't up to you if someone is gay or not
Naro Yaro Busquets
What does anal sex have to do with same-sex attraction?
Erin Steacy
"When you release the sperms into a infertile woman's body, what do you expect the sperms to go and do in there??"
The sexual act happens in many realms and timelines SAME time not just in one point of time , but the important part is tha…
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Erin Steacy
exactly, this is what is expected from people, who lack even kid level understanding of these things,
i am sure when you finished looking Cloud Atlas, or AO or Sense8 you also told "Um....what"
instead: …
Vaata veel
Look homosexuality is a persons choice let’s just let people live in peace
Yeah it hurts your butt plus ewww

Joey Bones
Isn’t there a g spot in the anus?
How do you know that?
It only hurts if you go in too fast. Go in slow and it can feel good for the receiver.…
Vaata veel
Barnard Rabenold
sick , deeply sicks
Gabe Brocklebank
just because some Froidian sickos name it a "g spot" does not make it so,
there is physical boy pressure points that when medical doctors pressure on these the sperm near instant comes for many people, …
Vaata veel
Common sense,how are you going to produce a baby if u cum in the wrong hole?
Rapi B Apin
How does that make it wrong?
Do you only have sex for reproduction? …
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Gabe Brocklebank
one of the reason why they are wrong
Rapi B Apin
So the only moral type of sex is vaginal and only if the couple is capable of procreation?
Rapi B Apin
I suppose masturbation, condoms, oral/anal, and every other form of ejaculation that doesn’t directly result in an infant is evil, as well?
Joseph Stahl
yes,plus no one attempt to legalize all those things yet,I heard only same sex marriage
Gabe Brocklebank
Yes , vaginal only,but not necessarily to reproduce. Because we talk about sex here
Rapi B Apin
so you contradict your self.
Rapi B Apin
Why vaginal only if the goal isn't to reproduce?
What makes vaginal sex which doesn't result in reproduction right but gay sex wrong?
Adi Zohar Fedorowsky
nope. My stand is is only between man and woman. Simple as that
Rapi B Apin
well we ask why?
You prefer women. And it is ok but what tell you the right to tell others it is wrong.…
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Mohlomphehi Mojalefa Kapelwa
There's various reason,some intentionally,some not,.Family planning,one of them.have sex but don't want a baby
Rapi B Apin
So oral and hand sex is also immoral?
I assume you masturbate. …
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Dario Bezzina
No ,I don't mate. I'm normal
Fuck off, you’re lying!
Dario Bezzina
hahaha, 🤣🤣🤣 it is wrong to be normal?😜😜😜😜
Gabe Brocklebank
it is not considered SEX if you press in to buttonholes and all that nonsense,
some are so sick they even pressure womans in to that practice …
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Margus Meigo
Why should we appeal to your strict definition of sex?
Gabe Brocklebank
as then You will get full and deeper understanding of what sex is and access much higher realms,
as these things in multy worlds are as like a doors , that you will not even see, if you not know .. and if you make mistakes, you will …
Vaata veel
I mean not that I can honestly think of. Love is love in my eyes. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Destiny Morris
its wrong in the sight of God and man
Please try to understand me
Iromantu Bestman
yeah but... There's almost certainly no god except for in your head so... not really any wrongs here.
Iromantu Bestman
he said outside of the Bible though.
Destiny Morris
God is not limited to "inside bible" or as some specially degenerated brains say "inside mind"
We come from GOd is safe to assume not God from us, …
Vaata veel
No reason what so ever.
I have never understood why so many busybodies are interested in what kind of sex lives other folk have.
as long as its between consenting adults, its no one else's business.

Suzane Watkinson
it just because you have not invested so great time in to understanding WHY,
but at least You admit, that You DO NOT Understand,
meaning, you lack knowledge and understanding why things are as they are, …
Vaata veel
If You lack understanding, how is it bad if someone is peeing in to river where down the streem others use it for kids bath and more after that someone for drinking.. (as i have got my water for years from nature..) but the first one who craps in to w…
Vaata veel
If that which the Bible says is acceptable is actually what is acceptable... then we are in trouble. He who loves his brother and sister, knows God.
yes. When completely taken out of context
Nope either you want the poo hole and a stick or you want a warm squishy love pocket made for a penis and a poo hole. Decide, both can come with tits in 2021 also.

Randy Farren
it is remarkable that many people can only think of one single way of homosexual playing among men
And by the way which is only possible for half of the homosexuals, doesn't apply to lesbians
I am a Vancouver gay pride participant since 1990. What other comment you got for me about me focusing on sexual organs trying to get a few laughs out of people instead of semi-insults from laze fucks stuck up from all this covid bull?
GIF may contain thumb, okay, ok ja Thumbs Up

Buddy probably doesn't know real gay pride and the true struggles in the 80s and 90s at all. Gay pride today is a shadow of what it once was. But being gay is much easier today then it was growing up.
So if you really don't know half this shit. Shit …
Vaata veel
Today it is all "look at meeeeee" it is embarrassing.
Randy Farren
I don't get your point
It's wrong even without the bible condemning it.
Kings John
could you please give a single reason?
Kings John
For one, that's the question that the OP is asking.
Two, when you say wrong, do you mean morally? Or what? And why do you see it that way? Does it only apply to homosexuals or all non-heteros?…
Vaata veel
What wrong with that as long as people are consenting adults. You shouldn't care.
Walter Mitty
it's against nature, we're here to reproduce sexually not the other way around. Personally I have nothing against them because they're humans too.
Yes I mean morally and secondly it apply to all of em.
Adi Zohar Fedorowsky
Yes as long as they keep it to themselves, I have one in my neighborhood and he or she is like "have you seen me?
Kings John
no it isn't against nature it is natural and apeares in other animals
And morally it isn't wrong as long those two people vare consenting adults
And. To keep it to themselves why?…
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Adi Zohar Fedorowsky
How am I a hypocrite?
Because you wrote as long as it is female and male it is ok
Even if it just for enjoyment maybe hypocrite is not the right word. But you contradict yourself.
Maybe i was confusing with another person who wrote it
Kings John
it wasn't you I was confused with another comment sorry.
But either way it isn't against nature. It is natural so you should think why it is bother you.
Adi Zohar Fedorowsky
if it's a good thing as some people try to make us understand, why can't they just get married everywhere like normal people? Why is it prohibited ?
Kings John
because religon not allowed that in most places.
But why is that?…
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Kings John
Don't forget sex wasn't allowed outside marriage
And if someone rape a girl. He needed to pay to her father or get married to her
Women was objects basically
Kings John
Anyway. You said that *besides* religon it is wrong
But we get back to the beginning bible reason.
You have another reason?
Facebook and the internet is also “against nature” and yet here you are 🤔
Vaata veel
Adi Zohar Fedorowsky
" What wrong with that as long as people are consenting adults"
There is many other things adults do that ware wrong, this is why most prisoners are adults in prison,
Dario Bezzina
facebook and specially internet is NOT against nature, but FOR nature and FOR Humanity, it one of the most human things there has been produced that can help humans to become more human and nature like
Thanks to internet psychedelics c…
Vaata veel
Margus Meigo
If two people having consensual sex. How is that wrong ?
Explain me don't tell me to do research because i don't find any wrong with that.…
Vaata veel
None really. It is an orientation. As is homophobia and transphobia.

Nathaniel Yu
its not "Hompphobia" just becuase some illiterate froidian LGBD agenda aliens coined the wrong logic and wrong word for their agenda together,
Not liking, disgusting, keeping values and normality is not a "phobia"
same way as eating poi…
Vaata veel
Yes, there is some ones who are literally afraid also for demonic posessions and other evil that comes from it, but that means not that others who just know what is right , that they are "suffering under phobia"
this word meanings will be changed …
Vaata veel
Health reasons for one.
Who’s health reasons?
Yes, unprotected male anal sex was the primary vector for the HIV/AIDS pandemic, along with intravenous heroin addiction.
Royston Wilding
oh weird, I thought you could get aids from heterosexual sex as well. I feel
Sean Kays
You can, but the probability is much lower.
Royston Wilding
oh darn, so Heterosexual sex is immoral too then?
HIV/AIDS Among Gay and Bisexual Men | CDC
HIV/AIDS Among Gay and Bisexual Men | CDC
HIV/AIDS Among Gay and Bisexual Men | CDC
Sean Kays
If you knowingly have HIV I believe you should inform your partner, before engaging in high-risk sex, however this is no longer a legal requirement, due to lobbying by homosexual lobby groups.
Royston Wilding
right, so you can get HIV from both. So are both immoral then? The argument was gay sex is immoral because of health risks. Straight sex also has risks... the same health risk I guess if you’re doing anal. And lesbian sex has the least …
Vaata veel
Exactly, but only slightly less immoral. ☺️
May be an image of 1 isik ja Tekst, mis ütleb 'Sean Kays Royston Wilding oh darn, so Heterosexual sex is immoral too then?'

Lou Kilgore
Also for mental health, as mental health suffers create way with it,
just look the logic and behaviors of these people,
and some even turn bodily and vice changes in to abnormal …
Vaata veel
Dario Bezzina
immoral specially if done with who god did not intended , like thinking about other woman or work or being drunk when having sex etc etc.. these are great mistakes

Adi Zohar Fedorowsky
i say clearly yes,
if you not know then research why
Margus Meigo
tell me why
I don't find any reason.
Bible not 100 percent right. The old testament many of the prophet doing war and killing... Pretty sure that's an ideology and politics, proud and ego.
so u pick and choose what is right and wrong ? Whats the purpose of an apmoghty deity if he is judged by the same moral standard as we .
Nobody can judge Gods actions are wrong all right, anything G0d does is simply Godly , its his will ,if he c…
Vaata veel
Elijah Kuria
exactly. We have brain and soul, we know what is right or wrong. Many of the scripture are opposing each other. It was around 2000 years ago... It was edited couple of times.
Your definitions of God is wrong, that's text book. Are you tr…
Vaata veel
Elijah Kuria
problem with Christian right now, is they are text book. Is only a book ... edited 2000 years ago, one word changed then it change the meaning. Then why I am believin in Christ then? I will answer it if you like to hear. Not bullshit mirac…
Vaata veel
let me ask you , answer honestly , whats the problem in believing in christ , what do you have against it
Is there any proof on what u are saying , that the bible was changed, edited?
Elijah Kuria
I don't. I believe in him. Only I don't agree on the text book.
Elijah Kuria
no I don't. But by judging on the text , I know it was contradicted... So I say, don't be a text book
The reason we know right and wrong is not brain and soul , its innate , animals have Brains and souls dave. There is a moral standard beyond us , that most of us call God , science does not set any moral standard , so why would u judge killing as…
Vaata veel
There is irrefutable proof of Jesus excistence , not only in the bible dave , even in other historical books
so ur problem is not that u are sure Jesus and the bible are factual , its just that u want not to believe ? Right .
Elijah Kuria
funny your name is elijah. I like to make example from this prophet elijah. He is the one that butchered all baal priest during a fire demonstrations... Do you think God like that? It is contradicted to Jesus theaching.
am not pushing you to do anything , am just challenging ur belief system to see whether u are sure of what u believe , u believe the bible was edited , is that infact true? U believe Jesus wasnt alive...are u sure u aint lying to urself?
I repeat again Dave , Elijah is to be judged by God , not u , not me , and there is no moral standard above God , if God wills some people to die , there must be a murderer . And its not u to judge , live a life of fulfillment irregardless of what…
Vaata veel
Elijah Kuria
on the contrary.... I believe in Jesus was alive. They are many scripture support that. Even Jesus was not a rich leader. But so many people respect him that time.
Exactly , infact Jesus was so just and accordinf to script he was such a man of integrity , i wonder what people had against him , if anything, The man lived the perfect life , we should emulate him
Elijah Kuria
it's historical book , old testament. Compiled by the farish and saduki. Including all old testament books. No more and no less... Might be solid, might be edited. I fell nothing spiritual came out from old testament, except the story of A…
Vaata veel
let me make it really simple for u , the attrocities in the bible .The deaths are not for u to Judge God whether he was right or wrong , no one.has such power to question Gods actions . Think about this , if there was ever a mighty being , but he …
Vaata veel
U pick and choose Dave , thats ur problem . Thats being spoilt , u want things to go ur way , u want God to alwayd be good , dont kill the false prophets , the blasphemers , what about them , they killed alotnif Gods people
Elijah Kuria
your definitions of God might be difggerent from me. For me , there was nothing sucha infinite God. That's why we have a slight debate in this conversation
I dont define God , his nature does , its not an opinion
i respect if you dont believe in God but why then judge his actions if you dont believe in him?
Let me ask you , simply if infact the bible were true and Jesus purpose was as it is said , would you be a believer??
Elijah Kuria
its still your opinion. Not 100 millions other people....😀
Elijah Kuria
I am a believer. From a different reason. Tell me , do you pray lords prayer?
it doesnt matter what other people believe , u dont have to stand in the masses . The fact of the matter is there is a being who created all this , and its not a big bang , matter cannot magically become self aware .
I do , from time to time am not a perfect believer , infact i dont go to church , because christianity today is so corrupt , its going against what Jesus taught . I believe in Christ and i read the book and follow other people who act christ-lik…
Vaata veel
Elijah Kuria
I don't believe in big bang....😀 Even now scientist dig on string theory... Multi universe. Multi realm, multi Gods...
Am confused now dave , what do u believe in , are u agnostic?
Elijah Kuria
Exactly.... Religion is corrupted. I am a chatolic, Inknow how corrupt the pope right now. We have long discussion... Why dont you just private massage me?
Elijah Kuria
agnostic more precise. I am not a text book.
i agree wth u , Religion is the reason why we are worlds apart right now. But look at it like this , Christ did not start any religion , The roman catholic did . Christ wants a relationship wth u , not a mass , so acknowledge that fact but dont le…
Vaata veel
Its written in ur essence Dave , some people have never read the book and will never but God will still save them , be a good human , live a Christ like life ...the book is only for guidance , at the end of the day , heaven will not have bibles , …
Vaata veel
Elijah Kuria
amen brother....
if you not understand why the prophets did killings and who did right way who wrong way,
and what is needed to be done on what times..
then you have missed the main point of bibile, …
Vaata veel
Bible, biology notes and life is just looks wrong tbh

OS Precious
people who have not understand why bible is god and essential, should not run their ideas too much, they hurt them self like this
Its not just homosexuality , its all sexual sin that is condemned , incest , fornication , as far as God is concerened , 90% of us are sinners , not only hommosexuals will be judged . bitter truth

Elijah Kuria
true, there is many sins,
90% is optimistic outlook
You have great name, : )
Frankie Panaia
there are at least 150 birds and mammals that practice homosexuality so it is certainly natural.
10 animal species that show how being gay is natural | DW | 02.08.2017
10 animal species that show how being gay is natural | DW | 02.08.2017
10 animal species that show how being gay is natural | DW | 02.08.2017
get off it please!
Dario Bezzina
you should know better pazan - disgrazia!
I’m not your fucking Paesan’.
Learn some Italian before you try to insult me 😉
Dario Bezzina
frocio - is that better pazan?
Vaffanculo, is that better?
Linda MacLennan
NO: "there are at least 150 birds and mammals that practice homosexuality so it is certainly natural."
these fake propaganda that people sick in head interpret like this,
does not make it a "gay" …
Vaata veel
Margus Meigo
nonsense. That's just spouting homo sapiens arrogance. Many mammals are somewhat sentient like the great apes, dolphins and elephants
Linda MacLennan
now You just make up stuff,
we have no idea why and what they do,
and nature is nature, math is math, …
Vaata veel
Margus Meigo
first of all, homo sapien sapiens is a great ape and there are sufficient studies to gauge the intellect of various spieces of other animals.
Linda MacLennan
what you mean " somewhat sentient" ?
You see any species organizing hords of homos and have special homo parts of their culture ? …
Vaata veel
Margus Meigo
the recently deceased gorilla could carry on a conversation in sign language. Chimps and bonobos make and use tools and Konrad Lorenz documented homosexual pairs of grey flag geese as flock leaders.
Linda MacLennan
its also common fallacy for monkeybrains to assume , that everyone who walks on 2 feet are "homo sapience's"
Margus Meigo
that is a matter of specific DNA although there are reprobates who have devolved back before hominids evolved
Linda MacLennan
my cant can understand human language and telepathically communicate if people are just taking enough mushrooms or are naturally spiritually open,
and not just, same way can commute with bugs, …
Vaata veel
just animals, who are more advanced in god's eye for natural point of view as they ANIMATE reality,
directly, human man have become a LIFE to be a nature part, they have to evolve and find a soul connection to not be a robot, animals mostly naturally …
Vaata veel
Margus Meigo
guess your mushroom brain is working well
Getting into this discussion is like walking into a circle of wolves and hyenas. Both sides snarling and biting for the most part. I'm going to be very truthful, not to sway one way or the other. Yes this is a very sensitive and delicate topic IMO. …
Vaata veel

Lynn McCaghren
poignant!! You nailed it all.
Lynn McCaghren
I’m not having a go, but it’s a common slur on homosexuals that their intimacy is purely about pleasure because they cant create an embryo. This is then used to suggest they are intrinsically hedonistic. I think that is debatable. Do het…
Vaata veel
I have already listed reasons why that could be so. I don't judge any because I am not them or of them. God said to love all. God is the judge of all of us.
Lynn McCaghren
" God did not tell us to turn away from others because they are different, to only stay away from the evil. "
Yes, this is what we talking about, …
Vaata veel
so we can be better and good, for nature and world with out spreading multi dimensional wicked ideology viruses that can end up as a infiltration tool to ANY organization,
CIA learn it hard way
///" help others to turn away from a evil"
Who do you think is in need of hell to turn away from evil ?…
Vaata veel
not at all, it's just bitching of some old priests from 2000 years ago that still ruins people's entire lifes
To clarify, the bible does not teach that same sex attraction (homosexuality) is wrong, but rather homosexual acts. But back to your question, it all comes down to the definition of "wrong". Who or what defines what is wrong or right? One could argu…
Vaata veel
Yes, in the natural way of life, you have been left out.
In the survival of the fittest or the random…
Vaata veel

Dejienna Jonathan
To some degree yes. There is homosexuality in nature so it's natural, but in our case, there's really no need to repopulate. The more we repopulate actually decrease the chances of survival for everyone else as it'll lead to increased…
Vaata veel
Cynthia Sun
“there is really no need to repopulate”...really?
Who told you that?…
Vaata veel
Dejienna Jonathan
There are other ways to contribute to the advancement of humans besides having children
Those of us who cannot have children can help raise and care for others children
Suzane Watkinson
I totally agree, good deed, very positive to do when you have decided not to have children.
I am pro-abortionist ( while it is the parents decision, the women should have the right/choice to keep or abort their pregnancy)…
Vaata veel
Dejienna Jonathan
Stating reproduction for humans isn't about natural selection anymore. Just socioeconomic standing. As for mental fortitude, you have idiots who live well for the rest of their life simply because they're wealthy so it still goes down…
Vaata veel
Cynthia Sun
you can call it whatever you want, just like I can call it whatever I want.
Why can’t both be right?
You have started some factors, and I gave you other factor that can make one make better decision.…
Vaata veel
It doesn't promote human population growth. That's all that I can think of....
And we could probably do with a little less population growth.

Pretty much everything else than vaginal intercourse between two fertile people does not promote human population growth. 😂
Gay genes boost fertility
Gay genes boost fertility
Good point.
I vaguely remember reading this some years ago. Very interesting stuff 👍
Jolene Ulrich Garrettson
pederasty supporters & LGBD i remember reading, as whole ideology do not support the "ideology of genes" or race,
as communists and Leninist demand in these new-age-roman-empire-s days.
Margus Meigo
Did you read the article?
What's wrong with homosexuality? Are there anything beyond "it hurts my gods feelings" reasons?

Jacob Riggs
to give any to the practice of homosexuality is to also say it's ok to spread the diseases that are being spread . And they are shocking. Human natural is man and woman. You are there because of. Anyway I hope you read this very shocking re…
Vaata veel
Flesh-eating bug strikes San Francisco's gay community
Flesh-eating bug strikes San Francisco's gay community
Flesh-eating bug strikes San Francisco's gay community
Geoff Green
That's the equivalent of saying "having sex in general causes more diseases than abstinence, so sex is bad". Many people get into car crashes, yet driving is still a normal way to get around.
This is a matter of safe sex vs unprotected sex…
Vaata veel
So you mean there are absolutely NO diseases when performing ‘heterosexual sex’?
I've been having both gay and straight sex since I was 18 still no disease...
The only think that is shocking is that you can't tell the difference between the issue of safe sex vs sex.
No. I mean "right & wrong" are subjective, but there is "not" anything objectively wrong or dangerous about homosexuality that can be scientifically demonstrated.

Flesh-eating bug strikes San Francisco's gay community
Flesh-eating bug strikes San Francisco's gay community
Flesh-eating bug strikes San Francisco's gay community
Geoff Green
You cherry pick like a boss.
You have an old ass article full of blah-blah and no subsources, let alone science sources, to back the claims
Vaata veel
Rocky Graciano
The new article is even more shocking. You can look that up.
Rocky Graciano
You seem to have a cock up your arse. Not good.
Rule 4. Insults, personal attacks, suggestions or implying a person has mental health issues will be not tolerated. You can criticise and attack ideas, religions, Gods and historical figures, but not members of this group. …
Vaata veel
The anus wasn’t designed for sexual activities.... it’s for excretion ..... you can’t put a dick in every hole you see on the human body ,,,,the nose is for breathing ,,,, mouth is for eating .... etc
So you’ve never received a blow job then?
Bonface Kaseyama
As if you don't pee out of your penis...
Dario Bezzina
I like the p***sy idont waste time with that thing..... I know where to put the d****..... 😄😄😄😄
Jeromie Gentry
peeing is not sexual activity.... homosexual is sexual activity..... anyway Ido enjoy the p*****y ....the rest is just none of my business
Bonface Kaseyama
exactly, none of your business.
Suzane Watkinson
exactly,,, why shld Insert my d**** into the poop 💩 outlet????? You must have a lot of disinfectants and sanitizers to have the guts to do that.... it takes me almost 60 seconds spraying toilet spray every time I use the toilet to get…
Vaata veel
Bonface Kaseyama
if the mouth is for eating, then why do we engage in fallatio??
As I see it you have …
Vaata veel
Mila Barroso
agood quastion?? The same question shld be if the anus is for excretion why do we put in a d**** there?????are we that disparate??? The mouth can do foul play it’s clean and it’s an intake for clean stuff....( my own opinion) the anus …
Vaata veel
Dario Bezzina
you mean foul play I guess 😄😄😄’s a clean game...... Ido play with her with my finger while she is playing with me........ I’m sure they can put their finger in the anus also and enjoy the peanut butter down there 👇 mmmm it’s yamm…
Vaata veel
So I see that as a yes. …
Vaata veel
Dario Bezzina
isaid foul play...... after foul play the end game is Putting my d**** into the p ***** and enjoy,,, I really do me it’s so nice to do it the nature way...... once you test the p****y you will never go back
I think you’re lying.
It think you’ve had your dick sucked, but you realise that nullifies your argument for only putting your dick into vaginas.
Strength in what is needed!
Bonface Kaseyama
it was Too intelligent for this crew,
But yes, every child and old people who has correct mind understands that perfectly easy. …
Vaata veel

Bonface Kaseyama
Bonface Kaseyama Rule 5. No hate speech. We're using the Facebook definition, which is
Yes it's madness and demonic I say it's wrong so it's wrong 😂🤓

Sâint Charles Greatness Shammah
and who put you in charge?
homosexuality... maybe just because their brains confuse to usability of their pen*s... 😄
No. Nor does the Bible condemn it. Jesus never says anything about homosexuality.
No, it occurs in the animal world,and humans are animals. Do religious people also think it’s wrong when monkeys and dolphins are homosexual I wonder?
I mean if everyone was before our current scientific understanding it would have threatened the continuation of our species. I also don't think it should be instantly forced by adults if suspected, however I don't think it should be forced away either…
Vaata veel
May be an image of üks või mitu inimest ja Tekst, mis ütleb 'god after he put the male g spot up his outt and then made it a sin to be gay Nice one God'
Pardon a potentially preconceived comment, and the by all means this is not meant to be racist, but I see that most of the homophobic comments are coming from people that seem to live or come from the African continent.
Especially compared to other su…
Vaata veel
Of course not. Being gay is just as natural as being straight.
A couple of questions for straight people who have a problem with gay people who use these questions, flipped, to justify being straight:…
Vaata veel
Health, it's an informal sex when they mate
was jesus not gay ?
Why do we think it matters what anyone else thinks about someone else's sexual orientation? Deny it if you will, but behind closed doors. We are ALL little freaks under the sheets in our own Individual Ways.
No disrespect but the list of reasons is so serious, seriously long and gross that is not even appropriate to share in so unregulated platforms as this social media here, besides,
Would You care to share
for now what you already have found, …
Vaata veel
it has been a taboo for tens of thousands of years
I do not think it is okay because of both the Bible and my personal opinion. However, I don’t really care, go ahead if you want to practice it... I know that it is a sin and it condemns you to hell... however, it gets wrong when everyone tries to push …
Vaata veel
Nope, there is no other reason for homosexuality being wrong outside of what the Bible says despite the fact some of God's most chosen people in the Bible were in fact themselves homosexuals.
It's not natural.
By nature, men and women are suppose to be married. …
Vaata veel
Homosexuality is wrong in all aspects.
I am going to close comments til we get this sorted out.
Administraator lülitas selle postituse kommenteerimise välja.








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