Veidruste Otsing

Thursday, April 22, 2021

no disrespect



    Is there a reason for homosexuality being wrong outside of what the Bible says?
    98 Answers
    592 kommentaari

  • It doesn't promote human population growth. That's all that I can think of....
    And we could probably do with a little less population growth.

    Pretty much everything else than vaginal intercourse between two fertile people does not promote human population growth. 😂

    Gay genes boost fertility
    Gay genes boost fertility

  • Good point.
    I vaguely remember reading this some years ago. Very interesting stuff 👍

  • Jolene Ulrich Garrettson
    pederasty supporters & LGBD i remember reading, as whole ideology do not support the "ideology of genes" or race,
    as communists and Leninist demand in these new-age-roman-empire-s days.

      • Vasta
      • 1m

  • No disrespect but the list of reasons is so serious, seriously long and gross that is not even appropriate to share in so unregulated platforms as this social media here, besides,
    Would You care to share
    for now what you already have found,
    reasons that Your questions indicate,s if you have not found few, perhaps You should not even bring this kind of dirt in to questioning here ?

    You should give us your best one and we'll go from there 😉

  • Historical reference focus on Roman Empire, for example and other psychopathic killing machines and nihilists that battle against life. Literally..

  • Steve Saur
    Good for start ?
    Ask Your grandfather, what i meant, if you lack one, ask from some ones other grandfather, as long they here, still ,to tellyou, how it is.

  • Historical reference focus on Roman Empire, for example and other psychopathic killing machines and nihilists that battle against life. Literally.. <--- either this is nonsensical craziness or your translation is terrible. retype in your native language and I'll translate it myself

  • Steve Saur
    You first make it sound like you come up with some new kind of real question (whits is not)
    and then You pretend illiterate logic free uneducated brat who is unable to process what words mean,
    ONly thin " nonsensical craziness " here, is You proposed "question"
    Did You even realize what kind of insult for a human species is that, what You considered to be "clever question" ?
    Most likely not, unless you one of them, are you ?

  • Again feel free to type it in your native language and I can properly respond unless anyone else here understands what's written above?

  • I'm not saying they arent all words, it just has little to nothing to do with the OP's question.

  • Steve Saur
    So lets try then Your low level, as clearly you not in the level of understanding language and higher thoughts, but it is alright, God has given everyone their own level of intelligence and ability to see and understand, there is for example brain donors who read old testament ending, in Malakia, and still asking "so what is what God want us to do ?"
    So for first,
    Look @ that video @ least 3 times,
    And do not rush to answer before it's done, and think few minutes in between, so slow or not slow brain can actually be ready for next run and remember what are You looking for and why,
    Whole process should take about 30-35 minutes, just for the videos, minimum, do not attempt to answer before, and this estimate is even for ordinary proper people with working brain and soul.
    And real interest, so just giving You a credit and hoping for best, we assume, you not too slow, in all arias.
    So first my one of the favorite conservative artist GAGA video with plenty of Ques with out "hard to understand words" of mine... :
    But it might be that You just a non human already, this is why You unable to understand natural human language.
    But perhaps pop media language that has been processed by hundreds of millions of brains, should click in to your understanding more easy and faster.
    For example focus in video on to the black and white roman man to man domination back-round dance scene or the toy soldier scene in bed,
    i mean it is made also for kids , for to be understandable, so You found your way here, you should be able to.
    Lady Gaga - Alejandro
    Lady Gaga - Alejandro
    Lady Gaga - Alejandro

    • Vasta
    • Eemalda eelvaade
    • 12 min

  • My another favorite conservative right minded rightful fighter of justice from Christian family,
    has video in here, this one is less deeper,
    in case GaGA was Too much for you (its forgivable , specially if you was programmed in parallel timeline movements in direction that assumed, these girls to be supportive to sick life attitudes or alienistic " innovations ")
    In there for example start point (as seems , yu got trouble with it, so we can help) can be the pentagram stars on the dude chest and the fact that one needs to drink before being with a woman (but anyone knows it is big sin to be with woman when you are spirited with another beings through alcohol sharing your woman body and help to other forces break in to Her.
    Katy Perry - Ur So Gay (Official)
    Katy Perry - Ur So Gay (Official)
    Katy Perry - Ur So Gay (Official)

    • Vasta
    • Eemalda eelvaade
    • 8 min

  • Steve Saur
    it is kind of strange, that on 21 st century you still ask questions like this, is like you have no books or internet access (or perhaps, as it seems, just reading disability... as i got writing disability apparently, perhaps you got the reading disability, this is why you still searching the so elementary answers.. and it is novel guest.. what you do..
    We hope
    No disrespect,
    As if you are anti-lifer, then you will take a road to end of your life trip yourself, as we will end it.
    Besides, the beings about what You asked,
    is abomination to a fashion and to value system as whole,
    But mostly one thing you can be sure, they messed up a planet & kings fashion.

  • Vasta


Gabe Brocklebank
I guess first You have to at least vaguely start to understand why it is "wrong in a bible" .. its like imagining that apples are food because in bible it is told it is food,
.. it was food outside of bible and would be food with out a bible and will be before and after that,
same is with the things that are wrong in so dark level, is not because "it is in a bible" but just because it is, just is , for starters.

And if you still do not want to figure it out, (unless You just ask from me so you can answer to some other people..( then re-ask from me in private, in direct message) then just live to the end of your life as You feel like it, as you do anyway, and worry not about it,
talk not about it, as at least then you do more good, not spreading around in food tale with directing your farts in there asking from random people:
is that smelly for you =? Is it bad, why so, give reasons = ?

This is the level of de-generated brain activity or arrogance to come in places and ask questions like that after-they have been answered and explained in all levels , more then thousands of times. Just saying off the head.

And to think You know bible just by reading bible only, without study of Jewish related materials and pray to ask clear images from God, to understand better what is about what....
to hope just to "know it" by reading it as story book....
is like reading the TV Program Guide and hope you got Netflix experience from it.

Spoiler: you can not.

Stay healthy, in heart, mind and on our words.





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